
Non-Fiction Writer




Yuki Kondo, a freelance writer and adventurous traveler, captivated his audience with a compelling lecture where he recounted his personal journey of self-discovery and meaningful engagement with diverse communities. Through his experiences, Kondo shed light on his motivations, the issues that captured his attention, the communities he chose to connect with, the skills required for effective engagement, and the profound impact it had on his life.

Motivation and Wants

Motivated by a quest for freedom, Yuki Kondo embarked on a transformative journey filled with writing, travel, and exploration. His motivation stemmed from a deep belief in the value of freedom and self-expression, viewing his expedition as a means to realize these ideals.

Issues of paying attention

During his travels, Kondo dedicated his attention to social and cultural issues, delving into subjects such as the lives of ex-Japanese soldiers in Thailand, homelessness in Shanghai, and the challenges faced by remote communities. Driven by curiosity and empathy, he sought to uncover untold stories and amplify the voices of marginalized individuals.

Engagement with Communities

Kondo actively connected with diverse communities throughout his journey, engaging with locals in small villages, ex-soldiers in Maesot, and homeless individuals in Shanghai. By seeking genuine interactions, he aimed to grasp the realities of these communities. Immersing himself in their midst, Kondo sought profound insights to share their stories and foster understanding and empathy on a global scale.

Modes of Engagement

To facilitate meaningful engagement, Kondo employed specific skills. Active listening was paramount, allowing him to fully comprehend the intricacies of people's lives. Empathy played a crucial role in forming deeper connections. Furthermore, his writing and storytelling abilities effectively conveyed the essence of these communities, transcending geographical barriers.

Skills for Meaningful Engagement

Kondo's lecture had a profound impact on the audience, highlighting the transformative power of community engagement. It reinforced the idea of breaking away from established systems to discover untapped potential and emphasized the significance of authentic human interactions and storytelling in fostering empathy, understanding, and positive change.

Personal Reflection and Discoveries

Kondo's lecture left a lasting impression on the audience, showcasing the transformative power of engaging with communities. It reinforced the notion that by stepping outside established systems and actively seeking connections, individuals can uncover untapped potential within themselves and the world around them. The lecture served as a reminder of the importance of genuine human interactions and the power of storytelling in fostering empathy, understanding, and positive change.


Yuki Kondo's journey and his engagement with communities were truly inspiring. His motivations, focus on critical issues, deliberate interactions, and honed skills led to transformative experiences. Through his lecture, Kondo not only shared his insights but also provided a roadmap for others to genuinely connect with communities. His story is a testament to the power of connec tion, active listening, and sharing the stories of communities worldwide.




