Google Bard(AI)にTOEICのハイレベル単語つかって英会話つくってもらいました。

Two friends, Akiko and Kenji, are getting ready to go on a drive together.

Akiko: Kenji, are you ready to embark upon our sojourn?
Kenji: Sure, I'm just about finished donning my coat.
Akiko: (looking at the weather forecast on her phone) It looks like it's going to be a glorious day for a drive.
Kenji: I know, right? I can't wait to get out of the urban sprawl and enjoy the fresh air.
Akiko: Where do you want to go?
Kenji: I was thinking we could drive up to the mountains and go for a rambling.
Akiko: That sounds like a capital idea. I dote on rambling.
Kenji: Me too.
Akiko: (opening the car door) Let's go forth!
(They get in the car and drive off.)
On the drive:
Akiko: So, what have you been up to lately?
Kenji: Not much. I've been immersed in work, but I'm finally getting a reprieve this weekend.
Akiko: That's good. You deserve it.
Kenji: Thanks. I'm looking forward to rejuvenating myself and spending some time with you.
Akiko: Me too.
Kenji: (pointing to the mountains in the distance) Look at that! The mountains are so picturesque.
Akiko: They are. They're even more picturesque in person.
(They drive in silence for a while, contemplating the scenery.)
Kenji: (turning to Akiko) So, what do you want to do when we get to the mountains?
Akiko: I don't know. We could go for a rambling, or we could just relax and appreciate the scenery.
Kenji: I think we should go for a rambling. It's a glorious day for it.
Akiko: Okay, sounds good to me.
(They arrive at the mountains. They get out of the car and start rambling.)
On the rambling:
Akiko: (looking at the view from the top of the mountain) This is astonishing!
Kenji: I know, right? It's so tranquil.
Akiko: I could stay here indefinitely.
Kenji: Me too.
(They sit down and marvel at the view for a while.)
Kenji: (turning to Akiko) I'm so glad we came here.
Akiko: Me too. This is the pinnacle of ways to spend a day with friends.
(They continue rambling for a while longer, then they head back to the car.)
On the way home:
Akiko: (looking at the sunset) That was the culmination of a perfect day.
Kenji: I know, right? I'm so glad we got to spend this time together.
Akiko: Me too. I'll never forget this day.
(They arrive back home.)
(The end.)

  • embark (出発する)

  • sojourn (旅行)

  • don (着る)

  • glorious (輝かしい)

  • get out of the urban sprawl (都会から離れる)

  • fresh air (新鮮な空気)

  • rambling (散歩)

  • capital idea (素晴らしい考え)

  • dote (溺愛する)

  • go forth (出発する)

  • immersed (没頭する)

  • respite (休息)

  • rejuvenate (活力を取り戻す)

  • contemplate (熟考する)

  • picturesque (絵のように美しい)

  • appreciate (鑑賞する)

  • astonishing (驚くべき)

  • tranquil (静け)

  • indefinitely (永遠に)

  • marvel (驚嘆する)

  • pinnacle (頂点)

  • culmination (集大成)
