
My Experience with PRP for Hair Treatment in Bangkok: Revival Clinic Bangkok


This time, I want to share why I decided to go to "Revival Clinic Bangkok" for a hair treatment. If you or someone you know is struggling with hair loss, thinning hair, or sudden hair fall, this article might be helpful.


Previously, I introduced Revival Clinic Bangkok as a top-notch aesthetic and anti-aging clinic. This article, however, focuses specifically on their PRP for Hair treatment and how it helped me.

⭐️Why I Chose Revival Clinic Bangkok

Revival Clinic Bangkok is known for its high-quality services and excellent reputation. Conveniently located on Sukhumvit 26, near the Phrom Pong BTS station, it was an easy choice for me during my stay in Bangkok.

⭐️Immediate Conclusion

To get straight to the point: It really worked for me. I noticed significant improvement after just one treatment. My hair loss decreased immediately, and within 3 to 5 months, people started commenting on how much thicker my hair looked.

⭐️Who Can Benefit from PRP for Hair

PRP for Hair can be a solution for those experiencing:

  • Hair loss

  • Bald spots

  • Sudden hair fall

  • Thinning hair

  • Reduced hair volume

In Japan, clinics often dismiss early-stage hair loss as not serious enough for treatment, which can be frustrating. Fortunately, I was in Bangkok and found Revival Clinic Bangkok, where they immediately agreed to treat me.

⭐️My Hair Loss Journey

I spend a lot of time abroad, and during my stay in Thailand, I noticed alarming hair loss. After showers, I saw handfuls of hair in the drain, and it continued for a week. I felt desperate and stressed, not knowing what to do.

⭐️Discovering PRP for Hair

After researching various treatments, I found PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy. This treatment uses plasma rich in platelets from your own blood to promote hair growth when injected into the scalp. It seemed promising, so I decided to try it.

⭐️Choosing Revival Clinic Bangkok

I chose Revival Clinic Bangkok for their excellent reputation and high-quality services. The clinic is conveniently located on Sukhumvit 26, near the Phrom Pong BTS station.

⭐️The Counseling

My experience started with a thorough consultation. Dr. Chontirot checked my scalp and discussed my hair loss history. The detailed explanation of the PRP process reassured me about their expertise.

⭐️The Treatment Process

  1. Blood Collection: A small amount of blood was drawn from my arm, which was quick and almost painless.

  2. PRP Extraction: The blood was processed to extract PRP, which took about 15 minutes.

  3. Scalp Injection: The PRP was then injected into my scalp. While there was some discomfort, it was manageable. The doctor was gentle and ensured I was comfortable throughout the procedure.

  4. Aftercare: Post-treatment, I was advised to avoid strenuous activities and direct sun exposure for a few days. The clinic provided a soothing serum for my scalp.


  • Immediate Effects: Right after the treatment, my scalp felt a bit tender and there was some redness, but this subsided within a day. My hair loss decreased significantly within a few days.

  • Weeks Later: Within a few weeks, I noticed new hair growth in areas that were previously thinning. My hair's texture and overall health also improved.

  • Months Later: After several months and multiple treatments, my hair loss was under control, and people around me started noticing the increase in hair volume.

⭐️Why I Recommend PRP for Hair at Revival Clinic

  1. Professional Staff: The staff at Revival Clinic are knowledgeable and very accommodating.

  2. Effective Treatment: The PRP treatment delivered noticeable results, improving both hair growth and overall scalp health.

  3. Excellent Facility: The clinic is clean, modern, and provides a relaxing environment.


If you’re dealing with hair loss and looking for a solution, I highly recommend trying PRP for Hair at Revival Clinic Bangkok. It’s a natural, effective treatment that uses your body’s own healing properties to promote hair growth. My experience was extremely positive, and I’m thrilled with the results.

📕Contact Information

For more information or to book an appointment, visit their official website.
Phone: +66 95 968 774
Email: revivalclinicbangkok@gmail.com

📱Revival Clinic Bangkok SNS


🏠Clinic Location

Address: Sukhumvit 26, Bangkok, Thailand
Nearest Station: Phrom Pong BTS Station

Take the step towards healthier hair and visit Revival Clinic Bangkok.

If you visit Revival Clinic Bangkok after reading this article, please let Mr. George know that [PRP Takashi from Japan] recommended the clinic in his blog. While there not be a discount, this clinic truly delivers effective results, and I want to share this wonderful place with as many people as possible.

Thank you for reading!
