Along the line of love

Of stones laid under the railroad tracks
If you count the number of particles that form a piece

That's more than the number of stones laid on the railroad tracks around the world.


If you multiply the number of stones laid on the railroad tracks around the world by the number of particles that form a piece of stone

It will be just a good number to distribute love.


If this railroad track continues to the distant land of love
It seems that there is still a shortage of stones to be laid.
Finding a lot of love is
The only way to extend the rail
I want to know a lot of love with you.

In order to distribute a lot of love, I need to know your love.

The love train is leaving, so please don't be late to get on.

While laying the stone of love
Let's go as far as we can go.

To know love is to know you.
That's why I want you to know me too.

I love you from the bottom of my heart.
