




ロバート・マローン博士でさえ、この主張とコビッド-19にまつわるさまざまな "人口削減計画"説には懐疑的だった。

しかし、同僚から公文書の分析結果を受け取ってから、彼の考えは変わった。  その証拠となる文書とは、『キッシンジャー報告書』である。


私に関する限り、先行する人口政策と、米国やほとんどの西側諸国(特に "5アイズ"の国々)で実施された多くの "公衆衛生"政策や行動との驚くべき類似性を認識し、認めなければならない。



最近、尊敬する同僚であるギャビン・デベッカーが、「キッシンジャー報告書」と題された(以前は機密扱いだった)国家安全保障調査メモランダム(NSSM)200に関する長文の分析と添付文書からなる電子メールを送ってきた。彼はまた、国家安全保障指令覚書314『米国の安全保障と海外利益に対する世界的人口増加の影響、75年11月26日』など、連邦政府の関連補足文書へのリンクも提供してくれた。ギャビンは、『恐怖の贈り物 : 暴力から私たちを守る生存信号』という重要な著作を含め、よく出版されている作家であり、新刊を準備する傍ら、この分析(下記)を準備していた。彼の文章、考え、分析は著者の許可を得て掲載している。


[以下の短いビデオはマローン博士の記事には含まれていない。  簡単な紹介として掲載した。  このビデオには、ラジオ・リバティー会議2005でのデービッド・アユーブ博士スタン・モンテース博士が出演している。  アユーブ博士のプレゼンテーションの全編は、BitchuteのこちらまたはRumbleのこちらで見ることができます。  モンテース博士はすでにこの世におらず、彼のウェブサイト「ラジオ・リバティ」も存在しない。  モンテース博士のビデオはこちらで見ることができる。]

デイヴィッド・アユーブ博士とスタン・モンティス、NSSM 200 政府の人口減少政策について、ラジオ・リバティ会議2005 (2分)














a. 21世紀半ばまでに60億人までの継続的な人口増加を、大規模な飢餓や発展への希望が完全に挫折することなく受け入れるための行動。
b. 人口が100億、130億、あるいはそれ以上に達することを許容するのではなく、究極的なレベルをできるだけ80億に近づけるための行動。



さらに読む:世界飢餓の実態, 飢餓に対する行動


⚫︎ 出生率と避妊法の研究。
⚫︎ 生物医学研究は倍増する。
⚫︎ 既存技術の実地試験。
⚫︎ 新技術の開発。
⚫︎ 経口避妊薬(集団に最適なステロイドホルモンの組み合わせと用量)。
⚫︎ サイズ、形状、生理活性の異なる子宮内避妊具を開発し、テストして、最適な受容可能レベルを決定する。
⚫︎ 男女の不妊手術は、いくつかの分野で広く受け入れられている。女性の不妊手術は、アパロスコープ、カルドスコープ、大幅に簡略化された腹部手術手技などの技術的進歩によって改善されてきた・・・卵管クリップの使用、経頸管的アプローチ、より単純な手技の開発が可能である。男性については、いくつかの現在の手技が有望であるが、より洗練された手技が必要である。
⚫︎ プロスタグランジンの使用を含む、排卵誘発剤および抗プロゲステロン剤による避妊法。
⚫︎ 女性用注射避妊薬...専門家による投与。現在のところ、副作用と潜在的な危険性によって制限されているが...さらなる研究によって克服することができる。
⚫︎ 男性用避妊薬、特に一定期間有効な注射。
⚫︎ 女性に定期的な生理を保証する注射。月経周期を規則正しくするために、月に1回、あるいは必要に応じて、専門医が注射する。






報告書では、「人口節制」の第一義的な重点は、「米国の政治的・戦略的に特別な利害がある、最大かつ急成長している発展途上国」に適用されるべきであると述べている。  1974年には、インド、バングラデシュ、パキスタン、ナイジェリア、メキシコ、インドネシア、ブラジル、フィリピン、タイ、エジプト、トルコ、エチオピア、コロンビアがその国として挙げられた。











⚫︎ 計画的不妊手術
⚫︎ 戦争
⚫︎ 病気の治療法なし
⚫︎ 性感染症
⚫︎ 環境操作
⚫︎ 人工妊娠中絶
⚫︎ 遺伝子組み換え生物
⚫︎ 同性関係
⚫︎ 食料供給
⚫︎ トランスヒューマニズム


The Kissinger Report & U.S. Government Policy to Depopulate the Planet
ON AUGUST 25, 2023

Your Government is trying to kill you.

That’s a very bold claim to make.

Even Dr Robert Malone was sceptical about this claim and the various “depopulation agenda” theories involving Covid-19.

But his mind has changed since receiving an analysis of official documents from a colleague.  The incriminating documents include The Kissinger Report.

