訳し下ろし:3-1のstatesと“Both...の間、3-2のconcludeとthatの間、 representとnormal formsの間、3-3のpsychotherapy aimed atとeliminatingの間。
3-1 In Answers to Your Questions for a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality, the American Psychological Association states, “Both heterosexual behavior and homosexual behavior are normal aspects of human sexuality.... 3-2 Despite the persistence of stereotypes that portray lesbian, gay, and bisexual people as disturbed, several decades of mental health research and clinical experience have led all mainstream medical and mental health organizations in this country to conclude that these orientations represent normal forms of human experience.”
3-3 However, some people believe you can change your gender identity or sexual orientation through therapy or other means (which is one of the reasons why so many people underscore the idea that being LGBTQ is not a choice). 3-4 So-called “conversion therapy,” “reparative therapy,” or “transformational ministries” try to change or “cure” LGBTQ people. 3-5 Conversion therapy involves psychotherapy aimed at eliminating feelings of homosexuality. 3-6 Transformational ministries use religion to try to change people.
(Kelly Huegel Madrone, LGBTQ (Revised & Updated Third Edition): 20)
persistence【名】しつこさ→[通例 the ~]〔特に悪いことの〕永続, 持続性〔of〕
portray【他動】…を(自分なりに)〔…だと〕描写する, 表現する(depict, represent)〔as〕《◆しばしば描写の不正確さを含意する》
clinical experience 臨床経験
underscore【他動】〈語・文など〉に下線を引く→…を強める, 強調する, 力説する
transformational【形】変形の→変化をもたらす, 一変させる
ministry【名】聖職者[牧師](minister)としての務めを果たすこと(ministration)→(聖職者などの)奉仕, 援助, 仲介→仕事, 活動
psychotherapy【名】(精神病の)心理療法, サイコセラピー
eliminate【他動】〈必要性・危険・問題など〉を取り除く, 除去[排除]する