
Living with Music Vol.13〜Nicolas RIBALET / ニコラ・リバレ(France / Japan)

Nicolas RIBALET / ニコラ・リバレ(フランス・日本)

南砺市福野創造文化センター ヘリオス館長代理

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 このような状況を彼はどう見ているのか? そのインターナショナルな視点とサジェスチョンには、今、日本で足りないものに対しての、様々なヒントがあるようだ。




Q: 現在の周囲の状況を教えてもらえますか。

 私が運営している”福野文化創造センター ヘリオス”は、ワールドミュージック・フェスティバル ”スキヤキ・ミーツ・ザ・ワールド”の制作業務を担当していますが、5月31日まで閉館しています。劇場、アートギャラリー、カフェ、リハーサルスタジオ、会議室、すべての施設が閉まっています。事前予約での本 やCDの貸し出し、ホールの予約、イベント企画などを、電話やメールでの対応は引き続き行っています。普段は20名で働いていますが、先月から最大5名のローテーションで固定しています(図書館・警備込み)。他の社員は在宅で業務を行っています。

Q: 音楽産業はどこも大きな打撃を受けています。現在の仕事の状況はいかがでしょうか?

 「5月20日に発表したばかりなのですが、当初8月20日~29日に開催を予定していた”スキヤキ・ミーツ・ザ・ワールド 2020”を、中止せざるを得なくなりました。

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GILI YALO / ギリ・ヤロ(Israel / Ethiopia)@ SUKIYAKI MEETS THE WORLD 2019・富山県南砺市

Q: 音楽や文化の産業に携わる人たちに対しての、日本政府のやり方をどのように見ていますか?


Q: ミュージシャンと音楽関係者にとって、今、社会に対してどのようなアプローチを行うことがベストだと考えますか?


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Q: 今の状況において、音楽やエンターテインメントの役割とはなんでしょうか?


Q: 先を見通すことは困難ですが、ポスト・コロナを見据えて何か考えていることはありますか?

 ライブ・ミュージックの業界もまた、COVID-19の旅行への影響(事前の健康チェック、ビザの制限、荷物・装備の制限?) が、長期間残ることが考えられるので、国内外のアーティストのバランスを見直す必要があるでしょう」

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Q: 音楽を通して、海外に暮らす友人たちとシェアできるアイデアは何かありますか?


Q: 今、お好きな音楽を教えてください。

 Oliver Mtukudzi /オリバー・ムツクジ(1952年~2019年)。ジンバブエ出身の伝説のアーティストで、60枚のアルバムをリリースしていて、おそらく南部アフリカ全域で最も人気のあるアーティストの一人でした。


Nicolas Ribalet / ニコラ・リバレ(フランス・日本)
南砺市福野創造文化センター ヘリオス 館長代理

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 フランス出身、富山県南砺市在住。2006年から、ワールドミュージック・フェスティバル「スキヤキ・ミーツ・ザ・ワールド」プロデューサー。2018年より南砺市福野創造文化センター「 ヘリオス」館長代理。スキヤキのアーティストネットワーク代表として、世界各地へのライブツアー等の企画とツアーマネージメント(25組、40カ国、300公演以上)を行う。

Nicolas RIBALET(France / Japan)English


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 The world music boom in Japan began in the late 1980's and early 1990's.
 At the same time, Okinawan artists such as the Rinken Band, Shokichi Kina & the Champloose, and the Nenes also played a part in the boom. Okinawan music also became more widely known to the world.
 In the midst of this, "Sukiyaki Meets The World", which started in 1991, has, over the 30 years since then, set a new direction for world music in Japan.
 While it has been difficult for the world music scene itself to take root in Japan, the festival has been able to continue, thanks in large part to the efforts of French producer Nicolas Ribalet.
 His curatorial and management skills, which accurately captured the global mode of world music, are truly world class, and he has planted the seeds of culture in a small town in Toyama Prefecture that had never been involved in world music.
 Every year at the end of August, the town becomes the world music capital of Japan, filled with colorful music from all over the world.
 Unfortunately, this year, due to COVID-19, "Sukiyaki Meets the World" had to be cancelled for the first time since the event began.
 How does he view such a situation? His international perspective and suggestions seem to offer a variety of hints for what is lacking in Japan today.

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"SUKIYAKI MEETS THE WORLD 2019", Nanto-city,Toyama,Japan

"I hope that Japan and Asia will also be able to propose a sustainable and fair model for artists and workers in the music industry."

Q: Please tell us about your current surroundings situation.

 “I live in a small town in Toyama region, which is usually empty even without lockdown…. So it very peaceful and calm.
 The Fukuno Creative Cultural Center Helios I’m running – and which handles the production work of the festival Sukiyaki – is closed until May 31. The theater, the art gallery, the café, the rehearsal studios, the conference rooms, all the facilities are closed. It is still possible to borrow books/cds with prior reservation, we also continue to manage hall reservations, event planning, etc… by phone and email.
 We are usually 20 people working here, but we have fixed from last month a rotation of 5 persons maximum (library and security included). The other employees are working at home.
 I should say it works well for the moment. It even has some positive aspects on efficiency, working time, stress, etc… but in long-term it will probably hard to manage it efficiently.”

