
Underestimated Communication...

I think everyone understands the importance of communication. It could lead to conflicts among friends and, in business term, even a single misunderstanding might result in significant losses. However, despite this widely recognized significance, I, as an amateur, can't help wondering if communication is actually somewhat underestimated.

Making Someone Understand Is What Communication Is. Right?

What I've been strongly feeling lately is that communication is often perceived as explaining and then it's done—saying something and considering it the end of communication. Despite the fact that communication is meaningless unless it doesn't get across, the individuals involved seem completely unaware. I believe this is not communication but merely "conveying information." It's one-way, with no consideration for the understanding on the receiving end.
Why does this happen even among people in their 40s and 50s?
Perhaps the main cause is a lack of imagination and excessive friendliness. Lack of imagination literally means not understanding what one is telling from the other person's perspective. There is no consideration for how one's statement is being interpreted in the other person's mind, whether there might be misunderstandings, and so on. As a result, the other person may act differently from the designed communication.
In this context, "excessive friendliness" refers to the inaction that arises from working with the same individuals for a long time. It's a form of communication that, like a long-term married couple, is built on mutual understanding. It's easy to imagine how a newcomer might behave. In this situation, a lack of imagination can flourish. If there is an understanding that the other person is a newcomer and lacks mutual understanding, customized communication to that context should be possible.
The difficulty of communication inside the rural organizations is extremely high.

