




1.1.1. 初級レベル1

問題(日本語): 古墳時代の開始時期はおおよそ何世紀ですか?
A. 1世紀
B. 3世紀
C. 6世紀
D. 9世紀

問題(英語): In which century did the Kofun period approximately begin?
A. 1st century
B. 3rd century
C. 6th century
D. 9th century

1.1.2. 初級レベル2

問題(日本語): 古墳時代に作られた大型の墳丘墓の形状が鳥の形をしているものを何と呼びますか?
A. 前方後円墳
B. 前方後方墳
C. 後円墳
D. 方墳

問題(英語): What is the name for the large burial mounds in the shape of a bird from the Kofun period?
A. Keyhole-shaped tomb
B. Rectangular tomb
C. Circular tomb
D. Square tomb

1.1.3. 初級レベル3

問題(日本語): 古墳時代の武器や装飾品に用いられた金属で、中国から伝来したものは何でしょう?
A. 鉄
B. 銅
C. 銀
D. 金

問題(英語): Which metal, used for weapons and ornaments during the Kofun period, was introduced from China?
A. Iron
B. Copper
C. Silver
D. Gold

1.2. 中級レベル

問題(日本語): 古墳時代の政治権力が集中していた地域はどこでしょうか?

問題(英語): In which region was the political power concentrated during the Kofun period?

1.3. 上級レベル

問題(日本語): 古墳時代の政治、文化、宗教について説明してください(約800字)。

問題(英語): Describe the politics, culture, and religion of the Kofun period (approximately 800 words).


2.1.1. 初級レベル1

解答: B. 3世紀

Answer: B. 3rd century
The Kofun period spans approximately from the 3rd to the 7th century, during which large burial mounds were built and political power was concentrated.

2.1.2. 初級レベル2

解答: A. 前方後円墳

Answer: A. Keyhole-shaped tomb
Keyhole-shaped tombs are large burial mounds from the Kofun period, shaped like a bird. They were mainly constructed as tombs for regional chieftains and imperial family members.

2.1.3. 初級レベル3

解答: B. 銅

Answer: B. Copper
Copper is the metal used for weapons and ornaments during the Kofun period, introduced from China. Copper was used as a material for decorative items and weapons such as dōtaku (bronze bells) and spearheads.

2.2. 中級レベル

解答: 畿内地方(近畿地方)

Answer: Kinai region (Kinki region)
During the Kofun period, political power was concentrated in the Kinai region (present-day Kinki region). This area is characterized by numerous large keyhole-shaped tombs, indicating the presence of powerful chieftains and imperial family members.

2.3. 上級レベル




Answer example 1:
The politics of the Kofun period was characterized by the rule of regional chieftains and imperial family members, with power concentrated in the Kinai region. These chieftains utilized the abundant natural resources and labor force to construct large keyhole-shaped tombs. Moreover, the establishment of the imperial system in the latter half of the 5th century led to the centralization of political power.

The culture of the Kofun period was heavily influenced by China and the Korean Peninsula. Technologies such as ironware, dōtaku (bronze bells), and haniwa (clay figures) were introduced and used in the production of weapons and ornaments. Additionally, the Kofun period's culture is reflected in the development of agriculture and advances in civil engineering. Furthermore, Sue pottery, a type of ceramic from the Kofun period, developed and was used in daily life and religious ceremonies.

Religion during the Kofun period was characterized by a mixture of Shinto and Buddhism. Shinto is an indigenous Japanese religion centered on the worship of nature and ancestors. Meanwhile, Buddhism was introduced from the Korean Peninsula in the 6th century and spread rapidly. As Buddhism became closely associated with political power, the construction of temples and other religious institutions had a significant impact on the religious landscape of the Kofun period.




Answer example 2:
The politics of the Kofun period involved the rule of local chieftains and members of the imperial family, with power being concentrated in the Kinai region. These chieftains utilized the rich natural resources and workforce to construct massive keyhole-shaped tombs. Furthermore, the establishment of the imperial system in the latter half of the 5th century resulted in the centralization of political power.

The culture of the Kofun period was heavily influenced by China and the Korean Peninsula. Technologies such as ironware, dōtaku (bronze bells), and haniwa (clay figures) were introduced, and these were used in the production of weapons and ornaments. The Kofun period's culture is also evident in the advancements of agriculture and civil engineering. In addition, Sue pottery, a type of ceramic from the Kofun period, evolved and was utilized in religious ceremonies and everyday life.

The religion of the Kofun period was characterized by a blend of Shinto and Buddhism. Shinto is an indigenous Japanese religion focused on the worship of nature and ancestors. On the other hand, Buddhism was introduced from the Korean Peninsula in the 6th century and spread rapidly. Due to its close ties with political power, Buddhism played a significant role in the construction of religious facilities such as temples, which had a considerable impact on the religious landscape of the Kofun period.
