
The Best Hidden Story About The Latest Trend – I Can't Adult Today

Have you ever felt so stressful that you want to stop being an adult for a day or two? How about wearing an “I can't adult today” shirt and see how the world reacts?

Like it or not, responsibilities are a part of our daily lives.Not only do we have to take care of ourselves, but we also have to fend for other people.

But there are days when you feel so sick and tired of all the burden.And suddenly, you wish to stop acting your age.The best way to deliver this message to the world is through a cool shirt with an “I can't adult today ”graphic.

Do you want to learn more about this slang and its relevant merchandise? Stay with us!

The story behind “I can't adult today”
I can't adult today is an amusing phrase – rumored to be originated from the Millenials – to express a person's will to get rid of their burdens and start living carefree. But little do people know that this trend could be traced back to 2011.

July of 2011 witnessed the birth of adultingblog.tumblr.com, a personal blog by Kelly Williams Brown.Here, she uploaded plenty of posts, mainly focusing on how to lead an adult-like lifestyle.The topic was versatile and useful, ranging from tips to clean a person's bedroom to instructions on how to cook a six-course meal.Posts by posts, Ms.Brown gradually gained a certain number of readers for her blog.

Fast forward to four years later, adultingblog.tumblr.com had become an enormous hit.By the end of 2015, adultingblog.tumblr.com had attracted thousands of comments and reblogs from Tumblr users – which motivated Ms. Brown to publish a brand- new book called Adulting: How to become a grown-up in 468 easy (ish) steps.

The book soon sparked a trend among youngsters, who would use adult and adulting as a verb to express their ability to act their age.Across all social networking sites, the term adulting went viral.People were tweeting and talking about how they have been adulting , including stories on people's progress to be a real grown-up.

[ https://theniceshirts.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/cc-22-113-76033479-340.jpg ]

But then, late in the year of 2018, there came a new trend called “I can’t adult today”. This was reported to be a dominant hashtag on both Instagram and Twitter, which was used mostly by the Millenials to declare they would stop being pushed into doing lots of stuff they opposed to.

More than a year has passed, but the trend is here to stay. Today, the slang “I can’t adult today” still connotes a tongue-in-cheek, yet sarcastic message, that all people have a day when all they want to do is stop caring about responsibilities!

I can’t adult today – a trend or an excuse?
While the majority of youngsters from the age of 18 to 30 find the term “I can’t adult today” amusing and relatable, many people – especially the Baby Boomers – believe it is an excuse to act carelessly.

These Baby Boomers think that youngsters have little to complain about their lives, now that they no longer have to endure the shrinking post-war economy and are entitled to many of the privileges not found during the 20th century.

This opinion soon fueled a heated debate between the two generations. The millennials claim they have been under difficulties that were unbeknownst to the older people.

The toxic political climate, the effects of global warming, the increasingly competitive job market, the exorbitant tuition fees, and student loans, etc. are only few challenges that the Baby Boomers know little about. That is not to mention melancholic depression and mental illnesses – two main factors weighing down the youth’s well-being that are usually brushed off as irrational by the older generation.

Thus – youngsters assert – they have every right to stop adulting for a day and enjoy themselves to the fullest. Who has the strength and vigor to be an adult forever, right?

How companies catch the trend
What started out as a joke soon becomes a worldwide phenomenon. I can’t adult today quickly caught the attention of companies around the globe, who were positive about doing a business out of this trend. And indeed, you can find “I can’t adult today” merchandise pretty much everywhere now.

[ https://theniceshirts.com/shop/funny-t-shirt/products/i-cant-adult-today-tshirt-t-shirt/ ]

From T-shirts to mugs, the slang seems to dominate the scene as the latest motto to live by youngsters. You can see hoodies with the line “I can’t adult today”, coupled with several cute stickers. There are even memes about the phrase that are turned into graphic design to put on clothes. Does it sound amazing?

Final thought
So, what do you say? Would you like to stop holding responsibilities and forcing yourself to do things you dislike for one day? Are you in for a declaration that you need a day off from being a grown-up?

If that is what you have on your mind, we suggest that you take a look at them I can’t adult today shirt collection from The Nice Shirt. Here, you may find plenty of affordable, yet well-designed and highly durable shirts that capture the spirit of being carefree.

