4.20 diary correct ver

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It's noon on April 21st when I'm writing this post.

Yesterday, I drove to Karato Market in Yamaguchi Prefecture and had lunch with my local friends since elementary school. Later, we returned to Fukuoka, and I watched a Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks baseball game at PayPay Dome.

It was very fun and exciting.

But, my best memory from April 20th is drinking alcohol with local friends last night. When I was a college student, I moved to Hokkaido alone. I wanted to maintain our relationship, but I had never met them or drank with them.

Moving to Hokkaido and fitting in alone was different from what I experienced locally. I think there are both good and bad sides to it. I felt envious of them; they frequently meet each other.

Spending the day with locals was a great time. Locals are the best.

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I'm writing this on the afternoon of the 21st.

Yesterday, I drove to Karato Market in Yamaguchi Prefecture with close friends from elementary school and had lunch. Afterwards, we returned to Fukuoka and watched a Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks baseball game at PayPay Dome.

Both the visit to Karato Market and the baseball game were enjoyable, but what left the biggest impression was being able to drink together at night.

Until now, I had gone to Hokkaido alone, and although I had some connections with local people, I hadn't had many opportunities to meet them, let alone drink with them.

Going to Hokkaido alone and fitting in there by myself was indeed different from the experiences and connections I had with local people. There were aspects that were good, but there was also a sense of envy towards the locals who gathered and enjoyed themselves together.

This time, being able to spend the whole day with local people and drink together was truly the best time.

Old friends are the best, aren't they?
