

2023年10月 2日 20:06




同氏は、ハンガリーが5月以来保留している現在のEPF資金の行方については言及しなかった。EuroNewsによると、ボレルはブダペストの立場には言及せず、キエフに対するEUの支援は "あらゆる面で "継続するとだけ述べた。






国防総省は、議会がウクライナ支援に割り当てた259億ドルのうち16億ドルほどを残しているが、その資金を米軍の備蓄補充に充てている、と2人の当局者が月曜日にポリティコに語った。以前の "会計上のミス "により、大統領令による削減権限に基づき、米国の兵器庫からさらに54億ドル相当の武器と弾薬が解放された。

写真上:2023年10月2日、キエフで記者会見するEUのジョゼップ・ボレル外務・安全保障政策上級代表(左)とウクライナのドミトリー・クレバ外相。© Sergei SUPINSKY / AFPBB News

2 Oct, 2023 20:06
HomeWorld News
EU fails to unblock €5 billion aid to Ukraine

The bloc has promised Kiev more money despite the ongoing opposition from Budapest

The EU will consider a €5 billion military aid package for Ukraine for 2024, the bloc’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said in Kiev on Monday. Hungary’s veto on the existing €500 million “European Peace Facility” fund has not yet been withdrawn, however.

“I have proposed a new multi-annual bilateral allocation of the European Peace Facility, up to five billion for next year,” Borrell said at a joint press conference with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba. “I hope we can reach an agreement before the end of the year.”

He did not mention the fate of the current EPF funds, which Hungary has been holding up since May. According to EuroNews, Borrell made no reference to Budapest’s position, saying only that the EU support for Kiev would continue “in all dimensions.”

Hungary’s Peter Szijjarto was conspicuously absent as 26 other members of the bloc sent foreign ministers for a surprise meeting in Kiev, intended as a show of support for Ukraine in the conflict with Russia. A deputy represented Budapest, according to EuroNews.

“The EU remains united in its support for Ukraine,” Borrell insisted at the press conference. “We remain united. I do not see any member state reneging in its commitment to support Ukraine with the tools we have.”

When asked about the specifics of that support, Borrell said the EU would “do more of the same.”

The EU has sent Ukraine more than €25 billion ($26.4 billion) in military aid since February 2022, while the total amount of military, financial, and humanitarian support has reached €85 billion ($89.8 billion), Borrell revealed on Sunday. He also vowed that the bloc would continue aiding Kiev no matter what happened in Washington. The US Congress on Saturday passed a resolution avoiding a government shutdown that did not include new funding for Ukraine.

“We cannot under any circumstances allow America’s support for Ukraine to be interrupted,” US President Joe Biden said on Sunday, urging both Democrats and Republicans to “get this done.”

The Pentagon has about $1.6 billion left of the $25.9 billion Congress had allocated to aiding Ukraine, but is using the money to replenish US military stockpiles, two officials told Politico on Monday. An earlier “accounting error” has freed up another $5.4 billion worth of weapons and ammunition from the US arsenal, under a Presidential Drawdown authority.

Photo top: EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell (L) and Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba at a press conference in Kiev, October 2, 2023. ©  Sergei SUPINSKY / AFP
