Interview with The Royal Ballet’s Lauren Cuthbertson – so much passion(5)

It’s always been something that’s interested me, like a side topic to the ballet, and it’s something I’m very passionate about. There have been a couple of ballets when I haven’t used scents because I didn’t have the time to prepare them, and so it doesn’t affect my show, but it definitely gives me a heightened appreciation of the character when I have them. I’ve found it a really amazing tool to help shape the character and learn more about them.

例えば、今は何を着けているの? What are you wearing now, for example?

Right now I’m wearing Hermès, which is probably the only branded scent that I wear because it feels natural and fresh to me. I certainly don’t wake up thinking, oh, today I’m going to be Odette or Odile! Though there have been a couple of scents that have been useful on dates, but I won’t say any more… [she whispers] though the Black Swan scent is very seductive!

I think one of my all-time favourites was for Balanchine’s Diamonds, which I started to wear more and more in real life, so I had to beg for a new supply.


You recently danced with the Mariinsky. Is guesting with other companies of use to you as a dancer?

It’s amazing because it keeps you really fresh, having to adapt and learn new things. You need to work hard because you’ll often learning these things while you’ve already got a full schedule on at the Opera House and you don’t want anything to have a knock-on effect because you’re concentrating on too many things at once. So often you have to learn things and take on corrections very quickly. You sometimes turn up and find it’s a raked stage or the floor is slipperier than you’re used to – there are so many variables that you have to attend to. But it’s the most inspiring thing when you go in and you meet new dancers and see new faces on stage.

The dreaded rake. You danced Wheeldon’s Swan Lake with Federico Bonelli in Rome, where there’s a very steep rake.

I get used to it when I can do a series of shows, so it was a shame that those were spread out so I’d be working in London during the week and then I’d fly to Italy to do a show, and then I’d work in London again for a week – if it had been scheduled a bit differently I would have got used to the rake a bit quicker. I haven’t done fouettés enough on a raked stage to be able to do what I consider my normal sequence, so the Black Swan was a bit of an anticlimax for me because I can’t achieve the same on a rake as I can on a flat stage.

You have to adapt a lot – for example, for the first arabesque in Act Two, I had to imagine that my right arm was going uphill otherwise I’d literally have fallen down because your body weight is tumbling forward. You have to keep your back more open and lean further back and have your right arm upstage just to feel like you’re hitting neutral.

But then it’s lovely to do the big jumps coming downstage, that’s heaven… there are some moments where you feel so free!

How does this fit into scheduling at The Royal Ballet?

Kevin [O’Hare, director of The Royal Ballet] has allowed me to go and guest at other companies when I’ve had the chance to. This year I haven’t, for example, because Cathy Marston was here creating The Cellist for a lot of the season, so I couldn’t go anywhere until after The Cellist was done. That’s the first time that I’ve stayed put in London in about five years. I think that it’s a beautiful thing to travel, but I don’t think I could do only that. It is amazing to come back to the Opera House and perform in what we call home.

キャリアについて ON HER CAREER

You’re a principal with The Royal Ballet, dancing the repertoire and creating new works, with the occasional guesting job too… I guess you’re happy.

I do feel really, really lucky, but you have to do the best with everything you’re given in order to create more luck.

Is there anything that you would have liked to have been different? Anything you still want to achieve?

I’ve never had one partner, and so I’ve always had to adapt to having someone different, though that can be a positive thing too. But it’s quite hard to stop every time you do a classical ballet to start working with someone that you may not have worked with before, despite how talented these partners are, and start from the beginning. They have to learn your balance, and you have to learn their coordination. Continuity has a big pay off.

I still feel driven to create more and be better, but I’d be quite happy to step aside when it’s not quite the right time for me to do things anymore and allow talented and inspired dancers who are younger to step up. I think that’s quite a nice place to be really: accepting where I am and being confident and happy with that, and yet still striving for the things I do think are suitable.

Excellence breeds excellence. Every time I watch a dancer, I want to be moved and motivated. There is an abundance of that where I am at the Royal Opera House. It’s so international. I’m very grateful that it’s international because it has the best of the best in the world. Kevin is an amazing director. He can determine which of the younger dancers will come up quickly, which keeps it a really fresh place for inspiration.

舞台に戻るのが待ち遠しいでしょうね You must be longing to get back.

We completely miss being all together; we’re isolated, we’re not performing, we’re not rehearsing, we’re not taking class, we’re not hearing live music… there are so many things that we took for granted before.

There’ll be so much passion and excitement when we all get back.