
Sarah Lamb 2018 (6)


Sarah performs both Mary Vetsera and Marie Larisch in Mayerling. She was thrown into Larisch the first time as she replaced Alexandra Ansanelli. Monica Parker decided to change the cast at short notice. Sarah read Larisch’s book My Story as part of her research, and found it very amusing. Larisch is convinced that everything she did was right. “It’s brilliant to have that kind of delusion.”

She is shocked when Empress Elizabeth orders her out of the palace. The way Sarah sees her is that Larisch genuinely loves Rudolf, and feels the only way to be close to him is to give him Mary. In contrast, Sarah doesn’t think Mary is clever, which is difficult to portray. Mary is more of a “fan girl.” Her mother was pushing her as a 15 year-old girl. Sarah began to think it was not just a teenage passion. It’s not only an obsession, but she has quite dark thoughts which are not fully articulated in her brain. “If you can show that…” Lynn Seymour was “just phenomenal” in showing that kind of attack and desire. She portrayed a sort of wild child. Sarah loved working with Leanne Benjamin. Leanne really pushes you and makes you repeat until it is right. She has so many details and doesn’t let things slide. “She is a really intelligent, very thoughtful woman.” But she also wants the dancers to do it their way, the best they can their way. She is not didactic. “It is wonderful to work with her.” Doing both roles is hard as there are some scenes where they are on stage together. Sometimes it was difficult, as she knew Larisch well but Mary was very new to her.

Sarah learned a lot from Mara Galeazzi, who had done both roles. When Sarah danced Larisch the first time, Mara pretty much told her what to do. Sarah was able to help Natalia Osipova along the same lines this time. Sarah loved doing both roles, and being involved with two casts. The different casts were very, very different.