
画像1 Liza(Angola) リザ厳しいし、ぜんぜん笑わんけどいい先生。急かしたりせんし、私に生じた疑問は見逃さない。/She’s strict and merely laughs. But she is very reliable as a teacher. She never hurry me up and never miss my questions till they are solved.
画像2 Liza(Angola) ビデオよりはるかにクールで笑わないけど、教育への情熱があり信頼できる。 最後の数分、時間をしっかり確保して、丁寧なレビューをしてくれるよ/She is cool and cooler than her introduction video and smiles less though, I can tell that there's a passionate for education inside her and it makes her reliable.(Omitted)
画像3 Liza(Angola) テキスト終わらせるより本質的学びを優先、て感じで好き。容易には笑わずクール。/She is nice because she is always aware of what is the theme of a section and doesn’t hurry just for finishing a textbook. She hardly smiles that makes her cool.
画像4 Jelena(Serbia) 描きかけの2人を飛び越えまして…こちら、強烈英作文アルケミストのィエレナです!/I introduce Jelena today, while I’m putting aside 2 sketches that I’ve been drawing on. She reorganizes my poor sentences into beautiful ones like an alchemist.
