

訳し下ろし:1-1 ... a complex, multistep process of/ starting to ...、1-4 Transitioning primarily involves factors / that affect ...、1-7 ... taking hormones, puberty blockers, or other medications/ under the supervision of ... 1-8For some, transitioning may also include surgery. 1-9 This is an option sometimes/ reserved for adults...、1-10 ... an endocrinologist who/ can assist ...

Gender Transitioning
1-1 Gender transitioning is a complex, multistep process of starting to live full-time as a person of a different gender. 1-2 Transitioning doesn’t, by definition, include surgery, hormones, or other physical changes. 1-3 However, for some people, some or all of those elements are part of their transition. 1-4 Transitioning primarily involves factors that affect how you relate to others and how they relate to you. 1-5 It might include changing your name, dressing differently, and altering other aspects of your appearance (like your hair or makeup). 1-6 It can also mean changing your mannerisms, voice, and how you move.
1-7 A physical transition might include taking hormones, puberty blockers, or other medications under the supervision of a medical professional. 1-8 For some, transitioning may also include surgery. 1-9 This is an option sometimes reserved for adults, though this isn’t always the case. 1-10 As a trans teen, you may be less likely to have access to gender confirmation surgery, but you could work with an endocrinologist who can assist you with hormone treatments or puberty blockers.
(Kelly Huegel Madrone, LGBTQ (Revised & Updated Third Edition): 53-54)

transition【名】(別の形態・状態への)移行, 移り変わり, 変化→【自動】〔新しいものに〕移行する, 切りかわる〔to, into〕.
complex【形】(多くの部分からなり)複雑な《◆複雑ではあるが秩序や体系があるという語感があり, 科学の分野で多用される》
fulltime【副】フルタイムで, いつでもずっと;常勤[専任]で
by definition 定義上, 言葉の意味から→当然(のこととして), 本質的に, 本来
surgery【名】〔体の一部への〕手術, (外科)処置〔on, for〕
physical change 身体[肉体]的な変化
primarily【副】主として, 何よりもまず(chiefly)
affect【他動】〈事・状態などが〉〈物・事・人〉に影響する, 作用する
alter【他動】…を変える, 一部手直しする《◆change より部分的な変化を強調する》
aspect【名】〔状況・思想・問題などの〕局面, 側面, 様相〔of〕
appearance【名】外見, (外見からの)様子《特に服装など》, 印象
mean【他動】[SV doing] …することを意味する
mannerism【名】(言動などの無意識の)特徴, 癖
puberty blocker [inhibitor] 思春期を阻害[抑制]するもの→二次性徴抑制ホルモン
medication【名】(医師が処方・投与する)薬剤, 薬物(治療)
under the supervision of … 〈人〉の監督下で
reserved for ... …のために予約されている→…向けである, …だけのものである, …のみに用いられる
be the case 事実である, そうである
have access to ... 〈物や情報など〉を入手[利用]できる, …できるチャンスがある
gender confirmation surgery 性別適合手術
< confirm【他動】…を確認する, …が間違いのないことを裏付ける

assist【他動】[SVO1 with O2]〈人が〉O1〈人〉のO2〈仕事・活動など〉を助ける, 援助する, 補佐する

