



キャサリン・オースティン・フィッツによる "ダイレクトリセットを目指す"の解説


私はキャサリン・オースティン・フィッツのファンです。元政府関係者、投資銀行家、そして現在は出版社として大成功を収めています。彼女の出版物「The Solari Report」はとてもお勧めです。特に今日に関連する部分は、ジョン・タイタスとの「2020年総括」HEREと、最近発表された以下のインタビューに記載されている。

倒産した政府は、倒産した企業とは異なり、倒産を引き延ばすためにお金を印刷することができます - 破産裁判所によってリストラを強制される代わりに。しかし、その方法も無制限ではない。ある時点で、印刷と窃盗を続けることができなくなる。その時点がいつ来るかを正確に見積もるのは難しいが、必ず来る。歴史上、いくつかの基軸通貨と数多くのマイナー通貨が存在し、終焉を迎えている。終点が訪れると、それは極めて急速であり、止めることはできない。

オースティン・フィッツがインタビューで説明しているように、米国の金融政策は2019年8月に「直撃」し、事前に計画されていた -おそらくこの事態のために特別に-「パンデミック」は、これを一時的に覆い隠し、経済を停止させることを可能にすると同時に、中央集権をさらに握り、資産を安くし、安定化を解除して、可能な限りの対抗勢力から力を奪う印刷貨幣の津波を繰り広げられるために始動させられたのです。



現在の国民に対する戦争は、グローバリストの「オーナー」である中央銀行の所有者が試みている再編成の一部である -ダイレクトリセットとCBDCの試みに行く。これは、誰の偽デジタルトークンが「世界準備」になるかをめぐる戦いでもある。そして、米国はユーロ圏と、ロシアと中国と、経済戦争やバイオテロ戦争の様々な段階を経て、運動論的戦争に発展している。ロシアと中国とユーロ圏は、自国民を殺害し恐怖に陥れることで、必死にバランスシートを再構築しているのだ。



以下のインタビューで、オースティン・フィッツは、ワシントンと金融セクターで働いた経験について述べている。彼女は、1990年代から現在に至るまで起こった一連の金融事件、いわゆる "金融クーデター "の意味について説明している。

アクティヴィズム・ミニッチ 金融クーデター解説 2023年2月1日(57分)



サーシャ・ラティポワはウクライナ出身で米国に住む起業家である。専門職としてのキャリアの大半は、製薬/ヘルスケア業界で、特に新しい臨床技術やバイオマーカーの開発、検証、規制当局による承認、商品化に注力してきました。ラティポワは20年以上にわたって製薬業界で2つの事業を立ち上げ、ファイザーやジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソンなどの企業の臨床試験実施をサポートしてきました。 コビド注入プログラムが開始されたとき、彼女は製薬会社を退職していましたが、すぐに何かが大きく間違っていることに気がつきました。 ラティポワは、「デューディリジェンスとアート」と題する自身のSubstackページで記事を発表しており、こちらで購読・フォローすることができます。


Catherine Austin Fitts explains the Financial Coup d’état that began 30 years ago

Why is the Department of Defence, the US Government and all Western governments acting against the people, killing and injuring the population? The answer is largely in the creation of money. This story is not about how much money someone has right now, it is about who can make more of it at any time.

“Going Direct Reset” explained by Catherine Austin Fitts

By Sasha Latypova

I am a fan of Catherine Austin Fitts – a former government insider, investment banker and currently a very successful publisher. I highly recommend her publication ‘The Solari Report’. The piece that is particularly relevant today is described in the ‘2020 Wrap Up’ HERE with John Titus, and a recently published interview below.

Bankrupt governments are different from bankrupt corporations because they can print the money to stall the bankruptcy – instead of being forced to restructure by a bankruptcy court. However, that method is not limitless either. At some point, the printing and stealing can no longer continue. It is hard to estimate exactly when that point comes, but it always does. Several reserve currencies and numerous minor ones existed and ended historically. When the endpoint comes it is extremely rapid and unstoppable.

US monetary policy went “direct” in August 2019, as Austin Fitts explains in her interview, and the “pandemic” which had been pre-planned – likely specifically for this eventuality – was kicked-off to both cover this up, temporarily, and enable to shut down the economy while unleashing a tsunami of printed money to further grab centralised power, cheapened assets, de-stabilise and remove power from any possible opposition.

Importantly for the “owners” of the money source, this is also about the restructuring of their out-of-whack balance sheet, i.e., the out-of-control liabilities. This is not only about the retirees in the Western countries that have been lulled into fat stupor by promises of socialist utopia, although obviously, they are a large group of creditors. Every person regardless of age is a “claim on assets” in the form of usage of the dollar supply, or whatever succeeds the dollar.

Incidentally, that’s why the push for life expectancy curtailing “vaccinations” is so massive in the West and seems much less so in Africa – they are not worth that much per head in dollar terms.

The current war on the people is part of the restructuring that the globalist “owners,” owners of the central banks, are attempting – going direct reset and attempted CBDCs. This is also the fight over whose fake digital token is going to be the “global reserve.” And so, we have the US fighting the Eurozone and Russia and China in various stages of economic and/or bioterrorism warfare progressing to kinetic war. While Russia and China and the Eurozone are also frantically restructuring their balance sheets by murdering and terrorising their own citizenry.

In order to succeed the “owners” need to install a global system of totalitarian control through various technological surveillance means, reduce the population, and utterly impoverish and terrorise the survivors. I personally believe they will not succeed because they do not have the tech they claim – they lie about that a lot – and will not be able to bridge it in time before the situation totally unravels. The more we are aware and educated about what exactly is going on the better our chances of surviving this mess.

Acknowledging the reality is the only way forward. Despite the horror of what has transpired, I feel optimistic about the future in part because I met people like Catherine Austin Fitts on this literal trip to hell.

In the interview below, Austin Fitts discusses her experience working in Washington and the financial sector. She explains the significance of a series of monetary events that took place starting in the 1990s to the present day in what is described as the “financial coup d’état.”

AcTVism Minich: The Financial Coup d’état Explained, 1 February 2023 (57 mins)
If the video above is removed from YouTube you can watch it on Rumble HERE.

About the Author

Sasha Latypova is a Ukrainian-born entrepreneur living in the United States. Most of her professional career was in the pharma/healthcare industry with a specific focus on the development, validation, regulatory acceptance and commercialisation of new clinical technologies and biomarkers. Latypova built two businesses in the pharmaceutical industry over 20+ years, supporting companies like Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson in running clinical trials.  She had left the pharmaceutical industry when the covid injection programme was launched and immediately knew that something was gravely wrong.  Latypova publishes articles on her Substack page titled ‘Due Diligence and Art’ which you can subscribe to and follow HERE.

Featured image: The Going Direct Reset by John Titus, Solari Report