“Reading through the comments, observations, and associated documents, I was stunned by the frank, ‘Realpolitik’-based arguments in favour of a US Federal Government global population control/depopulation agenda, as well as the similarities to various activities known to have been performed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, World Health Organization, United Nations and other non-governmental (and governmental) organisations.

“As far as I am concerned, one must recognise and acknowledge the amazing parallels between preceding population policy and many of the ‘public health’ policies and actions which were implemented in the USA and most western countries (particularly the ‘five eyes’ nations).”

Dr Robert Malone

By Dr Robert Malone

Recently, a respected colleague, Gavin DeBecker, sent me an email comprising a lengthy analysis and attached documents concerning (formerly classified) National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 200 titled the ‘Kissinger Report‘. He also provided links to associated supplemental federal government documents including the National Security Directive Memorandum 314 ‘Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for US Security and Overseas Interests, 11/26/75‘. Gavin is a well-published author, including the pivotal work titled ‘The Gift of Fear : Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence’, and he had prepared this analysis (below) while preparing a new book. His text, thoughts and analysis are shared by permission of the author.

In considering these documents, it is helpful to keep in mind that Henry Kissinger is a key mentor of Klaus Schwab, was involved (together with the CIA) in originally creating and continues to consult with the World Economic Forum as well as with the CCP/Xi Jinping.

[The short video below is not included in Dr. Malone’s article.  We’ve included it as a brief introduction.  The video features Dr. David Ayoub and Dr. Stan Monteith at the Radio Liberty Conference 2005.  You can watch Dr. Ayoub’s full presentation on Bitchute HERE or Rumble HERE.  Dr. Monteith is no longer with us and his website Radio Liberty no longer exists.  You can find some of his videos HERE.]

Dr. David Ayoub and Stan Monteith on NSSM 200 Govt Depopulation Policy, Radio Liberty Conference 2005 (2 mins)
It all started with a meeting held in June 1973:

Referring to a memorandum written by General Taylor, General Draper and his colleagues presented their views that the population explosion in developing countries was not only a threat to US interests in the economics and in the development of those countries but also, more fundamentally, presented a danger to the United States’ politico military interests.

General Taylor and General Draper asked Ambassador Porter for his advice on how to proceed with the subject. They said they had talked to General Scowcroft in Mr. Kissinger’s office about it in terms of the possibility of a National Security Council (“NSC”) study. General Draper said he had written the President explaining his views that rapid population growth could endanger the concept of a generation of peace and recommending that the President speak out on this subject.

Ambassador Porter said that they were talking to someone who was already converted to this whole idea. He felt that the US population programs were not closely enough connected to the US’s overall aid programs but were handled too separately. He believed there was no use pumping in aid funds and food without closer correlation with population programs.

Ambassador Porter said he thought that the Soviet Union would not be much interested in internal population programmes because, although they were interested in birth control for China, they wanted to fill their own empty space in Siberia. He agreed, however, with General Draper’s argument that the Soviets should be interested, as the US is, in encouraging developing countries to reduce their rates of population growth. Ambassador Porter said he would make a formal proposal to Kissinger to put the matter on the agenda for the President-Brezhnev talks.

Ambassador Porter and Mr. Claxton both observed that it is important to be able to show abroad that we are not asking peoples of other countries to do more than we are doing at home.

General Draper then brought up his concern that the amendments to the AID bill proposed by 22 members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee would be harmful because … as he understood it, the earmarking for population funds which had been essential to the success of the program was being dropped. He said he would testify before the Foreign Affairs Committee the following week and would urge the Committee to leave $125 million earmarked for population programmes alone and to transfer the health subject with $25 million to the food and nutrition section.

Kissinger Report and Subsequent US Population Control Policy:

The classified National Security Study Memorandum (“NSSM”) known as ‘The Kissinger Report’, undertaken at the direction of President Nixon, laid out detailed plans for population reduction in many countries.  These plans became official US policy in 1975.

Note: USAID figures most prominently in the report and was a co-author, along with CIA and Department of State.

The memorandum and subsequent policies developed from the report were observed as a way the United States could use human population reduction to limit the political power of undeveloped nations, ensure the easy extraction of foreign natural resources, prevent young anti-establishment individuals from being born, and to protect American businesses abroad from interference from nations seeking to support their growing populations.

National Security Study Memorandum 200, Wikipedia
The summary of The Kissinger Report stated that:

actions to accommodate continued population growth up to 6 billion by the mid-21st century without massive starvation or total frustration of developmental hopes; and
actions to keep the ultimate level as close as possible to 8 billion rather than permitting it to reach 10 billion, 13 billion, or more.
This major objective – to not exceed 8 billion – combined with the fact that we hit the 8 billion mark in 2022 might help explain the intense urgency of so many planned and organised actions during the past three years.

