12 Chrome Extension For Web Designers And Developers

Designing an attractive website is a tedious process and it is a challenging task for both web designers& developers. Most of the developers use Google Chrome as their primary browser and if you work with chrome, it offers access to an immense repository of Chrome extensions and tool which make your developing task easier. We are the reputed Web Design company in Bangalore.


Here we have created the curated list of 12 Chrome Extensions for Web Designers and Developers.
Usersnap is a chrome extension that allows you to capture and annotate any web page directly in your web browser. It is easy to offer visual feedback on prototypes or report bugs with this chrome extension. Big companies like Facebook, Google and Microsoft uses Usersnap to identify bugs and errors.
Web Developer
It appears like a little toolbar with a lot of tools and it is derived from the PNH Developer Toolbar and it contains a lot of handy tools that developers can use in their day-to-day activities.
This tool helps you to manage group inboxes coming right from Gmail. The mail related to support escalations and other technical bug issues can be easily auto-signed to the individual developers that can be tracked easily.
f19N Obtrusive Live Test
This chrome extension is used by developers to test all pages on predefined best practices such as SEO or web performance. It is a flexible webpage testing framework and you will get direct visual feedback from the browser during page loads.
Window Resizer for Developer
This extension enables you to resize your browser window on the fly and also you can switch through several resolutions. You can also easily rotate your screen and customize the pre-sets.
ColorPick Eyedropper
It is a chrome extension that enables you to select color values from any web page and it is a simple color picker tool, using the picked color you can from a new attractive color to your website.
Perfect Pixel
Perfect Pixel is the best choice for developing pixel-perfect websites which enables you to set pictures as overlays that you can compare to the developing site. It supports a variety of features such as semi-transparent image overlay, keyboard shortcuts, and much more.
It is the reverse image search tool and it supports you to implement image identification technology, instead of keywords, metadata, or watermarks. It works by the way of creating unique digital signatures for images and compares those signatures. It also compares cropped, resized, and edited versions of the images.
CSS Pepper
It allows you to extract CSS and create style guides in a well-arranged manner and it allows designers, and developers to spend time working on the design than searching through code.
It informs you everything running on any website including various factors such as themes, fonts, CMS, frameworks, etc.
It is a free extension that allows you to develop thousands of beautiful, inspiring, designs right to your browser in the form of a new tab replacement. When you open a new tab Muzli populates it with some of the great designs from 120+ sources such as CNN, CSS Author, Dribble, Product hunt, and InVision.
It is an open-source web extension that allows you to measure the distance between page elements. By simply, dragging and hovering your mouse, you can easily find the dimensions of image and HTML elements.
These are extensions that web developers and designers can use to create extraordinary designs for your site. These tools help web designers to develop a unique and appealing design. If you thought of creating an attractive design for your website then contact us, we are the top Web Design Company in Bangalore and we offer innovative, and quality design at top quality.
