
【ご寄付のご報告】Soi Dog Faoundationへの寄付に関しまして





「タンブンってなに?」 | 今月の日本語パートナーズ』という記事によりますと、
またこの徳(ブン)を積む行為(英語ではmake maritというそうです)は本人だけでなく他に人から贈ることもできるそうです。そのため、タイ沼では推しの名前で寄付活動を行うことがさかんに行われているとのこと。

タイの仏教|wikipedia より)

そこで当FCではファンミーティングのお祝いとしてMii2ふたりの名前で寄付活動を行いたいと考え、他のタイ俳優さんのJFC様の寄付活動も参考にさせていただき、今回は皆様から寄付を募りSoi Dog Foundationに寄付を行わせていただきました。



実は最初、寄付先としてまず浮かんだのはTommyくんもTシャツのモデルをつとめている「Happy Doggy」だったのですが、寄付をさせていただきたいというご連絡をしてみましたがお返事をいただけなかったこともありSoi Dog様へ寄付することにさせていただきました。またこれらの連絡などにより時間がかかってしまい、寄付の募集期間が短くなってしまい大変失礼しました。


寄付先のSoi Dog Foundation様に、当FCの寄付の意図(Mii2のファンミーティングのサポートとして2人の名義で寄付をしたい)をお伝えしてご理解いただき、当FCからのギフトレシートとしてJimmyくんとTommyくんふたりの名前で寄付の領収書を発行していただくことができました。

ファンミーティングまであと数日という時間のないなか、早々にギフトレシートを発行していただくなどSoi Dog様には大変親切にしていただきました。ありがとうございました🙏

コロナの影響によりボランティアや寄付金も少なく現在Soi Dog様は厳しい状況におかれているそうです。今回皆様からお寄せいただいたご寄付が少しでもタイにおける動物保護活動の助けになるよう願っております。

こちらがSoi Dog様からいただいた領収書になります。




皆様のご協力によりふたりの名前で寄付をさせていただいたことは、タイ現地のFCであるMii2•Rhythm様(https://twitter.com/Mii2Rhythm)やBe my TOMMY様(https://twitter.com/BMTMMY)にお伝えしました。






合計で54,000円となりましたので、Soi Dog様はドルでの寄付を受け付けておりましたので、ドルに換算し、切りのいい数字である500ドル(54,958円)を、寄付を締め切った翌日に、Soi Dog様のWebサイト(https://www.soidog.org/)よりPayPalで振り込み手続きさせていただきました。








最後に、少し長くなりますが寄付へのお礼としてSoi Dog様からいただいたメールを下記に添付しておきます。

Soi Dog Foundationからお礼のメールをいただきました

Dear ●●

Thank you so much for your generous donation.
I am happy to say that Phuket Province is now open to the rest of Thailand by road and air after weeks of nobody being allowed in or out of the province. The international airport remains closed however and there has been no indication of when international passengers will once again be allowed to enter Thailand, other than a possible very limited scheme for people wanting to stay at least a month and be in quarantine for the first 2 weeks which I don’t see being very popular! The Government are indicating they will not allow tourists in generally until a vaccine is available which means I believe at least next year. This would mean very few visitors and volunteers and few international adoptions being completed and we have over 100 animals waiting to fly. This of course is causing more issues with accommodation here. We have opened 7 new runs and another two underway but then that would be it with the current site.
We have just secured additional land which is looking to be more and more essential the longer we go on like this. I am desperate not to have to close our doors to animals that need us.
I have done a couple of sponsored walks myself, and the funds I raised from those will go towards sending some of our adopted animals by cargo. This is far more expensive than them travelling with flight volunteers, but 25 dogs going to new homes equates to the population of one of our runs.

We continue to see a big increase in abandoned pets as both Thais and foreigners leave Phuket. And of course, with businesses, restaurants and hotels all now closed, there is far less availability of food and water for homeless animals. Some stories are particularly sad. 2 dogs adopted from us by a Chinese lady in 2016 were brought back this week as her business has collapsed and she has to return to China. Sadly China are not allowing pets into the country at this time. We continue to distribute food to volunteers who are feeding dogs and cats who have lost their traditional food source, but abandoned pets have no idea how to survive on the streets.

We had another large truck load arrive last week from Bangkok and this was loaded immediately to a fleet of our vehicles who deliver food to temples and volunteer feeders throughout the province.
You can read about this in the Thai media. For example https://thethaiger.com/news/phuket/soi-dog-foundation-distributes-over-11-tonnes-of-food-to-stray-animal-feeders-across-phuket

Good news for some dogs though with the Indian state of Nagaland announcing a ban on dog meat in the state, and then our friends at End Dog Meat Cambodia, who we support financially, announcing that the the authorities in Siem Reap have banned dog meat in the city.

