

Some clarification about second-generation locks:

1. As for the current size, after weighing the advantages and disadvantages, we finally decided to set the intensity of small electric shock. Because everyone has a different constitution, we really don't want our users to get hurt.

2. We have found the problem of a very small number of blue lights dying. Please contact our customer service directly if you encounter this problem.

3. Thank you very, very much for your support. We will try our best to release the new KeyPod before the end of chinese new year. As for what product it is, how much will it cost

4. Due to some disputes with overseas agents, we will use a new product name of Cellmate2 after The Chinese New Year, and the name Cellmate2 will be abandoned.

5. Whether it is Cellmate1, Cellmate2, Pearflower or other products, we will add more user interaction functions after the New Year, and we believe these new functions will be very interesting, hahaha.

6. In addition to Keypod, we have several very, very cool products in development, including the highly anticipated wearable lock for women.

  1. Cellmate2の電気ショックは少し弱めるそうです。私もおちんちんを少しやけどしました。このままでは、怖すぎてつけられません。

  2. LEDが死んでる場合は連絡してくださいとあります。

  3. KeyPod をチャイニーズニューイヤーの終わりまでに発表するそうです。どんな製品なのか楽しみですね。

  4. Cellmate2は新しい製品名になるということでしょうかね。

  5. 新機能を付加するということでしょうかね。

  6. 女性のための製品を用意すると書いてあるように見えますね。ちょっと楽しみですね。