Check it out now and tell us what you think in the comment section below!

Have you ever felt so stressful that you want to stop being an adult for a day or two? How about wearing an “I can’t adult today” shirt and see how the world reacts?

Like it or not, responsibilities are a part of our daily lives. Not only do we have to take care of ourselves, but we also have to fend for other people.

But there are days when you feel so sick and tired of all the burden. And suddenly, you wish to stop acting your age. The best way to deliver this message to the world is through a cool shirt with an “I can’t adult today” graphic.

Do you want to learn more about this slang and its relevant merchandise? Stay with us!

The story behind “I can’t adult today”
I can’t adult today is an amusing phrase – rumored to be originated from the Millenials – to express a person’s will to get rid of their burdens and start living carefree. But little do people know that this trend could be traced back to 2011.

July of 2011 witnessed the birth of adultingblog.tumblr.com, a personal blog by Kelly Williams Brown. Here, she uploaded plenty of posts, mainly focusing on how to lead an adult-like lifestyle. The topic was versatile and useful, ranging from tips to clean a person’s bedroom to instructions on how to cook a six-course meal. Posts by posts, Ms. Brown gradually gained a certain number of readers for her blog.

Fast forward to four years later, adultingblog.tumblr.com had become an enormous hit. By the end of 2015, adultingblog.tumblr.com had attracted thousands of comments and reblogs from Tumblr users – which motivated Ms. Brown to publish a brand-new book called Adulting: How to become a grown-up in 468 easy(ish) steps.

The book soon sparked a trend among youngsters, who would use adult and adulting as a verb to express their ability to act their age. Across all social networking sites, the term adulting went viral. People were tweeting and talking about how they have been adulting, including stories on people’s progress to be a real grown-up.

[ https://theniceshirts.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/cc-22-113-76033479-340.jpg ]

But then, late in the year of 2018, there came a new trend called “I can’t adult today”. This was reported to be a dominant hashtag on both Instagram and Twitter, which was used mostly by the Millenials to declare they would stop being pushed into doing lots of stuff they opposed to.

More than a year has passed, but the trend is here to stay. Today, the slang “I can’t adult today” still connotes a tongue-in-cheek, yet sarcastic message, that all people have a day when all they want to do is stop caring about responsibilities!

I can’t adult today – a trend or an excuse?
While the majority of youngsters from the age of 18 to 30 find the term “I can’t adult today” amusing and relatable, many people – especially the Baby Boomers – believe it is an excuse to act carelessly.

These Baby Boomers think that youngsters have little to complain about their lives, now that they no longer have to endure the shrinking post-war economy and are entitled to many of the privileges not found during the 20th century.

This opinion soon fueled a heated debate between the two generations. The millennials claim they have been under difficulties that were unbeknownst to the older people.

The toxic political climate, the effects of global warming, the increasingly competitive job market, the exorbitant tuition fees, and student loans, etc. are only few challenges that the Baby Boomers know little about. That is not to mention melancholic depression and mental illnesses – two main factors weighing down the youth’s well-being that are usually brushed off as irrational by the older generation.

Thus – youngsters assert – they have every right to stop adulting for a day and enjoy themselves to the fullest. Who has the strength and vigor to be an adult forever, right?

How companies catch the trend
What started out as a joke soon becomes a worldwide phenomenon. I can’t adult today quickly caught the attention of companies around the globe, who were positive about doing a business out of this trend. And indeed, you can find “I can’t adult today” merchandise pretty much everywhere now.

[ https://theniceshirts.com/shop/funny-t-shirt/products/i-cant-adult-today-tshirt-t-shirt/ ]

From T-shirts to mugs, the slang seems to dominate the scene as the latest motto to live by youngsters. You can see hoodies with the line “I can’t adult today”, coupled with several cute stickers. There are even memes about the phrase that are turned into graphic design to put on clothes. Does it sound amazing?

Final thought
So, what do you say? Would you like to stop holding responsibilities and forcing yourself to do things you dislike for one day? Are you in for a declaration that you need a day off from being a grown-up?

If that is what you have on your mind, we suggest that you take a look at them I can’t adult today shirt collection from The Nice Shirt. Here, you may find plenty of affordable, yet well-designed and highly durable shirts that capture the spirit of being carefree.

Check it out now and tell us what you think in the comment section below!
