
The Ballet Association







I hope you have all stayed well in these difficult times. I am sure that you have missed not seeing the company perform but hope you have enjoyed all of the online content, keeping us connected from afar. Obviously, it has been a very hard time for the company but we have stayed in touch through our classes and meetings. The company have been amazingly resourceful and I admire their fortitude during these strange times.

シーズンの2/3はやりきったことを忘れてはいけません。多くのバレエ団にとって十二分なことです。しかしご存じの通り、我々は常に幅広いレパートリーを環境してもらう機会を提供しようと努力しています。今シーズンではクリスマス時期のコッペリア、多様なキャストで演じた眠りの森の美女は輝かしいクラシックスタイルですし、感情的でドラマティックな演技のオネーギンやマノン、クラシックトリプルビルに白鳥の湖はロックダウン前に再演できました。新作も忘れてはいけません。大成功だったキャシー・マーストンのチェリストは美しい舞のダンスオブギャザリングとの上演で、リンバリー劇場ではパム・タノウィッツのEveryone Keeps MeがアシュトンのモノトーンⅡとマース・カニングハムのクロスカレントと上演されました。リンバリー劇場での上演への皆さんの協力に感謝します。

We mustn’t forget that we did 2/3 of a season which, for most companies, would be more than enough. But as you know, we always strive to do as much as possible to provide opportunities and show the breadth of our repertoire. Highlights from the season include the return of Coppélia at Christmas, Sleeping Beauty being performed by a variety of casts showing the company on brilliant classical form, emotional and dramatic performances of Onegin and Manon, a classic triple bill of Royal Ballet favourites and Swan Lake triumphantly returning before lockdown. Not forgetting the new works; the great success of The Cellist by Cathy Marston – together with a beautifully danced Dances of a Gathering, and the wonderful new work in the Linbury of Pam Tanowitz’ Everyone Keeps Me, paired with Ashton’s Monotones II and Merce Cunningham’s Cross Currents – thank you for all of your support that made this Linbury programme possible.


Of course, it is always sad to say goodbye to beloved artists of the company but it was lovely to celebrate the end of Thiago’s career with us, with Onegin at the end of January. Thiago has been a wonderful artist and company member and will be much missed.