短編スクリプト/short story"Upside-down"

Title: Upside-down 

Characters: Me and Jessica 

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Approximate Duration: 3-5 mins 

Based on an experience 

EXT: One Summery Saturday noon in June, in Brooklyn
Me is looking at the phone and looking around in turns to see if she is at the right place. After about 10 seconds, Jessica comes out of a door, which Me is standing in front of. Jessica grins hard as soon as she sees Me.
Hey! You’re here! Good to see you!!
Heyyy! How have you been? Oh my god.
Good! Come on in.
Jessica goes up stairs that lead them to the entrance door. Me follows her. They both enters her kitchen.
INT: Jessica’s Kitchen
Nice place. I love it.
Thanks! It’s cute. Do you want water? It’s really hot outside.
Yes, please! Soo, how have you been doing? It’s been 2 years? Maybe?
Yeah. About that. Ugh, I miss Puerto Rico. I don’t wanna believe it’s already 2 years ago.
I know right?! I am so happy that you moved here. I needed friends. And, I am also happy we stayed friends even though we’ve only met once when we stayed 3 days or so together in P.R.
I know right! I am happy too. Aww, I miss other people from the hostel too. But, yeah, I was supposed to move here bit later like this September but I couldn’t travel to Europe because of all the coronavirus thing happening so.
Yeah, that sucks. But it is such a crazy timing to move to New York. It's a hotspot right now. 
Me chuckles.
Yeah, it’s been an experience.
Two are just standing and leaning onto the sink, and sip water. The room is full of sunlight. There is a silence for a second.
Are you ready?
Yeah, one second.
Jessica puts away glasses and fill water in her water bottle, puts it in her totes. Then she goes to bathroom, and comes out.
Okay, let’s go.
EXT: In front of Naval Yard
They head to Naval Yard. Jessica holds her phone with google map open. They both wear tank-tops, sweating hard and standing in front of a building with big glass-windows.
I think this is it. This is the entrance.

Cool, let's go in!

They go into the building. There is an information desk. There is a bored guy in a uniform sitting and watching YouTube on his phone.
Excuse me, sir. Is this the entrance to Naval Yard?
Information Guy
Is this the entrance to Naval Yard?
Jessica usually talks 3 times faster than an average person does, so it can be hard to be heard.
Information Guy
You cannot enter this time. Sorry. There is a construction going.
Oh, okay, I did not know that. Thank you.
Information Guy
You’re welcome.
Information Guy then continues on to his phone.
Jessica and Me walks further in the building to the entrance where they were supposed to go in. They stop in front of it.
This sucks. Well, we could walk around I guess. And, hey, I brought the chocolate edibles I made when I left Florida. Let’s take it.
Me laughs and continues.
Oh yeah, I am down. I will take half for now. I also have a little bit of molly with me. We should take it too.
Me too, I will eat another half later. Maybe we can go to a park after this and chill and take molly there too, maybe.
Sounds good!
Jessica and Me start walking. They arrive at a small park about 20 minutes away from where they were. They walk to the middle of the park and Jessica starts to lay sheets on the ground.
EXT: In the small park
Here, we can sit. Our apartment has so many of these for some reason.

Jessica takes out two blankets.
Thank you. That’s so nice. I forgot to bring things to sit on.
They sit on blankets and lay down.
This is nice. So relaxing.
For real.
Jessica smiles. Dogs are running, chasing each other in the park. Jessica starts looking into her bag.
Hey, I guess I am taking another one. Do you want too?
Yes, please. I’ll take out my molly too.
Jessica opens a container and taking out the edibles while Me opens her wallet and takes out tiny chunks of MDMA from a small ziplock and they trade.
For real. Cheers.
Two took the substances and laid down for about 20 minutes, occasionally have small talks.
Do you wanna start walking?
They start wondering the area stopping by some thrift shops and coffee place.
EXT: A closed park
Jessica and Me arrive at a park with a “closed” sign due to the virus.
Hey, do you wanna just get in? The fence is not that high, that table under the tree seems nice, it’s in shade too. We can sit there and sip coffee.
Me takes few seconds to answer.
The two get in the park and sit down a table in shade. Two just sip coffee and Jessica and Me start talking about the pandemic. While Me does not like the current situation, Jessica thinks she is in the middle of the big change in the society and enjoy the fact. Jessica continuously talk without stopping. Me look into her eyes whole time with vague responses. After a while, Me wonders in her mind.
(In her mind) Are her eyes upside-down? <use CGI on Jessica's eyes to make them look like they are upside-down and make eyelashes move like sea anemone>
Jessica still keeps talking incredibly fast.

I wrote this script because I think it can be a funny short film. Feel free to recreate this. I'd be happy to see it come true. 

