

English below..







このまえ京都の街を歩いていたとき。街灯が少なく車通りもほとんどないエリアやったので、とても静かで空が広くて、闇が深く、ガイトウがつくる影がとても濃い。それはもう星がよく見えました。 —— 家に帰ったら灯りが迎えてくれること。家のどこかで人の気配や物音が感じられること。(うるさいのは勘弁ですけれどね)  —— クサいも美しいも、ダサいも可愛いも、メンドイも楽しいも。そんなことも全部ひっくるめて、何気ない日常。 —— その代表格?とも言うべき、帰宅した時に灯っている明かりのような、部屋の中が暖かいことのような。それら以上の喜びは無いかもしれないなぁと。


・Utilization of assets (not that the old is better, but I'm not good at the way they become obsolete)
・Preference for used clothes over new ones. Or crafted.
・Maintenance over new creation.

When I was walking in the north side of Kyoto city…. it was a quiet neighborhood with few street lights and hardly any traffic, so the sky was broad enough, the darkness was deep and dense, and the shadows created by the street lights were stunning. I could see constellations very well. —— Imagine, when you get home, there's a light to welcome you. You can feel the presence of people and the noise of things somewhere in the house. (But.. I’d not like to be noisy haha)  —— Binomials: stinky and beautiful, lame and cute, troublesome and fun. All of that, and the ordinary everyday life. —— You could say, the joy of coming home to a lit light, the warmth inside the room. There may be no greater pleasure than that.

May the ordinary everyday life continue to be everyday for  all my friends.