Recent bans in Seoul of dog meat markets are encouraging, and our posters and bus ads in the city we know have had an impact on these decisions. We have taken the decision to push ahead and launch a full blown campaign aimed at stopping the dog and cat meat trade in Vietnam. A letter to the prime minister was delivered last week, and we have now received authorisation from the Vietnamese embassy in Bangkok, and the Thai embassy in Hanoi, to have a full survey carried out on all premises involved in the selling and/or slaughter of dogs and cats for food, by the Vietnamese Department of animal health, with our representative in Hanoi in attendance. We hope that can start next month. The purpose is to show the full extent of what is happening just in Hanoi. The Government have followed China in saying they will ban wildlife trading, but unlike the Chinese have not mentioned dogs and cats at all.
The Vietnam TV series we financed in 2018, that was broadcast last year in Vietnam, clearly shows the corruption and cruelty involved, as well as the health hazards. A previous study on remains of dogs slaughtered in Hanoi we also financed showed a significant number were carrying rabies.

The Chinese authorities now agree they still have no idea at the moment which species of animal introduced Covid 19, and have put a temporary ban on such markets, and it was good to read that they are looking to ban the wild animal trade, and the cities of Shuenzen and now Zhuhai have banned dog and cat meat as well. The Chinese Government have announced for the first time that they recognise cats and dogs as companion animals and not as food. Time will tell but we hope this is beginning of the end for Dog and cat meat in China. Eating dogs and cats is dangerous, just as much as eating wildlife, and the authorities do have just cause to ban the live slaughter of all animals in such places. We have written to the World Health Organisation, OIE and the Food and Agriculture Division of the United Nations, calling on them to use their influence to ask for an end to the slaughter of all animals at open markets, but unfortunately the World Health Organisation has stated that such markets are needed in the third world. If nothing is done then for sure more outbreaks of new diseases will occur. They say out of something bad something good always occurs so lets hope this is the case here.

At the risk of repeating myself, as I look back over the past 16 years, I would never have thought it would be possible that today, we are directly treating and helping more animals than any organisation in the world to our knowledge, and this is all down to the support of people like yourself. Back in 2004 we sterilised just over 1,000 dogs and cats utilising overseas volunteer vets with Gill, Margot and myself acting as dog catchers and nurses.
In 2019 together we spayed and neutered nearly 120,000 dogs and cats, including over 100,000 dogs alone, something we have never achieved before, and well over half of these operations were carried out in Bangkok, where just 5 years ago we had no presence at all. We currently have six full time mobile clinics operating in the Bangkok area alone. We also now sterilise or finance operations throughout different regions of Thailand and an eighth team started work in August. This is in addition to the thousands more animals being treated at our hospitals and by our community outreach teams.
I am happy to report that our sterilisation campaign is back on target after the COVID restrictions stopped our Bangkok mobile teams from working for 3 months. We shall hit 500,000 animals sterilised since we began sometime in December barring unforeseen circumstances, with nearly 250,000 of those in just the last 2 years. I hope I am not appearing to brag when pointing out that despite our relatively small size, we now treat (including sterilisation operations) more animals than any organisation anywhere in the world. Over 3,000 sick and injured dogs and cats have been admitted so far this year into our hospitals, and many more treated on site by our community outreach teams. That simply would not be possible without the wonderful support we get from people like yourself.

The new cat hospital is now coping with the increasing number of cats in Phuket. As I forecast many years ago, as the number of stray dogs decreases, the number of cats has exploded, and in Phuket we now sterilise more cats than dogs. In other parts of Thailand the focus is still very much on dogs as they are seen as the problem here.

Construction of the new education centre is now complete and will cater to tthe increasing number of children we are reaching each and every month, although this too was halted temporarily with the COVID-19 restrictions. I still firmly believe that large scale sterilisation and humane education is the answer to the stray dog problem here and throughout Asia.

All these successes are down to supporters like yourself. You have enabled us to save the lives of thousands of desperate animals and prevent the suffering of literally millions more.
A long way to go before we achieve our mission of no more stray animals, and of course raising the funds to do more work is increasingly difficult with no visitors or volunteers from overseas, but thanks to people like yourself we are making a huge impact here in Thailand and beyond.

Best wishes and thank you again for your support!


John Dalley MBE