
Day 841 [Ukraine War Map] Russia Falls Apart! Accelerated Losses in Land War, Armenia switch to West

The situation in Ukraine on June 13, 2024
Telegram - https://t.me/UKR_RU_WarMap
0:00 Introduction
1:00 General matters on the war situation in Ukraine
1:55 War situation in various regions of Ukraine
2:12 Northeast, Harkiv area, Liptsi and Bohdzhansk
4:05 Northeast Luhansk Oblast, Eastern Bakhmut direction Harkiv, Terney, ChasivYar
5:38 Southeast Donetsk Oblast, in the direction of Avdiivka and Marinka
10:44 Explosion and fire incident in the rear area
11:49 South Zaporizhia province of Kherson War situation
12:28 Latest news on the situation in Ukraine and Russia
12:40 Euro-dollar exchange halted after Moscow Exchange sanctions come into effect, ruble as good as a piece of paper
13:42 Hungary to tacitly support Ukraine
14:22 Armenia switches to Western security, announces withdrawal from CSTO
15:20 G7 agreement Russia to confiscate 8 trillion in frozen assets and provide military support to Ukraine

#Ukraine war situation
#Russian forces
#President Putin

The latest Ukrainian war situation that the media never tells you about, explained clearly with maps! War situation is updated twice a day.
This video is summarized in Japanese with reports from the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the latest ISW, the latest defense studies, the latest defense-related websites, Twitter, and Telegram.
●Past videos are available from the playlist.
English version
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Red: Russian military Blue: Ukrainian military Orange: disputed
The map is scaled down, with squares of 10 km on each side in some places.
What are the losses of the Ukrainian forces?
 Data not disclosed Estimated from loss ratio
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Hello everyone.
Today I will continue to bring you the latest Ukrainian situation in a compact and easy to understand format with the use of maps.
I'd like to welcome you all to our video.
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Situation in Ukraine
It has been 841 days since Russia invaded Kyiv.
First of all,
general matters.
According to the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces,
Russian losses were 980 soldiers
17 tanks
21 armored fighting vehicles
34 guns
2 air defense systems
33 drones
5 cruise missiles
62 other vehicles.
The entire front reported 90 ground battles in a single day.
And the ratio of the number of losses of Ukrainian equipment to Russian losses,
which can be visually confirmed,
is 1 to 1.7 compared to the number of losses on the Ukrainian side.
Russian losses are notable for reconnaissance and communications facilities,
infantry fighting vehicles,
engineering vehicles,
and civilian vans,
while on the Ukrainian side,
Su27s were damaged by missiles,
several S300 air defense systems were destroyed by Russian Iskander missiles,
and other notable losses are military trucks,
and guns The Ukrainian side was damaged by Su-27 missiles.
let's look at the war situation in each region.
I will focus on the areas where the war situation has changed.
You can follow the changes with the date if you use the full screen on the big screen.
Harkiv area
This report focuses on the situation in the Halkiu area,
where Russian troops crossed the border on May 10 and launched a military invasion.
The weather in Harkiv was cloudy with thunderstorms.
The minimum temperature is 17 degrees Celsius and the maximum temperature is 29 degrees Celsius.
Today's weather is forecast to be cloudy and sunny.
The weather forecast is for a little windy and unstable weather for the rest of the week.
Lipizzi area
There is no information that will affect the battle map in this area,
but Russian troops have been shelling Zelene and the surrounding border forests,
and have fired about 20 multiple rocket attacks on the forests east of Zelene,
so it is possible that they will cross the border and advance in this direction.
Vovtyansk area
There is no information on this area that would affect the battle map,
but the Ukrainian military is bombing the area shown on the map,
and it appears that this is where the Russian forces are concentrating.
For now,
there is no change in the battle map,
but the Russian forces are moving in small units and regrouping near the attack points,
so we continue to be on tenterhooks here.
What you are seeing is the Ukrainian side,
at the location indicated on the map,
after the Ukrainian forces attacked with three JDAMs.
Sixteen Russian soldiers were called to hell as a result of this attack.
