


先月、英国バースで開催された世界保健会議(WHO)のイベント「Journey of Health Revolutionary」の後、ピーター・マッカロー博士テス・ローリー博士が共同でビデオ声明を発表した。  彼らのメッセージは明確だった:#WHOを脱退せよ。





上記のビデオをRumbleでご覧いただけない場合は、こちらからOdyseeでご覧いただけます。上記のビデオ声明に先立ち、マッカロー博士とローリー博士が出演した『The Journey of a Health Revolutionary』はこちらからご覧いただけます。  ポッドキャスト「Warrior Creed」の司会者であるマージッド・ナワズが進行役を務め、オラクル・フィルムズが撮影したこの2人の健康革命家の60分間の対話は、子どもたちの健康に対する私たちのアプローチを永遠に変えるだろう。

上記の1分間のビデオ声明で、マッカロー博士はWHOの機能獲得研究への関与と支援を強調した。WHOの機能獲得研究に対する支援は、正式にはWHO CA+として知られるパンデミック条約(または協定)草案に記載されている。











Drs. Tess Lawrie and Peter McCullough: All countries must #ExitTheWHO
ON OCTOBER 12, 2023

After the World Council for Health’s ‘Journey of Health Revolutionary’ event held in Bath, UK, last month, Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Tess Lawrie joined forces to issue a video statement.  Their message was clear: #ExitThe WHO.

Dr. McCullough said: “At this point in time our position is clear, that all countries must pull out of the World Health Organisation. The WHO does not have the world’s best interests in mind.”

Dr. Lawrie agreed: “Yes. Absolutely. Exit the WHO. It’s the only thing to do.”

The two doctors said this while referring to the evidence contained in a policy brief titled ‘Rejecting Monopoly Power Over Global Health’ published by the World Council for Health in May 2023.

World Council for Health: Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Tess Lawrie Join Forces to Exit the WHO, 10 October 2023 (1 min)
If you are unable to watch the video above on Rumble, you can watch it on Odysee HERE.  You can watch The Journey of a Health Revolutionary, featuring Drs. McCullough and Lawrie, that preceded the video statement above HERE.  This 60-minute conversation between two health revolutionaries, facilitated by Maajid Nawaz host of the Warrior Creed podcast and filmed by Oracle Films, will change our approach to children’s health forever.

In the one-minute video statement above, Dr. McCullough highlighted WHO’s involvement in and support for gain-of-function research.  WHO’s support for gain-of-function research is stated in the draft Pandemic Treaty or Accord, officially known as WHO CA+.

Gain-of-function research involves giving microbes such as bacteria and viruses enhanced capabilities that they might not normally possess in nature. WCH’s policy brief, or white paper, states:

The draft treaty declares that when it comes to “laboratories and research facilities that carry out work to genetically alter organisms to increase their pathogenicity and  transmissibility” standards should be adhered to in order “to prevent accidental release of these pathogens” but that it needs to be ensured that “these measures do not create any unnecessary administrative hurdles for research.” [pg. 20]

SARS-CoV-2 was genetically altered at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China; it is likely, according to former CDC Director Robert Redfield, that US tax dollars paid for the gain-of-function research that created the virus. The proposed pandemic treaty reveals a worrisome disregard for the likely laboratory origins of the covid pandemic and the exceptional devastation that can be caused due to biosafety hazards associated with gain-of-function research. [pg. 20]

The pandemic treaty, if adopted, would set up a WHO Pathogen Access and Benefit Sharing System (PABS System) … The proposed PABS System may further encourage the expansion of gain-of-function research when it should be curtailed and halted. [pg.22]

Through its one-sided focus, the zero draft of the treaty diverts attention away from gain-of-function research as the most likely origin of the covid pandemic. A video released by the WHO to garner support for the pandemic treaty, similarly, features Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus addressing pandemics as “a common threat that we did not fully create and cannot fully control – a threat that comes from our relationship with nature itself [these words are set to a video of two young people taking a walk in the forest]” … This narrative does not constitute an honest assessment of the covid pandemic and its origins while also revealing a problematic, one-sided understanding of nature’s role in human health. While threats to human health can be found in nature, it also is an essential source for and driver of human health. [pgs. 22 and 23]

All in all, the draft treaty does not give attention to central potential causes for the

emergence (such as lab leaks from gain-of-function research) … of deadly infectious diseases not primarily related to the human-animal-environment interface. [pg. 24]

Policy Brief: Rejecting Monopoly Power Over Global Public Health, World Council for Health, May 2023
WCH’s policy brief suggests actions that should be taken to defund and halt gain-of-function research globally:

Policy Brief: Rejecting Monopoly Power Over Global Public Health,
World Council for Health, May 2023, pg. 40
