
5 Eye Catching & Trending iOS App Design Ideas in 2022

Design is an ever evolving subject. Be it on a piece of cloth, a wall or software, design is such a subjective matter that there are no negative judgments on it. For a very long time, web designs could not match the ones in real life. Although digital art was a trend before websites, the cool designs could never transform into a web project. 

Enter the third decade of the 21st century. Conventionally, everything that we wanted to do on the digital screen needed manual coding prior to now. But with machine learning and artificial intelligence, developers have come up with tools that understand the design language and help us place things on a canvas better. 

What Has Changed in Design?

It used to be all coding in the beginning. You had to code even the smallest details like a drop down or even a fade effect. Over the last few years, developers have written codes for all the popular design functionalities and have launched them as a designing tool. 

Entries of giants like Adobe changed the whole game. Adobe already mastered digital design tools for digital art and illustration. They made it a niche for web and app design and launched XD that focused only on UX/UI. Tools like Figma and InVision have also introduced really intuitive design tools which have eased the app development difficulties. All you have to do with these tools is to drag and drop a design element that you like. You can customize anything and everything on these platforms.

Best Design Trends in 2022

New design ideas emerge almost on a daily basis. The ideas that trend today may become absolutely irrelevant next month. Despite the rapidly changing trends in app and web design, there are some ideas that stay longer in the trend. Here are some ideas that have stayed in the trend for a while and have seen an evolution as well.

Limitless Images

Displaying images in an app used to be pretty monotonous till now. Even in the best online retail apps, the images are still shown as a tile. New age apps show images in a limitless manner. Being limitless means these images are not in a frame or a tile. The background submerges with the text below or above and it looks like the image is popping up amidst the textual information.

Hero Banner on App 

Hero banners originated from website design. The concept of having a hero banner is to display your most valuable or your preferred infographics right on the home page or app information. This concept was very quickly adapted by app designers as well. More and more apps popped up as their preferred piece of content right after the launch of the app. The hero banner is large in size and barring the top or side navigation, it occupies the entire screen. 

Innovative Headings

Just like images, headings too had a lot of inhibitions till now. There used to be a standard sizing format for body copy, headings 1, 2 3 and 4. But with innovative hero banners, designers have taken a bit of liberty and thrown bold styling and sizing for headings. You can use bold colors, size and fonts for your headings without worrying about how many centimeters it is covering on your screen. These bold headings have been in the trend for a while and don’t seem to be going anywhere any time soon.

Unlimited Navigation

With the inclusion of APIs, you can integrate maps & other services within your apps. With that, you can allow simultaneous navigation and scrolling. We often see eCommerce apps right at the bottom of a product page where we are shown suggested products. Along with vertical scrolling, we can also halt and do horizontal scrolling in that list of suggested products. Developers these days allow 360 degree navigation and scrolling to optimize the content and offer an exciting user experience. 

App Launch banner

Another very popular practice among developers is to launch a banner or an animation when the app is launched. From a design point of view, it looks amazing to see a bright color and a brand animation taking over your entire screen. From the backend point of view for custom ios app development, it buys some extra time for the app to smoothly launch. This helps streaming apps a lot as they need both brand establishment as well as delayed launch time. It is one of the fastest emerging trends in the iOS developers’ community. 


Design trends exchange hands very quickly. A trend that is popular at the moment may seem very weird just a few months down the line. No companies like to throw random updates just from the design point of view but we see many apps do that. The reason for that could be the knee-jerk reaction to a popular design trend. Based on what you need and more importantly, what you like, you must decide for yourself about which trending and quirky design element you would want in your app and which one you can do without. Your design language defines your brand and it has to be the right mixture of trending elements and classic user experience. 
