How Stress can Cause Hair Loss

Watching your hair thin or fall out isn't fun, but it's not always due to genetics. Stress can cause your hair to fall out too. Whether it's illness-related stress or stress from regular life demands, it can cause reactions in your body that cause physical issues, such as hair loss.

You may not notice the issue right away as it takes the body a few months to show signs of hair loss. Once the hair loss occurs, it's hard to stop it – the hair must go through an entire cycle in order for the hair to grow back again

Why Stress Causes Hair Loss

Stress-related hair loss is called telogen effluvium. This occurs when stress causes the hair's follicles to stop working – they go into a'resting phase' rather than growing. This causes your hair follicles to quickly move into the'shedding phase' without the additional stimulation of new hair growth.

Sometimes this occurs all over the head and other times it occurs in certain spots, like right at the front of the head or at the center of the scalp. On average, a person with telogen effluvium loses 300 hairs a day compared to the average person that loses 100 hairs per day