Q: The music industry is taking a big hit in every country. Please tell us about your current work.

 “It has just been announced on May 20th, but we have had to cancel the festival Sukiyaki Meets The World 2020, originally planned for Aug 20-29. It was supposed to be our 30th anniversary and a big party, but the situation was impossible to manage. The financial risk was too high with public supports postponed, sponsors cancelled, impossibility to contract insurances, etc. The production work was also mostly blocked due the impossibility to get agreements with the cultural agencies abroad, to start the visas demands, to plan the flights.
 We are now debating with all the staff about how we can support the artists, the local partners (stage crew, hotels, catering) and our network in Japan and abroad.”

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GILI YALO(Israel / Ethiopia)@ SUKIYAKI MEETS THE WORLD 2019, Nanto-city,Toyama,Japan

Q: In the current situation, what kind of support does the government give to people involved in music and culture in your country? Also, are you happy with it?

 “The Japanese government has not developed any support specific to music and culture for the moment. Artists can be supported as any other free-lance worker and small size companies, on a condition to be able to justify their income last year at the same period. Many artists unfortunately do not have those papers and will probably have many difficulties to get even partial support. For the moment, a few local administrations (regions / cities) are moving, trying to adapt their support to the specificities of the art industry, but I have the feeling it is often very symbolic and that no global measures will be adopted in Japan. So… no way to be happy with that.”

Q: What is the best approach that musicians and music professionals can take to your society right now?

 “The independent artists, the live-houses and clubs, the free-lance workers of the music industry in this country are urgently needing to organize and to structure themselves. For now, they have no national association, no trade union, or any kind of official representation, no tool at all to bring their voice and to make pressure on their government. How do they expect to get impact and to change their situation?
 The debate about the social position of the performing arts industry is shaking all the countries touched by the covid19. I would like to see Japan and Asia shaking as well, able to propose a sustainable and fair model for its artists and workers of the music industry.”

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Nanto-city,Tomaya May,2020

Q: What do you think is the role of music and entertainment in the current situation?

 “People locked at home are listening to more music and watching more movies, reading more books. The importance of culture in our daily life is an evidence. It is an incredible source of energy - for everyone. It is important especially in this difficult moment that the artists continue to create, to express themselves, to talk about our time, about us and to share it.
 So I think the role of music doesn’t change. The situation only is different. A painful but imperative occasion to show how important music is.”

Q: It's difficult to look ahead, but is there anything that you're thinking about now for the post corona virus?

 “I think everybody fully understand we have to adapt our models.
 It is clear today that all those music streaming services are unable to ensure even a basic income to struggling artists. Copyrights and diffusion don’t pay enough, and the proportion of the live music in the income of the artists is too heavy which is dangerous in this situation. This balance should be seriously reconsidered.
 The live music industry will also probably have to rethink the balance between domestic and international artists, as the impact of the covid19 on our travels (prior health checks, more restrictions on visas, luggage/equipment limitations?) will probably remain for a long period.”

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"SUKIYAKI MEETS THE WORLD 2019", Nanto-city,Toyama,Japan

Q: Do you have any ideas that you can share with your friends who lives in overseas through music?

 “Many artists or professionals of this industry are struggling, with no income or security for the future. But many initiatives are showing results. You are professionals: take time to explore what are the systems in the other countries (France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, etc…). I sincerely believe music could be an industry with more solidarity and consciousness – and could even be a source of inspiration to other sectors by its way to consider work, social involvement and networking.”

Q: What's your favorite music right now?

 “Well, my friends know I’m an African music lover.
 We were preparing the 30th anniversary of the festival Sukiyaki this year, and we are working on our archive. So here is one of my favorite: Oliver Mtukudzi.
 He was a legendary artist (1952-2019) from Zimbabwe – with 60 albums, he was probably the most popular artist in all Southern Africa. He came in Japan only 1 time (in 2013 for my festival). He came with a very simple set - 1 guitar, 1 bass, 1 drum, 2 chorus. A minimal – essential – pure style of music I especially like.”

 “I add also a video of his young time, in 1982, 6 month after the independence of the country, when for the first time the young black generation took the handle of creation.
 I like the mood of that time in Zimbabwe, the country was still to be built, full of possibilities, of creativities, and the music powerful.”

Nicolas Ribalet(France / Japan)

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 Born in France and living in Nanto City, Toyama, Japan since 2001. He has been producing the world music festival "Sukiyaki Meets the World" since 2006, and directing the Nanto-City Creative Cultural Center “Helios” since 2018. As representative of the artist office "Sukiyaki Network", he has been in charge of the planning and tour management of live tours around the world (25 bands, 40 countries, over 300 shows).
