
Ocarina of Time 25th Anniversary STC(Short Task Competition) Description


STC is to beat the Task under same condition and compete runners times.
Reference(previous STC result vedeo):https://youtu.be/liyEhHMe2BQ 
If you want to join STC, submit the video to me until 22/11/2023(JST).
DO NOT discuss about routing and DO NOT running/routing on streaming because I want to give importance to routing stuff.
JP description : https://note.com/tkc_tloz/n/n289c23a505bc



Read 25 different Navi's texts with C up


  • Time starts on selecting the specified file

  • Time ends on the frame that last character of 25th navi's text appeared


  • Navi's text that appears automatically (e.g. before Moblins in SFM) and text with A button DO NOT count.

  • Count as one even if multiple text boxes appear in one navi call.

  • You can count another one if even one character anywhere in the text is different.


  • No RBA and SRM

  • Version/platform specific tricks and glitches are allowed

  • Save warp is allowed

  • All official platforms and versions are allowed, emulators the practice rom, and and other unofficial releases are not allowed.

Starting File

Route of creating starting file

  • Sword and shield then forest escape (Pokey escape)

  • Go to kakariko and cucco bottle

  • Navi dive into bottom of the well, and get bombchu with ocarina dive(DO NOT get a stick from pot)

  • Go to Temple of Time, and get master sword with door of time skip

  • Save warp and go to kakariko via field

  • Go to graveyard and get bugs from a rock

  • Get hylian shield from grave chest

  • Do dampe race and get hookshot

  • Get red rupees from the pot in dampe's grave until 99 rupees(DO NOT get a nut from the pot on the right side)

  • Save warp and go to Ganon's castle

  • Reduce the number of bombchu to 3

  • Save and make this file starting from Temple of Time

Equipment 1
Equipment 2


  • You can set C items in advance (empty C is allowed)

  • DO NOT watch intro cutscene of other places in advance

About submission

  • Use Google Drive for submission and send me the url link of it via DM of discord (tkc014) or twitter(@tkc_tloz)

  • Record only the game screen(4:3) and game audio

  • The deadline for submission is 22/11/2023 (JST)

  • You can re-submit as many times as you like within the submission deadline


  • I would like each participant to consider his/her own route, so if you have any questions or concerns about this STC, please ping to me personally

  • If you have any other questions about creating file or how to do tricks related to this STC, please feel free to contact me
