
Translation from P’Mew’s interview at GQ event:2022.12. その1

Translation from P’Mew’s interview at GQ event:

About his condition (mental health)
Said that he has /must say sorry to all his fans.
Said that in every work /job/event he did his fullest (utmost)
And he wanted to lease and make all the fans happy
But as he is doing this, he somehow sometimes forget to make himself happy too/please himself too.
Said that ta that time where he got to sing at PajaMongala, it is a very huge stage in Thailand, one of the biggest ever in it!
and he should be feeling so excited and be like "oh i want to perform on it already"! but when it was time to perform on it already"! but when it was time to perform already, he did not feel anything at all like he thought.
he did not feel anything and he was feeling so confused! .and thought that he would just go, be on stage.
Sing and finish his performance and go back home . That is. Said he usually be really was not happy, did not feel anything at all that time(because of the burmout)

彼はとても興奮していて、「ああ、私はそれを演奏したい」と思っているはずです! しかし、もう演奏する時が来たとき」! しかし、もう演奏する時が来たとき、彼は思ったように何も感じませんでした.
彼は何も感じず、とても混乱していました! .そして、彼はステージに上がるだけだと思っていました。
歌って演奏を終えて家に帰る。 あれは。 彼はいつも本当に幸せではなかったと言いました, その時は何も感じませんでした (燃え尽きのせいで)

Peg 2
Asking about his sister P’Jum being his manager now, asked if she can adapt to this work, as she is not from in the industry ?
He said this period, it is on adaption period of him., and the way his working is going by is all changing now completely.
Said but right now, he is feeling very happy ( with the new changes). And feeling so glad/ happy to come to the event(s)/work(s), and really be feeling very happy,.

と言いましたが、今、彼は(新しい変化に)とても幸せを感じています。 そして、イベントや仕事に来て本当によかった/幸せだった、そして本当にとても幸せだった.

Told him that as the fans are worried about him right now ( becouse of his mental health issue), if he wants to tell / say something to time to relieve their worry?
And P’Mew said that he thanks all the fans for being worried/ concerned about him and also thanked them for always supporting them. And he wont to tell/say
Them that right now, his symptoms is starting to be getting much better….

そしてP'Mewは、ファンの皆さんが心配してくれてありがとう、いつも応援してくれてありがとうと言いました。 そして、彼は言う/言うことはありません

Peg 3
… So no need to worry about him na, and also,he is now trying to look for his own happiness more and more in order to heal himself better all the time.
……だから気にしなくていいよな。 また、彼は今、常に自分自身をより良く癒すために、ますます自分自身の幸せを探し求めています.

Asked if he feels that the decisions he took to make those changes like that are turning good?
He said the changed are very good! At the beginning/at first, he thought than this burnout his is feeling is not gonna be healed/cured easily, but when he finally stared to make changed like thus, he stared to feel the fire to work again (energy to work), an he felt that it (the energy) is started to come back to him again so fast/quick.
彼は変化がとても良いと言った! 最初/最初、彼は自分が感じているこの燃え尽き症候群よりも簡単に癒される/治らないだろうと思っていましたが、最終的にこのように変化させようと見つめたとき、彼は再び働くための火を感じました(働くエネルギー)、 彼はそれ(エネルギー)が再び彼に戻ってくるのを非常に速く/速く感じました

Peg 4
About the new year:
He said that he wonts to accept so many lakorns.
The reporter joked and said, about 10 slakorns?
And he laughed and said no no, I cant (accept 10).

Asked him about the working with CH ONE31.,how is the shooting/filming with it is going?
And the reporter said that him saying this to this much/extend, them the seniors have to / must give him (roles in lakorns).(as he really wants to play more of them to this much).

CH ONE31.との仕事について聞いてみましたが、撮影はどのように進んでいますか?
そして、レポーターは、彼がこれをこれほど/拡張すると言ったと言いました. それらの先輩は彼に与えなければならない/与えなければならない(ロコルムでの役割).