Here is the latest view of the city of Vovtyansk from the Russian side.
Northeastern Luhansk Oblast
Eastern part,
toward ChasivYar
The following is a report on the situation in the area from Kupyansk to ChasivYar.
In this area,
the Russians made one attack in Kupyansk,
13 attacks along the Svatbekremina line,
a ground battle at Vimka in the Sibersk area,
and 10 attacks in the ChasivYar area.
Around Sibersk
Along the railroad south of Vimka,
Russian troops attacked and advanced,
according to video footage with positioning information.
Ukrainian troops were seen firing back with a drone,
indicating the advance of Russian forces.
Just to the north,
a Russian drone attacked a Ukrainian military trench,
indicating that this location is the front line.
The battle map has been updated to show that the Russians have captured a portion of the eastern part of this area,
which was recaptured by Ukrainian forces at the end of April.
The area is about 1.5 square kilometers.
ChasivYar Area
In this area,
the Russians continue to attack ChasivYar,
repeatedly sending their dismounted infantry into the canal,
only to be repulsed.
There were no changes to the battle map.
Southeast Donetsk Oblast
The following is an update on the war situation in the areas of Avdiivka,
and Velikanovosilka.
In this sector,
the Russians made 24 attacks in various directions,
of which the Ukrainians repulsed 12,
but the ground fighting continued in the remaining 12,
and the fighting was fierce.
Novo Oleksandrivka was the scene of a fierce ground battle,
with both sides attacking.
the Russians shelled a small Ukrainian position northeast of the settlement at the location shown on the map,
confirming that the Ukrainians had advanced this far.
the Ukrainians are conducting a drone strike on the mapped area south of the town,
which also confirms that this area is under Russian control.
The image you are seeing is from the Ukrainian side and shows the location shown on the map south of the settlement.
We have updated the battle map to show that Russian forces have advanced to this location,
so we have assumed that the Russians have occupied part of the disputed territory.
To draw on the map a bit,
the main Ukrainian military triple line of defense is 800 meters away from where the Russians have advanced,
and if the Russians do advance,
we expect spectacular losses.
According to several unconfirmed reports,
the Russians have attacked Novopokrovske,
and although reports vary from source to source,
one military blogger reports that they have taken 70% of the settlement,
so at least there is some ground fighting going on,
and we have updated our battle map to include that area as disputed territory.
We have updated the war situation map with that area as the disputed territory.
We will provide additional information as soon as it becomes available.
Ukrainian forces are attacking from Novoselivska Persia in a southeasterly direction,
establishing positions at the locations shown on the map.
What you are seeing is the situation on the Russian side,
in the area shown on the map.
The battle map shows some changes in the area of the disputed territories.
The Russians attacked north of the pond of Netilove,
where the ground battle is also taking place.
According to the information available,
a Ukrainian Marder infantry fighting vehicle has been destroyed on the plain a little north of the area,
confirming that this area is the front line.
we have updated this area from Ukrainian-controlled to disputed territory,
and have updated the battle map to show the forested area to the south of this area as partially occupied by Russian forces.
This location is also 1.8 kilometers from the Ukrainian main line of defense,
and the Russians are expected to suffer accelerating losses as they advance.
Marinka sector
The Russians made four attacks in this sector,
advancing at Neveleske and fighting on the ground at Krasnohorivka.
In Neveleske,
according to the video with location information,
the Russians occupied about 30% of the settlement.
The video you are seeing is from the Ukrainian side,
where the Russian troops are being observed in the settlement of Neveleske.
We reported in our May 6 video that the Ukrainian army had recaptured this location again,
and we have updated the battle map to show that the Russian army has captured a portion of the southeastern side of the area.
Drawing a bit of a map,
we can see that there are no defensive positions at all to the west of Neveleske,
so the Ukrainian army will have to retreat about 10 kilometers.
in Krasnohorivka,
the Ukrainian army has counterattacked in the last few days and,
to complicate things a bit,
the Ukrainian drone is active in the area shown on the map south of the railroad tracks and the Russian drone is active on the western outskirts of the town,
so the battle map assumes the Ukrainian army has retaken the western outskirts of the town.
