
ChatGPTプロンプトの力を発見 Discover the Power of ChatGPT Prompts

Discover the Power of ChatGPT Prompts

Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplashアンスプラッシュのジョナサン・ケンパーによる写真

What are ChatGPT prompts?

ChatGPT prompts are brief, conversational messages intended to elicit a response from the user. These prompts can help build interesting and tailored scenarios.
ChatGPT プロンプトは、ユーザーからの応答を引き出すことを目的とした短い会話形式のメッセージです。これらのプロンプトは、興味深く仕立てられたシナリオを構築するのに役立ちます。

Advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques are used to make ChatGPT prompts, which help robots understand and respond to human language.
高度な自然言語処理 (NLP) 技術を使用して ChatGPT プロンプトを作成し、ロボットが人間の言語を理解して応答するのに役立ちます。

This is done by training machine learning models on huge sets of human language to figure out patterns and context.

These models are then used to make answers that sound natural and like they came from a person.

Questions, remarks, greetings, and orders are examples of ChatGPT prompts.
質問、発言、挨拶と注文は ChatGPT プロンプトの例です。

The capacity of ChatGPT prompts to create a fluid and natural conversation that seems like it’s being held with a person makes them so powerful.

By using customized prompts for each user, conversational AI can offer a more engaging and meaningful experience that makes users happy and keeps them coming back.

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Why are ChatGPT prompts important?

ChatGPT prompts provide natural-language replies to user inputs based on massive volumes of data on which they have been trained.
ChatGPT プロンプトは、それらが訓練されてる大量のデータに基づいてユーザー入力への自然言語返答を提供します。

ChatGPT is a language model that generates human-like answers to a given prompt using deep learning methods.
ChatGPT は深層学習方法を使って所定の入力要求メッセージへの人のような答えを生み出す言語型式です。

Before making a response, ChatGPT looks at the input prompt and uses that information to build a context.
応答をする前に、 ChatGPT は入力プロンプトを見て、文脈構築のためその情報を使います。

The context assists the model in comprehending the meaning and purpose of the question.


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