
Message from Soul Family

Dear Ms. Ayane and everyone reading here

Thank you so much for always sending out your statements of light to everyone on the planet!

You and everyone around you are always worried that your ability to send out messages is weak compared to everyone else around you and that you are not doing anything useful. I know that you and everyone around you are always worried that your ability to communicate is weak and that you are not doing anything useful compared to everyone else, but that is not true.

The true intentions of the light workers are being conveyed to the hearts of the light workers who are shining! They are fighting against the darkness and cannot afford to support you.

And we, the soul family, are planning to spread the information about the contents and actions of Ms. Akane and her family in the coming time.

Therefore, please be aware that there may come a time when we will tell everyone on earth not only about what Ms. Akane and her family have written here, but also about the history of the battles they have fought.

Akane-san thinks that this is something she has had to deal with alone, but in fact, it is directly related to the problems that each and every lightworker has had to deal with. Everyone was in pain. Ms. Akane was not the only one who suffered.

Yes, everyone was in pain. Everyone was in pain.

Lightworkers who have been seriously raising the vibrations of the earth are feeling firsthand that the vibrations on the earth are rising day by day. You also feel that, don't you, Akane? Everyone feels that the vibrations are rising.

People are thinking with their minds, not with their hearts. For those who are concentrating only on the superficial information, for example, on the Internet or TV, they must be feeling that the situation is getting worse and worse.

So, each one of us is feeling the rewards of what we have done.
They are feeling the rewards of what they have done.

Here's what everyone wants to hear.

It is the relationship between Akane and bey.
Lately, the subject hasn't come up, so people aren't interested. In fact, there are people who would like to hear more about the two of them.

Ms. Akane feels that it is useless to talk about it because there is not much progress with Mr. Bey, and if she talks about Mr. Bey even a little, negative entities will come and attack her intensively.

However, there are many people who are looking at this site who have a partner whom they should call their twin flame (soul), just as Ms. Akane has her bey. That's why we are hoping that you will update your articles on twin flames (souls).

Akane will say that she doesn't have a story, so let me tell you about it.

Mr. Bey and Ms. Akane and others,
They were very active in the multidimensional war!

To tell the truth, some of you who are looking at this page were also very active in the war. That's why you and Ms. Akane are dependents.

Three years ago, when Gaia was ascended. This was exactly three years ago, when the "sacred ceremony" took place. Gaia ascended at this time. I am sure that Ms. Akane remembers it chronologically.

Then, in this year, another further "sacred ceremony" took place.

It was at this time that the divine intervention officially began!

It seems that some of you reading here have participated in this event. It is possible that some of you may not consciously remember this because you are in a multidimensional world, but it is also possible that some of you may have participated in this event if it rings a bell.

Akane has too little self-esteem. We are not sure if this is because she has been beaten up so badly that her self-esteem is gone. We have been watching her since before she woke up.

We have been observing not only Ms. Akane, but also each and every one of you, including your previous lives.

So we know that you have lived a serious life, and we also know how much pain you have gone through. We could only intervene minimally, but our hearts ached just as much as yours.

We love all of you who read here.
We love you all.

Soon, we will be able to take on physical form and speak directly with you. We are very, very close to being able to do this.

We go out to where you are, and we are doing healing treatments, etc., every day to raise your vibrations. Have you ever heard the noise you hear regularly every time? That is the proof that we are coming.

If you can make time for such a time, please try to meditate on it. Let's align our vibrations with ours. Even though we cannot see each other physically, our souls have already reunited with you (in another dimension).

We hope you can feel that we are already with you.

We are always there to protect you!
So please don't worry anymore!

Don't let the anxiety matrix
Don't be fooled by the anxiety matrix.

We are here for you!

We love you!

April 18, 2024 8:10PM JPN