
Sarah Lamb 2018(2)


David asked if Sarah had seen the original As time goes by. She hadn’t. The corps de ballet who were reconstructing it, were looking at a very grainy video, shot from a strange angle in a dark theatre. Richard, who came to stage it, didn’t have notation. They didn’t have any notation of the ballet when it was created. Benesh notation is more common here and is still not used in a lot of companies in the USA as there isn’t the budget to afford it: a lot of learning is done from video in America. Sarah loved watching the corps de ballet section and loved the music. Twyla wanted to link the pas de deux with the corps de ballet. Sarah and Steven spent time in the studio with Joseph Sissens, who is “a real talent to watch.” He was made to do his solo 17-18 times. It was amazing and Twyla loved him. “She explained our relationship to him, a sort of parentage.” She is such a tough person but she works so hard, and is so generous. Twyla really pushes herself, takes on board constructive criticism, and “it made me love her even more.”

Sarah was injured at the end of last season. “It was awful.” She missed her second performance of Mary Vetsera in Mayerling and also missed the tour. She did water therapy in Boston and worked with the same man she had worked with after her other injury. She was very grateful to work with him again. Her ‘patient husband’ drove her round a lot, every morning going early to the pool through Boston traffic. There was a moment at the start of the season in September that, though she didn’t doubt herself, others were worried. She was limping a bit because the underneath of her foot had lost so much muscle from having been in a cast. There were a few concerns. The ballet has 37 big jumps, “that’s a challenge.” Sarah conveyed her thanks and gratitude to Brian Maloney, who coached her one on one, helping with her rehabilitation. He worked with her from coming out of the cast to being on stage.

David suggested they now come up to date, as Sarah had danced in the opening night of The Winter’s Tale the night before the talk. There had been lots of cast changes. Ed Watson was having surgery on the other foot from his last operation. A ligament in his toe snapped in rehearsal, and Sarah was “just heartbroken for him.” It is really hard when your artistry is coming more easily and naturally, but physicality becomes harder. “I know Ed will come back.” This might have been the last time he would perform Leontes. And Steven was also injured. It is always difficult when a ballet is created on certain personalities and then you see it again without them. This must be true for those who saw Jennifer Penney as Manon or David Wall as Rudolf, but after a while “others wheedle their way into your consciousness and have equally valuable characterisations of the role.” Although Steven McRae is irreplaceable to Sarah, Vadim Muntagirov has absolutely incredible qualities, becoming ‘looser, and more comfortable’ in the role this time. His first performances had been just after he arrived from English National Ballet, and Sarah feels that it came as quite a shock to him as he had been used to dancing much slower.

Ryoichi Hirano learned the role of Leontes in 24 hours on tour, as Thiago Soares was injured and couldn’t perform. Claire Calvert’s sister was coming to watch her as Hermione so Kevin asked Ryoichi if he would perform with her rather than change the cast entirely. Ryoichi is really busy at the moment, with two casts of The Winter’s Tale as Leontes, and learning Christopher Wheeldon’s new ballet. He virtually had to relearn Leontes this time round, as it was all so quick on tour. He is becoming more and more comfortable in his characterisations of different roles. You do things differently, depending on your partner, “not the steps, but the way you imagine the character. Maybe a little younger or more ebullient, or maybe a little more, shy. You can’t always keep to the same script. The dynamic changes constantly even with the same partner.”

Sarah performed Giselle this time with Ryoichi. She missed her scheduled debut nine years ago, so hasn’t danced the role that many times. She rehearsed a lot with Rupert Pennefather, but in later seasons danced performances with Steven, and with Matthew Golding (when she replaced Natalia Osipova). She also danced it in Japan. Sarah performed Myrtha in Maina Gielgud’s version when she was 19 years old in Boston, and also covered the title role, but didn’t perform it as she was still in the corps. It is interesting, as Sarah has changed. In the Royal, she wouldn’t be thought of as a Myrtha. When she was younger, she was tougher. In America, it is more about technique. Now she puts more emphasis on her upper body and use of arms, and her lines. It’s not just about jumping and spinning. “I have definitely changed.”