

訳し下ろし:3-2 Many people consider/ oral sex ...、3-4 … oral sex and other activities/ that don’t involve intercourse/ are primary ...、3-6 There’s no denying/ that oral sex is ...、3-9 As a matter of self-respect, you’ll want to spend some time/ considering ...、3-10 It’s important/ to communicate …、3-13 Determining what you’re ready for includes/ making important decisions ...

3-1 Myth #3: Oral sex and other activities that don’t involve intercourse don’t count as sex. 3-2 Many people consider oral sex and other activities outside intercourse to be very intimate sexual activities, while others attach less importance to them. 3-3 Some people feel that these activities lead up to intercourse. 3-4 Others consider them to be sex, period—for these people, oral sex and other activities that don’t involve intercourse are primary sexual activities.
3-5 Truth #3: Here are some truths to consider about oral sex specifically. 3-6 There’s no denying that oral sex is significant sexual contact. 3-7 You definitely can get or give many STIs through oral sex. 3-8 Plus, oral sex involves very intimate physical contact, and you’re making a choice to share something very personal with someone else. 3-9 As a matter of self-respect, you’ll want to spend some time considering who, if anyone right now, is worthy of that level of intimacy with you.
3-10 It’s important to communicate clearly about this issue with your partner. 3-11 If oral sex is a big deal for you, but your partner doesn’t feel the same, it can cause a problem. 3-12 You could end up feeling like your partner doesn’t appreciate the value of physical intimacy and how important sharing that is to you. 3-13 Determining what you’re ready for includes making important decisions about the full range of sexual activities, not just intercourse.
(Kelly Huegel Madrone, LGBTQ (Revised & Updated Third Edition): 164-165)

oral sex オーラルセックス、口腔性交《唇または舌で性器に触れて性的快感を与えること》
attach【他動】[SVO1 to O2]O2〈物・事〉にO1〈重要性・性質・意義など〉があるものと考える
lead up to … 〈連続する出来事が〉…につながる
... , period! 以上!, これで話は終わり!
there’s no denying (that) … …ということは否定できない
definitely[主張を強調して] 確かに, 間違いなく, 絶対に(certainly)
STI (sexually transmitted infection)【名】性(行為)感染症《梅毒など》(STD, sexually transmitted disease)
plus【接】そしてその上, しかも(furthermore)
physical contact 身体的接触, 身体[肌]の触れ合い, スキンシップ
< physical【形】身体の, 肉体の《◆精神との対比を示唆する》→人の体によく触る[触れたがる]《◆好色だけでなく愛情表現としての抱擁(ほうよう)なども含む》
as a matter of … …の[にかかわる, がものを言う]問題として, …の立場[理由]から, …として
You’ll want to do …する方がいいよ
partner【名】[しばしば one's ~]配偶者《夫または妻》, つれあい;恋人, 同棲者《◆結婚していないが性関係のある人, 同性愛の相手に限って用いる人もいる》
feel like … …のような気がする
appreciate【他動】〈人・物〉の価値[よさ]を認める, …を正しく評価する
a whole [a full] range of … 全範囲の…, あらゆる種類の…