Peg 5

Said that he used to think that it will/should be like that, like this, he then said that he said it ( the part, didn’t give details about what his thoughts were like before they helped him)to avoid giving any spoiler about the lakron (bad/evill love), but he will say that this story is really good, and the characters of it, each of them has got is own kind of wisdom, so this story can not be spoiled.

Then the reporters told him that P’Jes has spoiled about it already.
And P’Mew said, oh he did? And laughed.
彼は、スポイラーを与えることを避けるために、そのようになる/あるべきだと思う、このように、それから彼が言ったと言いました(その部分、彼らが彼を助ける前に彼の考えがどのようなものであったかについての詳細を与えませんでした) ラクロン(悪い/邪悪な愛)についてですが、彼はこの物語は本当に良いと言い、そのキャラクターはそれぞれが独自の知恵を持っているので、この物語はネタバレすることはできません.

そしてP'Mewは言った、ああ、彼はそうしましたか? そして笑った。

About the new year, said that he has got a countdown event on the new year (new year eve). And he is probably will be sneaking to travel before it, if possible.
新年については、新年(大晦日)にカウントダウンイベントがあるとのこと。 そして、可能であれば、彼はおそらくその前にこっそりと旅をするでしょう。

Peg 6
Asked him where will he be travelling?
And he said have to wait and follow his IG to see the pics on it there. But he not telling the place/ country, said that or else, the fans will be waiting for him there, so he will be just travelling secretly/in silence. (as it will be a private trip for him).
そして彼は、そこにある写真を見るために彼のIGを待ってフォローしなければならないと言いました. しかし、彼は場所/国を言わず、ファンがそこで彼を待っていると言った. (それは彼にとってプライベートな旅行になるからです)。

About the coming fan meeting in Koria next year:
He said he will be going next Jonuary to Korea for fan meeting there. He is really looking forward for it (excited). Said lost time (event) was in Japan, and all the fans there were really so cute/lovely.
He said that because of the situation there, all the fans had to be wearing masks the whole time, they still held up their lights (light sticks) and kept waving with them and kept clapping too.
彼は、ファンミーティングのために来年の1月に韓国に行くと言いました。 彼はとても楽しみにしています(興奮しています)。 ロストタイム(イベント)は日本で開催されたのですが、ファンの皆さんが本当に可愛かったです。
彼は、そこでの状況のために、すべてのファンがずっとマスクを着用しなければならなかったと言いました. 彼らはまだライト(ライトスティック)を掲げて手を振っていて、拍手も続けていました。

About his partner;
P'Mew said that he and his faen (bf/gf) has been discussing/talking with each other about it/this a lot (him having an imaginary couple).
He said that he has a Y series (bl) and he has become an imaginary couple. He said that during the jobs/works, being an imaginary couple and working to make the fans happy, is truly his happiness too. But the imaginary couple is an imaginary couple (not real).
P'Mew は、彼と彼の faen (bf/gf) が、それについて/これについて多くのことを話し合っている/話し合っていると言いました (彼には架空のカップルがいます)。
Y系(bl)を持っていて、イマジナリーカップルになったとのこと。 彼は、仕事/作品の間、想像上のカップルであり、ファンを幸せにするために働くことは、本当に彼の幸せでもあると言いました. でも架空のカップルは架空のカップル(現実ではない)

He said he feel that now, as he is already having a faen(bf/gf), wants to respect his faen too.
He said, he wants to say that he already has a faen(bf/gf), and yeah., it is true/fact that work is work, having on imaginary couple is normally, he does not mind this at all, but even work still has got the boundaries tho! Said if it comes to reality, his real life and how it is, then the boundaries must be there. Said that But he wants to respect all his fans, and it is already clear now, so he thinks/believes that if the line is drown clearly (between the reality and the imaginary), then it is going to be okay.
彼は、彼はすでにファエン(bf / gf)を持っていると言いたいと言いました、そしてそうです、それは本当です/仕事は仕事です、想像上のカップルを持つことは通常、彼はこれをまったく気にしませんが、 仕事にはまだ限界があります! それが現実、彼の実生活、そしてそれがどのようになっているのかということになると、境界はそこにあるに違いないと言いました. しかし、彼はすべてのファンを尊重したいと考えており、それはすでに明確になっているので、(現実と虚構の間の) 境界線が明確に溺れていれば大丈夫だと彼は考え/信じています.

