
"Introduction of 【Torimunenikun】"

"Nice to meet you, I go by the name Torimune Nikun.

I have a peculiar fondness for the combination of cute girls and rugged machinery or weaponry.

I'll be creating lots of illustrations that cater to this quirk using image-generating AI. I'm also streaming on YouTube, playing games like Minecraft.

On note, I plan to share unpublished illustrations and  prompts to foster creativity.

My aim is to delight those who share the same hobbies through my illustrations, and for those who also generate AI illustrations, I hope to share information that contributes to their technical improvement.

Your support would be a great encouragement for me. Furthermore, I plan to expand the scope of my activities in the future, and your contributions will certainly be put towards that.

I will continue to provide entertainment that you all can enjoy, so thank you in advance for your support (´꒳`)"
