

I have bad feelings about this.

I've been studying Korean language for about three months now. But I don't think my korean has improved. Why? I think one of the reasons of this is I don't watch korean videos on Youtube so often. When I study English, I've had watched a lot of videos on YouTube because one of my YouTube accounts is for learning English. What I mean by that is mostly I watch English videos on the account. So the recommendations are mostly in English. That helped me a lot since I don't need to search English videos for the sake of learning English. I don't need to pay attention to it since they autocatically suggests it. All I have to do is just click the video. But for korean, since I don't watch korean videos so often, they don't recommend korean videos. That is bad. I have to search korean videos intentionally, that requires a lot of attention. Someone says the attention that one person can use in a single day has some limit. I want to use the limited amount of my attention to more creative tasks like learning korean but instead of that I use my precious attention to look for korean videos. This is not smart move obviously. So I decide I create another youTube channel for exclusively for my korean learning. Called takorean. So nice I like it. But the problem is, I don't have enough vocaburaly to enjoy watching korean videos on YouTube. Yes I can understand very basic sentences or phrases but to enjoy the content, I have to know at least more than 1,000 words or more. What I remember is basically just 50 or 100 words. To fully enjoy this activity, I have to at least learn 1000 words in korean. How do I achieve that? To be honest, I know how to solve this problem. What I need now is 

Anyway, I am the man who has achieved so many things like learning English. You know what, my mother tongue is not English but Japanese. But I am writing this. So I can do this. Also, I can write Python, React, Node.js and many more. So please hire me. I can handle a lot of work.

By the way, lately I want to learn about infrastructure for web dev. I know very little about infra like docker, kubernetes, etc. Basically what i want to solve is how to optimize my application which I and few co-workers have been working on recently. I don't want to pay lots of money for my stupid infra system. If I could optimze our system, I belive I don't have to pay any money for it. Testing and microservices are other topics that I want to be familiar with. The thing is, usually a beginner level of developer doesn't have to pay attention to such details of it because they don't give you this kind of heavy and critical job. That's why I don't know anything about it. And there aren't enough resouces to learn these difficult topics since that mostly depends on what kind of product their working on, what type of tech stack they are using, etc. After all, we have to take some time and think about it. There aren't not exact solutions for all the problems. We have to think about it. And so, we need to learn basic computer science to tackle this kind of problem. If we don't know what's going on under the food, we won't be able to solve the problem. That is so obvious but i think people don't understand the importance of it.
