
How to buy TIGET tickets

You can buy tickets with credit cards. The available brands are Visa/Master/JCB/American Express/Dinners Club.

1. Go to Event page

Go to the Event page where you want to buy tickets. Click on the ticket button to proceed to your purchase process. On smartphone, you can watch the ticket button after click on the blue button below the page.

If you are not logged in, please Log in . To register as a new user, please see Register as a new user.

2. Fill out the form

Please fill out the form to buy tickets. If no changes, click on the confirmation button.

3. Enter your credit card information

Please enter your credit card information. If you are already registered with credit cards, you can choose your card here.

4. Confirm your purchase and get your tickets

After you confirmed your purchase, you can get your tickets. At any time, you can watch your tickets from your My page.