Perhaps the most obvious result of covid lockdowns and the interruption of commerce is the current record number of people at risk of starvation.  Before the covid era, the number of people at risk of starvation was 135 million.  By the end of 2021, that had increased by another 135 million people, and in 2022, it then increased another 67 million.  The result is currently about 10 million deaths from starvation, 3 million of them children.

Further reading: World Hunger Facts, Action Against Hunger

The Kissinger Report created a template and spending plan that includes:

Fertility and contraceptive research.
Biomedical research would be doubled.
Field testing of existing technology.
Development of new technology.
Oral contraceptives (optimal steroid hormone combinations and doses for populations).
Intra-uterine devices of differing size, shape, and bioactivity should be developed and tested to determine the optimum levels of acceptability
Sterilisation of men and women has received wide-spread acceptance in several areas. Female sterilisation has been improved by technical advances with aparoscopes, culdoscopes, and greatly simplified abdominal surgical techniques … the use of tubal clips, trans-cervical approaches, and simpler techniques can be developed. For men, several current techniques hold promise but require more refinement.
Leuteolytic and anto-progesterone approaches to fertility control including use of prostaglandins.
Injectable contraceptives for women … administered by pare-professionals.  Currently limited by their side effects and potential hazards… can be overcome with additional research.
Male contraceptive, in particular an injection which will be effective for specified periods of time.
Injection which will assure a woman of regular periods.  The drug would be given by pare-professionals once a month or as needed to regularise the menstrual cycle.
The report recommends population control only in Least Developed Countries (“LDC”), and cautions that “We must take care that our activities should not give the appearance to the LDCs of an industrialised country policy directed against the LDCs,” though the policy was precisely that.

The report stresses more than once that weaving the concepts of family planning into health programs is a strategy for gaining acceptance and will: “help the US contend with the ideological charge that the US is more interested in curbing the numbers of LDC people than it is in their future and well-being.  We should recognise that those who argue along ideological lines have made a great deal of the fact that the US contribution to development programs and health programs has steadily shrunk, whereas funding for population programs has steadily increased.”

The Report also mentioned mandatory programmes of population control: “A growing number of experts are of the belief that the outlook is much harsher and far less tractable than commonly perceived… the conclusion of this view is that mandatory programmes may be needed and that we should be considering these possibilities now.”

And asked: “Is the US prepared to accept food rationing to help people who can’t/won’t control their population growth? … Are mandatory population control measures appropriate for the US and/or for others?”

The Report proposes the commercial approach in which US government uses “big-medical research to improve the existing means of fertility control and to develop new ones.” It favours “large-scale programmes that will induce fertility decline in a cost-effective manner,” and enthusiastically describes controversial examples, such as what it calls “the remarkably successful experiments in India in which financial incentives, along with other motivational devices, were used to get large numbers of men to accept vasectomies.”

The Report stated that primary emphasis on “population moderation” should be applied to “the largest and fastest growing developing countries where there is special US political and strategic interest.”  In 1974, the named countries were India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Columbia.

Note: 33 years later, in 2021, the US donated millions of mRNA vaccines to the following countries, all of which were specifically named in The Kissinger Report: Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Indonesia, Brazil, Philippines, Thailand, Ethiopia, and Columbia.

The policies expanded even further in 1976 after the NSC advocated for the use of withholding food as a strategy of influence (food power), and using military force to prevent population growth.

United Nations Fund for Population Activities (“UNFPA”)

The Kissinger Report stated it is “desirable in terms of US interests” to work with the UNFPA which already had projects in more than 70 countries.

Pressure to develop a global strategy of population reduction was advanced to the Nixon Administration by Major General William Draper, who had been instrumental in establishing UNFPA and also co-founded the Population Crisis Committee.

UNFPA ran programs described by critics as forced abortions and coercive sterilisations. The UNFPA gave money from the US to support the People’s Republic of China’s birth control campaign, widely accused of major human rights violations, mainly on women and girls.  Likewise, UNFPA provided funding for the forced sterilisation program promoted by the Indian government, exposed in 2014 when dozens of women died in “sterilisation camps” to which they were lured in exchange for social benefits.

The program also received funds from other governments and various US organisations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Further reading: The Kissinger Report and the World Population Control, The Wolf Report, 27 August 2017

Top 10 Methods Used to Reduce Human Population

Here are the top 10 methods “they” are using to reduce human population down to a “manageable” amount, at which point those remaining (apparently including the heirs to the fortunes of those driving this bus) will all live in a “utopian society”.

Targeted sterilisation
No cures for diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases
Environmental manipulation
Genetically modified organisms
Same sex relationships
The food supply
Featured image: Henry Kissinger celebrated his 100th birthday on 20 June 2023 and Xi Jinping hails ‘old friend’ Kissinger during meeting that harks back to an era of warmer ties