Velikanovosilka sector.
Russian forces conducted two attacks in this sector,
and there is no information affecting the battle map,
but for Staromaiorsk,
the Ukrainian military denies that Russian forces occupied the area,
and the Russians report that the mopping up operation is over and the occupation is complete.
Rear Areas
In Crimea,
which has been busy lately,
there are reports that 20 explosions were observed at the Russian Belbek airfield near Sevastopol,
that a Russian S400 was destroyed,
and other information is being updated,
and eventually explosions were observed in a wide area from Evpatoria to Sevastopol,
The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that one S300 and two S400s were targeted in the vicinity of Belbek and Sevastopol.
In addition,
the GUR,
the Ukrainian MoD's main intelligence directorate,
reports that the Russian military is moving the S500,
its only modern air defense system,
for deployment on the Crimean peninsula.
The S500 is an air defense missile that will go into mass production in 2019 and is capable of shooting down drones,
ballistic missiles,
as well as satellites in space flying at an altitude of 200 kilometers,
according to the report.
South Zaporizhia Province
province of Kherson.
In this area,
there have been six Russian military attacks in the direction of Maratkumatica and in Krinky.
Of these,
according to the video with location information,
there was information that Ukrainian forces attacked and recaptured Russian positions north of Myrmekh,
and the battle map was updated to show the area as having been recaptured by Ukrainian forces from Russian-occupied territory.
All other Russian attacks were repulsed by Ukrainian forces and the battle map remains unchanged.
This is a brief report with selected news about the situation in Ukraine.
You can also use YouTube's chapter feature to watch where you need to go.
The U.S.
Treasury Department has added the Moscow exchange to its sanctions,
and as of today it is no longer possible to trade with the dollar and the euro.
Although customers will be able to exchange money with each other and at public exchange offices in the future,
the ruble exchange rate will no longer be displayed,
and this could lead to future restrictions and exchange freezes on dollars and euros held by Russian companies and individuals,
which has caused confusion in 2023 when banks set exchange restrictions for each customer.
Long lines to exchange money for rubles at exchange offices in St.
Petersburg indicate the magnitude of the impact.
The Central Bank of Russia has announced that the sanctions do not mean that the ruble will lose value,
but it does mean that the ruble,
which cannot be freely converted into dollars or euros,
will be like a piece of paper in foreign countries and will become a local currency that can only be used in Russia.
NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg met with Hungarian PM Orban,
and at a press conference afterward,
he stated that "Hungary has promised not to interfere in exchange for not supporting Ukraine," and PM Orban "will not block NATO's decision even if it differs from Hungary's opinion." Prime Minister Orban also stated,
"We will not block NATO's decision even if it differs from Hungarian opinion.
This allows NATO to act without Hungary,
although Hungarian PM Orban is known for his pro-Russian statements and actions,
and his support for Ukraine had disrupted NATO's unity.
Armenia has steered clear of Russia.
Armenian PM Pashinyan addressed the parliament,
saying that "we are preparing to withdraw from CSTO (the Russian-led security framework)."
The PM also harshly denounced the CSTO,
saying that "the CSTO is a bubble military alliance and was the cause of Azerbaijan's war with our country," referring to Armenia's defeat in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
A day earlier,
Armenia had signed a strategic partnership with the U.S.
and issued a statement saying that it "will be raised to the level of a military alliance."
The press reported on the meaning of this,
saying that an American base would be built in Armenia.
Armenia borders Turkey,
and Iran,
which would mean a decline in Russian influence and a major change in security in the future.
AFP reports that the G7 nations have agreed to confiscate and allocate $50 billion from Russia's frozen assets to military aid and reconstruction in Ukraine.
reports that this will be on the agenda of the G7 summit to be held from the 13th to the 15th of this month,
but that a final decision may take a little longer.
The short version of this story is that Russia is funding its enemy,
and using its own money to destroy its own troops,
which is a ridiculous thing to do.
That's all for today.
Please feel free to leave your analysis of the war situation,
your thoughts on the news,
and any updates you may have in the comments section.
Thank you for watching.
