
Earn 12% plus APY of XRP on Moonfarm

Today, I would like to share the very high APY of #XRP . It is #Moonfarm . DYOR though, you may want to try as it is more than 12 % APY.

As you can see below, I started from 4000 XRP. Earning day by day!!

Join here. https://app.moonfarm.finance/register/toton_fire


How to invest

The #moonfarm is accepting only BSC for XRP. Not a generic XRP network. Please be noted.

What I did was 1. I sent my XRP to Binance 2. then, sent the XRP from the Binance to the moonfarm. That's it. Simple. Unlike the Eth, XRP fee was fairly cheep, so no need to fear of the gas fee!!!


It was 0.5 XRP when I withdraw my XRP. A bit higher comparing to the generic XRP network. 


When deposit, the fund was reflected in the moonfarm very soon. Very quick.

Auto Harvesting

The moonfarm harvests the earned XRP daily basis. And re-stake them day by day automatically. Very handy and very profitable too.



They have an e-mail contact but so far the preferred way looks to access the telegram.


Insurance / custody service

At the moment, I could not confirm it unfortunately. However according to the info, they have been taking the audit. 

Other tokens

Moonfarm supports other tokens too. For example #eth in bep20 #USDT in BSC and Polygon #USDC in ERC20 and Polygon with higher APY.




Why don't you stand from small amount of your asset?

DYOR though, we may need to take some risks in order to double your money! But again, do NOT spend all your asset here. I am also taking the balance.

Just have a look. Only seeing is free.


Let me know if you open the account

If you please open the account via my referral, then please let me know with the screenshot below. I would like to show my gratitude. (not such big amount though)

