TORAO & Michael

TORAO: Hey, Michael. What took you so long?

Michael: (panting) Sorry, TORAO. I got lost on the way here.

TORAO: (sighs) Typical Michael. Always late and never prepared.

Michael: (irritated) Hey, I didn't ask for your opinion, TORAO.

TORAO: (defensive) I'm just saying, if we're going to catch this guy, we need to work together.

Michael: (sarcastic) Yeah, I'm sure your great detective skills will be the key to our success.

TORAO: (annoyed) You know what, Michael? I'm tired of your attitude. Maybe you should go look for the suspect on your own.

Michael: (angry) Fine, I will. I don't need you slowing me down anyway.

And so, TORAO and Michael split up to search for the dangerous criminal. But as they searched the city, they both realized that they needed each other's help to catch the suspect.

TORAO: (on the radio) Michael, do you copy? I think I found a lead.

Michael: (on the radio) Roger that, TORAO. I'm on my way.

TORAO: (smiling) Good. Let's catch this guy together.

Michael: (smiling) Yeah, let's do it.

And with TORAO's detective skills and Michael's street smarts, they were able to track down the criminal and bring him to justice.

TORAO: (proudly) Nice work, Michael. We make a pretty good team, don't we?

Michael: (grinning) Yeah, I guess we do. Maybe I was wrong about you, TORAO.

TORAO: (surprised) Really? You're not just saying that?

Michael: (sincere) No, I mean it. You're a pretty good detective.

TORAO: (blushing) Thanks, Michael. I think you're a pretty good partner too.

And so, TORAO and Michael's friendship grew stronger as they continued to work together as partners in the police force. Though they had their differences, they knew that they could always count on each other to have their backs.

Words & Phrases.

  • suspect: 疑わしい人物

  • leads: 手掛かり

  • detective: 刑事

  • armed: 武装した

  • dangerous: 危険な

  • radios: 無線

  • bickering: 口論

  • prepared: 準備ができた

  • detective skills: 刑事のスキル、捜査能力

  • street smarts: 街頭での生活知識、知恵

  • track down: 追跡して捕まえる

  • justice: 正義、公正

  • partnership: パートナーシップ、協力関係

  • friendship: 友情

  • differences: 相違点、違い

  • count on: 頼りにする、信頼する
