

2020年5月7日に暁のごとく配信されたトチカガミの最新三部作アルバム”DAWN COLOR CROSSWALK”。この三部作には"Melodic Gentleman!!"への憧れが詰まっているというが、それでも客観的には全て描ききれていないという。この大量の作品にまつわる創作秘話を伺いながら、TOCHIKAGAMIの内面から沸き立つ、とある一人のその確固たる信念のうねりの中に見えがくれするベース音にヒントを得ながら、ふと現代に焦点を戻した時、この愛しさの地平にて大地を潤す歓喜の涙に感謝しているような、そんな愛を思い出させてくれるウィットに富んだ香り成分を僅かにでも感じ取ることを試みたい。

インタビュアー :  ヘキルキョ・ミューロッホ・ピヒッハミャオーン氏



トチカガミ(以下と):  こんにちは!




と:はい。Roland FA-08というシンセサイザーを購入したのが2017年の2月で、しばらくはピアノとしてクラシック曲などを練習したりしていました。








__具体的な曲の話なんですが「Clearing Mind」という5曲だけがまた、全然趣の異なる楽曲になっていますですがこれはいかにしてこのようになったのですかな?







と:あぁ、そうね。それ最初はそのままだったんですが、曲数が多くて3枚にしようと思いまして。それで2枚目は「TOCHIKAGAMIRROR」、3枚目はどうしましょって思いまして。それで「TOCHIKAGAMYSTERY」とか「TOCHIKAGAMEME」「TOCHIKAGAMINUTES」とか考えたんですけれども、もともと「明け方一番地」っていうアイデアを思いつきまして、そこから「DAWN COLOR CROSSWALK」と、こうなりました。

と:さて、ここでクイズです。今回この「DAWN COLOR CROSSWALK」という三部作の名前は、ある世界的に非常に有名なロックバンドのアルバムのジャケットからヒントを得て名付けています。











































Tochikagami's latest trilogy album "DAWN COLOR CROSSWALK" was delivered like a dawn on May 7, 2020. This trilogy is filled with a longing for "Melodic Gentleman! but he says that objectively, it's not all done. While listening to the secret story behind the creation of this large amount of work, I would like to take a hint from the bass sound that appears in the swell of one person's firm conviction that bubbles up from within TOCHIKAGAMI, and when I return the focus to the present day, I would like to try to feel, if only for a moment, the witty scent that reminds me of such love, as if I am grateful for the tears of joy that moisten the earth on the ground of love.

Interviewer: Mr. Hekirchikyo Muroch Pichhammermyaoon


__Hello, Tochikagami.

Tochikagami (と): Hello!

__Oh, I'd like to ask you a few questions right away. Yes, is there any reason why you have released three new works this year?

と: Yes. This time, I was able to put together a lot of music consistently, and I also had an unexpected feeling that I wanted people to listen to it, and TUNECORE, who I've been using until now, announced a free campaign. These are the three.

__I see. By the way, I don't really know what people think of them, but I wonder if this large number of works were really created in recent years.

と: Yes, I bought a synthesizer called Roland FA-08 in February 2017, and for a while I was practicing classical music as a piano.
I have been working on the instrumentals for this album since March 2019.

__However, as you say, there may be some people who are thinking, "Isn't it a little difficult for one person to mass-produce a product speedily while maintaining that kind of quality?

と: No, well, if you listen carefully, you will understand. There are times when I'm so immersed that I can't stop, but I think it's because I'm keeping each song short or not doing anything relatively difficult.

__Even if that's technically the case, it seems to me that the overall difficulty is high.

と: It may seem complicated because it plays a variety of tones. As you listen to the tones playing behind you, you have no choice but to immediately feel what is "exquisite" and what is "fantastic" as you listen to them. It all comes down to what part of yourself you are impressed by.

と: This may be similar to how we instantly judge whether a sip of juice is sweetened by glucose or acesulfame-K when we take a sip. Maybe it's not the only time you're in contact with music.

__You can't play the flute, can you?

と: The woodwind and horn sections also use the sounds to innocently mimic the music and have fun with it. I was pretty good at playing Dragon Ball on the recorder.

__As for the specific songs, there are 5 songs called "Clearing Mind", which are completely different from the others.

と: Yes. I was wondering what kind of music you can't stop listening to while you're listening to it, so I did a lot of research, and I came up with this one in my own way. I like it quite a bit (laughs). I deliberately started writing this kind of music without touching the sound of the piano from the beginning, okay?

__Great! There are other moments of music that remind me of jazz and ballroom dancing. It's also a completely new musical experience, as if the unique components of that era are strangely appropriate for the present, is there a reason for that?

と: Oh, did you feel that? This is a real mystery to me as well. I used to love listening to LP records of mood songs when I was in elementary school, so there may be a connection. The lack of moody music that I don't really like might have something to do with that, too. While I was making it, I was like, "Oh, the feeling of this music! It's a lot of fun.

__Maybe you don't want to dance for real, do you? I mean, didn't you write it for the dance?

と: No, it's not. I didn't make it for the dance. The progression of the music gradually began to dance. Well, maybe it's an expression of the desire to actually dance. However, I'm starting to feel that the songs always make me dance right away, so I might save a little from now on (laughs).

__Oh, you know what? Why wasn't the title of the album called "INSTOCHIKAGAMIRUMENTAL"?

と: Oh, yeah. It was the same at first, but there were so many songs that we decided to make a trilogy. So the second one is TOCHIKAGA-MIRROR, and I started to think of a name for the third one. I thought about a lot of things like TOCHIKAGA-MYSTERY, TOCHIKAGA-MEME, TOCHIKAGA-MINUTES, and so on, but I originally came up with the idea of "Ichiban Akegata," and it developed from there into DAWN COLOR CROSSWALK.

