





ベル博士は言う: 「これらのパンデミックに関する文書は、パンデミックの発生頻度や影響に関する誤った見解に基づいており、批准されれば、WHOと各国政府および国民との関係を根本的に変えることになります。特に懸念されるのはIHRの改正であり、これはたった一人の人間に与えられる権力と権限を危険なまでに増大させるものである。事務局長は、民間や企業の資金提供者に影響され、脅威であるとする健康関連のあらゆる事柄について、現実のものであれ潜在的なものであれ、健康上の緊急事態を宣言することができるようになる」。

ブラウン教授と彼の研究チームは、パンデミック対策のための年間311億ドルの計画について、WHOなどに助言してきた。 彼は言う: 「コビト感染後の政策環境は、パンデミックへの準備と対応、そしてそれに対応する財政能力を様々な機関が獲得しようとする顕著な動きを引き起こした。このことは、パンデミック対策アジェンダの代表性という点で、政策プロセスの正当性に懸念を抱かせる。特に懸念されるのは、年間311億ドルという金額であり、特に中低所得国から年間240億ドル以上の拠出が必要である」。

講演を聞いた後、パンデミック対応・復興APPG共同議長のエスター・マクベイ議員は次のように述べた: 「条約とIHRの改正は、将来のパンデミックに対する悲惨なアプローチを定着させる可能性がある。選挙で選ばれたわけでもなく、大部分は民間の資金で運営されている超国家機関に、主権や個人の権利に関わる権力を、一見何の監視もなしに与えるのは賢明ではないように思われる」。

パンデミック対応・復興APPG共同議長のグラハム・ストリンガー議員は、次のように述べた: 「WHOの権限が大幅に拡大され、公衆衛生が損なわれる可能性があるため、私はこの計画に反対します。WHOの権限が拡大すれば、WHOが選んだ指令に従うよう各国に圧力をかけることになるでしょう。WHOが武漢の実験室とSARS-CoV-2の起源を調査することを拒否したとき、中国がWHOに説明責任を果たさず、極端な影響力を行使したことをわれわれは目の当たりにした。また、WHOの中で商業的な利害が増加していることも心配だ」。


パンデミック対応・復興APPGが発表した声明全文はこちら。 会議の議事録全文は掲載時点では入手できないが、「近日公開予定」であり、APPGの声明文の下にあるリンクから入手できる。

UK MPs must challenge WHO’s power and money grab, APPG says
ON JUNE 24, 2023

At the beginning of last week, the Pandemic Response and Recovery All-Party Parliamentary Group (“APPG”) heard how, if adopted, the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO’s”) proposed Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHR”) risk handing the international advisory health body unprecedented powers to declare pandemics, lockdowns and mandate vaccines, with the force of international law.

Speaking to APPG members were Dr. David Bell, a clinical and public health physician with a PhD in population health and former WHO scientific and medical officer, and Professor Garrett Wallace Brown, Chair in Global Health Policy at the University of Leeds and Director of the WHO Collaborative Centre on Health Systems and Health Security.

According to Dr. Bell, the two agreements, as currently drafted, will hand the WHO the authority to order measures including significant financial contributions by individual states, censorship of scientific debate, lockdowns, travel restrictions, forced medical examinations and mandatory vaccinations during a public health emergency of its own declaring.

Dr. Bell said: “These pandemic instruments are founded on a fallacy regarding the frequency and impact of pandemics and would, if ratified, fundamentally change the relationship between the WHO and national governments and their citizens. Of particular concern are the amendments to the IHR which constitute a dangerous increase in power and authority bestowed on just one person. The Director General would be able to proclaim health emergencies, whether real or potential, on any health-related matter that they, influenced by their private and corporate funders, say is a threat.”

Professor Brown and his research team have been advising the WHO and others on the $31.1 billion per year plan for pandemic preparedness and whether it is defensible or even feasible.  He said: “The post-covid policy environment has triggered a remarkable grab by various institutions to capture the pandemic preparedness and response agenda and its corresponding financial capacities. This raises concerns about the legitimacy of the policy processes in terms of the representativeness of the emerging pandemic preparedness agenda. One particular concern involves the $31.1B per year price tag, particularly the more than $24B a year required from low-and middle-income countries.”

After listening to the speakers, Pandemic Response and Recovery APPG Co-Chair Esther McVey MP said: “The Treaty and IHR amendments could cement a disastrous approach to future pandemics. It seems unwise to give an unelected and largely privately-funded supranational body, power over sovereignty and individual rights with seemingly no oversight.”

Pandemic Response and Recovery APPG Co-Chair Graham Stringer MP said: “I am opposed to these plans as they could represent a huge expansion of the WHO’s powers, to the detriment of public health. The authority it could gain would surely pressure countries into complying with diktats of their choosing. We saw the unaccountable and extreme influence of China on the WHO when it refused to investigate the Wuhan laboratory and the origin of SARS-CoV-2. It’s also worrying to see the increase in commercial interests within the WHO.”

AAPGs are informal cross-party groups that have no official status within Parliament. They are run by and for Members of the Commons and Lords, though many choose to involve individuals and organisations from outside Parliament in their administration and activities.

Read the full statement published by the Pandemic Response and Recovery APPG HERE.  The full minutes of the meeting were not available at the time of publishing but are “coming soon” and will be made available by following the link at the bottom of the APPG’s statement.