Asked that if they (he & his lover) are ready, would he want to be getting married next year already?
And he said yes, actually he want it too (quick/fast), if he got the chance/opportunity.
He said thot his faen (bf/gf) is not ready yet.

Asked if his faen( (bf/gf) is willing to tho even tho they are still not fully ready/prepared yet? He said he really doesn't know. Said he is afraid/scared of having an quarrel (argument) with each other (about/regarding this topic), so really does not dare to tell/say (about it) them (his faen).

He said that the fortune teller had told him before that the best/most suitable time for marriage for him in next year, or 3 years later after this.
But thinks that next year will be too fast/quick, so probably not.
彼は、彼のファエン (bf/gf) はまだ準備ができていないと言いました。

彼の faen( (bf/gf) は、まだ完全に準備ができていない/準備ができていないにもかかわらず、喜んで参加するかどうか尋ねられましたか? 彼は本当にわからないと言いました. 他の(このトピックについて/に関して)ので、実際に(それについて)彼らに話す/言うことを敢えてしません(彼のファエン)。

彼は、占い師が、彼にとって来年、または今から3年後の結婚に最適/最適な時期を以前に彼に言ったと言った. しかし、来年は早すぎる/早すぎると考えているので、おそらくそうではありません.

Said that at the shooting location of the lakorn (evil/bad love), he and P’Mai and P’Jes were talking about the marriage topic as they all have similar ages(Close ages to each other). And P’Mew guessed that it would P’Jes who would get married first out of the 3 as P’Jes has been in a relationship for a long time. But the P’Mew and reporters asked everyone to try and guess who out of them 3 will be getting married first ha ha ha ha.

Sad that he is old now, hi is 30 years old now, and there are younger poll calling him Nong mew, said that he is at the age of being an uncle generation already ha ha ha ha. More like, at the age where a person/someone is able to/ can create/build a family already.

P’Mew said that he and his faen (bf/gf) will be coming (going) to meet the their two families gradually/slowly (meet each other’s families). He said that his faen ( bf/gf) still has not come to his house yet.
Lakorn (evil/bad love) の撮影場所で、彼と P'Mai と P'Jes は年齢が似ているため (お互いに年齢が近い)、結婚の話題について話していたと言いました。 P'Mew は、P'Jes は長い間交流していたので、3 人の中で最初に結婚するのは P'Jes だと推測しました。 しかし、P'Mew とレポーターは、3 人のうち誰が最初に結婚するか当ててみてくださいとみんなに言いました。ハハハハ

もう年をとってしまったのが悲しい、もう30歳、若い世論調査ではノンミュウと呼び、もうおじ世代の年齢だという。 もっと言えば、人/誰かがすでに家族を作ることができる/作ることができる年齢で.

P'Mew は、彼と彼の faen (bf/gf) が 2 つの家族に徐々に/ゆっくりと会う (お互いの家族に会う) ために来る (行く) と言いました。 彼は、彼のファエン ( bf/gf ) がまだ彼の家に来ていないと言いました。

He said that Mama has just known about it (him in relationship). He said he thinks/believes that she probably has known about it but she has never sais/told yet. But he has finally talked to each other (him & his mama/family) about it and has talked to his faen (bf/gf) too.
彼は、ママがそれについて知ったばかりだと言いました(彼は関係にあります)。 彼は、彼女はおそらくそれについて知っていると思う/信じていると言いましたが、彼女はまだ言ったことはありません. しかし、彼は最終的にそれについてお互いに(彼と彼のママ/家族)に話し、彼のファエン(bf / gf)にも話しました.
