
2nd Heart Eche

2枚目のリリースアルバムです。 配信開始予定日:2022年06月21日 僕の人生で強く感じた事をテーマにしたコンセプトアルバムです。 全体的に早いテンポと4分打ちの楽曲が多い…


8.Good Old Days [Heart Ache]

The brandy cluster's cocktail word is "stop time". I don't want to go back to the good old days. I want to live my life that feels to be the best at this moment. But We can't live with forgetting Good Old Days... 「ブランデークラスター」のカクテル言葉は「時を止

9.Odyssey [Heart Ache]

Life is not just about happiness and success. It was hard when We were young, but now We can have a happy time. It's not a great story, But as the adventurous and wandering journey continues, We will cherish the present and live in the li