
公立小中高教員、精神疾患で離職が過去最多 21年度





日本経済新聞 朝刊 2023.7.29 一部抜粋















Title: Rising Mental Health Concerns Among Public School Teachers: Record High Resignations Due to Mental Disorders in FY 2021


1.It was revealed in the interim report of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
that 953 public elementary, middle, and high school teachers resigned due to mental disorders in fiscal year 2021, marking a record high.

2.This figure increased by 171 compared to the previous survey conducted in fiscal year 2018, constituting 8% of the total 12,652 non-retirement-related resignations.

3.MEXT acknowledges that addressing teachers' mental health is an urgent task.

Hello, everyone!

Today's topic revolves around a pressing issue in the education sector.The interim report from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has unveiled a staggering fact : a record 953 public school teachers from elementary, middle, and high schools resigned due to mental disorders in fiscal year 2021.This statistic serves as a stark reminder of the paramount importance of mental health in the education landscape.


Educational Reform and Efforts towards Mental Health:

With extended working hours and an escalating workload becoming commonplace, concerns have arisen about the stress and exhaustion experienced by teachers.This scenario has contributed to a decrease in the number of prospective teachers and exacerbated the issue of teacher shortages.MEXT is compelled to address this issue and take necessary measures.Reforming teachers' working conditions is not just a need within the private sector but is also of utmost importance within the education domain.

Support for Teachers' Mental Health:

To alleviate stress and burdens in the educational sphere, MEXT is already considering strategies to promote improved working conditions and substantially augment support staff. Anticipations are high that this will establish an environment wherein teachers can operate in a state of well-being, more so than ever before.

Embracing New Forms of Education:

The educational arena is in a state of perpetual transformation.Emerging educational formats such as online instruction and remote classes are gaining prominence.This transformation is accompanied by shifts in teachers' roles and responsibilities.This transition is likely to contribute to a reduction in teachers' workload and stress.

Building the Future of Education Together:

As active contributors to shaping the future of education, it is imperative that we support the well-being of teachers. Education serves as the bedrock of society, and it is pivotal to address the mental health of the educators who underpin this foundation. The decline in educational quality has a profound impact on Japan's human resources and could potentially result in lagging behind in the global competitive business landscape. Both MEXT and the private sector should collaborate to foster an environment where teachers can effectively contribute to nurturing the future of children.


Addressing teachers' mental health concerns within the education sphere is undeniably a critical issue. Education stands as an investment in Japan's future, in the children who are the torchbearers of that future. Enhancing the quality of education contributes to Japan's national resilience in the long run. Creating a more appealing faculty environment could potentially mitigate the issue of teacher shortages.