と: Now, here's a quiz. The name of the "DAWN COLOR CROSSWALK" trilogy is inspired by the album cover of a very famous rock band in the world.

__I see what you mean! Oh, yes! You want some apple pie?

と: Nice! This is good, isn't it? Is it an apple pie? Thank you, I'll take it.

と: Well, I'm going to make some tea, please wait!

__Oh, yes, please, come in.


__How in the world did they come up with the title of the song?

と: Based on the title of the song, it was intended to be a title that would allow you to fantasize freely within a song, but the title was more difficult than the songwriting. It's hard to come up with a title that fits the mood of the music I've created! I was worried about whether to give a song a name or not, especially for short songs where the tone keeps changing. But this time, I decided to pack everything I had completed anyway. Basically, they are 1, 2, and 3 in order of completion.

__I think I'm slowly getting used to operating the equipment. Is that so?

__Only the second album of this album has a strangely bad attitude, don't you think?

と: Well, it took me a while to pick out the jacket and shoot it. I've always used floral jackets because I got better shots of tulips on the second and third photos, so I thought it was more my style, but I also thought my assertions were too weak. But in the end, I couldn't get a convincing self-portrait shot, so I chose this one. I thought the fingerboard on this guitar was a good shot. And this hat has been my favorite since I was a college student.

__That's what I'm talking about. Okay. I've got a pretty good idea about the album. And those Wedgwood tea bowls are beautiful!

__So, what do you want to do now?

と: No, I'm feeling a little calmer now that I have two songs to work on, especially after a few days of trying to finish a song I was in the middle of writing. This is a situation that also has an interviewing mentality.

__You're not going to play live?

と: Yes, I'm thinking of planning a live show at the moment. However, if the emotion of a live performance is no longer the sound, but the movement that touches the heart, then I am very concerned about how virtual technology will develop so that the true value of a live performance can be realized.

__ I guess so. I think it has the potential for an explosion of entertainment in both the way it is shown and the way it is seen. I don't know what's going to happen. I wonder if the 3D of the TV was too avant-garde.

__You don't post much on Twitter, do you?

と: Yes. I've been looking at it often, and it's very nice that everyone is mumbling so happily. I'm still saying, "Good morning 😃!" is. I may mumble something in the future.

__Don't you do tiktok or something?

と: tiktok interesting. It's very short and full of points. And I'm trying to think of something that I could express in my own way. In other words, it's more of a work, it's more live, it's more thought-provoking, it's more difficult, it's more catchy. I thought it would be fun to have short music. Yes, it's like a musical experience comparable to the view. I'm experimenting with different settings on my equipment at the moment. The appearance is quiet, but we will be sending out some kind of message, so please be patient and don't worry.

__It's not like you don't watch TV at all, right?

と: I'm not in the habit of watching much anymore, but for a long time the TV in my living room was a 14-inch Trinitron. I just watched what I had recorded from time to time. So in 2011, I bought a 42" TV and TV stand with my part-time money without consulting my family, and my father told me to go back to the store and return it, and there was a fuss. Eventually, there was a World Athletics afterwards and fortunately my family and I were able to be moved by the big screen. I later learned from my mom that when we were remodeling the house, we were going to replace the TV.

__Are you the kind of person who pushes the buy button on the online store quite often?

と: That's right, past tense. It might have been. The iMac in the living room, the polyphony of YAMAHA, and the far-infrared Stove are about three, and the hair dryer that I bought for my sister seemed to use it forcibly, but recently I finally changed it by myself.

__do you do any exercise?

と: Yes. That's right. I just started running at the same time I started making music for this piece. Now, I do run along the way, but it's mostly walking. I walked for about an hour and a half, which is 7.3km.

と: I used to be the type of person who doesn't dare to show up because I'm always worried about what people will think of me, but I feel that regular exercise is helping me to relax my brain.

__What's your family like?

と: Well, my mother likes to do laundry, so she moves around the house every day. I am more like my mother in terms of personality, but I am very sensitive to the sound of my mother washing the dishes. My father has been fly fishing the Tone River at this time of year, and he's trying to catch a trout called a big yamame. My sister is a cook and now works in a bakery, but her skill at making sweets may be quite exquisite territory. I think she's still good at drawing. She also listens to music very occasionally.

__Well, I see... yes, that's about it.

__So... what do you see for the future?

と: That's right. From now on, it's all about sales. I don't have any sales skills at all. Nevertheless, as one of the bare creative living against the backdrop of this era, I was able to say at the end of the performance, "What? Isn't it a little long? I'd like to make music that resonates with entertainment to the core of your body, as if you're leaving the stage with a deep, dignified bow.

__That's very emotional, oh, thank you so much!

と: Thank you very much for asking.


Comments from Mr. Hekirchikyo Muroch Pichhammermyaoon

This is the first time I've been interviewed by Tochikagami. It's my guess, but I got the impression that the songwriting was probably improvised and played out with a lot of momentum. There was no doubt that there was a past of extreme tension that was so thin and fragile that it was difficult to understand and delicate and invisible in the few words that were said about the family. I was convinced that this was reflected in the music as it was. It was a great learning experience for me personally. We'll continue to keep an eye on his creations.


This time, we were interviewed by Mr. Hekirchikyo Muroch Pichhammermyaoon, a writer who meticulously captures the world's music scene based on his diverse musical experiences, and a projectionist in the sacred forest of cheerful.

※The content of the interview responses is true.
