
PT JOB - A Wedding Place

I worked at a wedding place when I was a 3rd year university student. One of my friends worked at a wedding place and she told me that it is a tough job as a part time job. I had hectic days in university at the time, hence, I could not spend time on work on weekdays. I wanted to concentrate on my school project on weekdays. However, one day I saw an advertisement that said, "hiring for 3 days in a month on weekends". It sounded perfect for me. I got a job doing reception and as an elevator staff at the wedding place which is situated in Bashamichi. (Yokohama)

My manager and colleagues were great people and were like my friends even though the job was not easy. It was extremely stressful. I had to pretend I was an elegant person. There is an obvious reason that a wedding ceremony is once a lifetime for couples (in general). Hence, staff cannot make mistakes! What makes this job difficult is the several ceremonies that go on simultaneously. I did not know who was whose groom, for instance. In addition, I had a headset while working. This made the job more complicated. Guests sometimes would talk to me when my coworkers were saying something crucial on the headset. I did not know what guests said so I sometimes just smiled at them . Guests often asked me where the washroom was or told me about guests and bride/groom's memories. The weirdest thing is, why do they have a wedding ceremony that includes a church (probably fake)? I know Japanese people think it is beautiful.. it is great for wedding photos.. but most brides and grooms are not Christians.  

Other interesting things are the guests. I should not have judged them though, some brides and grooms are apparently Ya*uza. You can tell because of their tattoos (in a ya*uza's way). I was honestly scared to talk to them but they were nice. Another bride and groom cancelled their ceremony on that day! They must have had some drama...My mother liked to listen to guests' stories after I got home :) She asked me "How were the guests today?" "How many guests today?" 

I had an atypical experience as I wore wedding dresses many times as a model for new marriage couples. It means that I pretended that I was a new bride. I hated this job. Although I was delight to get pretty hair and a dress for the first time, it was impossible to have a happy face! Not only smile. I had to have a happy aura. Pretending to kiss a coworker! Ugh! I thought being a model is better than the reception job but... it was tough!

This job was not easy at all, however, I worked for 2 years doing it. Since my colleagues were nice, I enjoyed working and complaining with them. 


▲ I wore a wig as hiding my beautiful blonde hair. みんな元気かな~


▲ I was cleaning the bride and groom room


▲ What a gorgeous hairstyle! Even I had a bob hair. A hairstylist did it for a model :)


▲ I like this costume. :)


