

2023年02月09日(木) 記入者: Lance D Johnson

(Natural News) 世界的に医療警察国家を立ち上げ、バイオラボと機能獲得研究の隠蔽を支援し、隔離し、傷つけ、殺すワクチンパスポートを推進した後、世界保健機関(WHO)は今、世界規模で言論の自由と政府の説明責任を停止させる国際条約を準備中である。

この新しい条約は、194の政府に "誤報 "や "偽情報"を広めた自国民を標的にすることを強いるものだ。例えば、過去3年間のWHOの犯罪や腐敗について真実を語る人は誰でも標的にされ、インタビューや記事、書籍が禁止されます。ワクチンのパスポート、強制的な覆面、監禁に反対する人は誰でも標的にされ、その声はオンラインで検閲され、社会参加そのものが脅かされる。



WHOは最新の国際パンデミック条約の草案を発表したばかりだ。 この条約は、ソーシャルメディアであれ、物理的な形(本、雑誌、新聞など)であれ、どの情報を世界中に流通させるかを決定する唯一の権限をWHOに与えるものである。もしWHOがマスクやワクチンの渡航を義務付けたいなら、反対意見を持つ情報を "虚偽、誤解を招く、誤った情報、偽情報 "とみなすことができるのだ。ビル・ゲイツが資金を提供するこの巨大組織は、その後、世界中の政府に、WHOの権力と矛盾する情報、ニュース、意見、医学文献を削除するように強制することができます。

WHOは最近、"反ワクチン活動 "は "世界的テロ "よりも大きな脅威であるとするビデオを公開した。非合法で邪悪な命令に従わない個人を完全に社会的に隔離することは、将来的に、純血で自由な考えを持ち、酸素を吸う勇気ある男女の存在そのものを犯罪化するよう、大衆を条件付けるために利用されるでしょう。

WHOは2021年12月から偽情報強制条約を推進しており、2024年5月の世界保健総会で世界的な思想・言論統制の最終弁論を行う予定である。この条約が採択されれば、加盟国194カ国すべてが国際法上、その布告に拘束されることになる。そして、世界の98%の国が "誤報 "と "偽情報 "を標的にする任務に就くことになる。誰もWHOに質問をしたり、ひどい人権侵害や人道に対する罪の責任を問うことは許されなくなる。この条約は国際的な協力を呼びかけ、ソーシャルメディア企業、ネットワーク、報道機関に対する世界的な統制を活用する。


第17条で、WHOは傲慢にも "パンデミックと公衆衛生のリテラシーを強化する "という項目を説明している。言い換えれば、WHOは、あなたが何を聞き、何を見るかを決定し、いかなる反対意見も許さないということだ。このセクションはまた、「国際協力」、つまり、議論を呼ぶ医学実験や致命的なプロトコルに関するインフォームド・コンセントを根絶するために各国政府が協力することを求めている。

このセクションの下で、WHOはすべての加盟国政府に対して、いわゆる "インフォデミック "を管理するよう呼びかけている。この用語は、「病気の発生時」や「将来のパンデミック」において、「デジタルおよび物理的環境における、虚偽または誤解を招く情報を含む過剰な情報」を対象に作られたものである。







Docs.reclaimthenet.org [PDF].


WHO releases international pandemic treaty, forcing all governments to target “disinformation” in digital and physical environments
Thursday, February 09, 2023 by: Lance D Johnson

(Natural News) After setting up a medical police state globally, after assisting in the coverup of biolabs and gain-of-function research, after pushing for vaccine passports that segregate, injure, and kill, the World Health Organization (WHO) is now preparing an international treaty that would shut down free speech and government accountability on a global scale.

This new treaty would force 194 governments to target their own citizens for spreading “misinformation” and “disinformation.” For example, anyone who tells the truth about the WHO’s crimes and corruption over the past three years will be targeted — their interviews, articles, and books banned. Anyone who dissents vaccine passports, forced masking, and lockdowns will be targeted — their voice censored online and their very participation in society threatened.

These criminal actions are already taking place, but now the WHO arrogantly seeks to take full command over the censorship process under international law.

WHO to force governments to target antivaxxers, eliminate body autonomy and any discussion about vaccines

The WHO just released a draft of their latest international pandemic treaty.  The treaty grants WHO the sole power to determine which information is allowed to circulate around the world, whether on social media or in physical form (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.). If the WHO wants mask and vaccine mandates for travel, they can deem any dissenting information as “false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation.” The Bill Gates-funded juggernaut can then force governments around the world to remove information, news, opinion, and medical literature that contradicts WHO’s power.

The WHO recently shared a video stating that “anti-vaccine activism” is a greater threat than “global terrorism.” The complete societal segregation of individuals who don’t comply with unlawful, evil mandates will be used in the future to condition the public to criminalize the very existence of the pure-blooded, free thinking, oxygen breathing, courageous men and women.

The WHO has been pushing for the disinformation enforcement treaty since December of 2021, and they will make their final case for global thought and speech control to the World Health Assembly in May of 2024. If the treaty is adopted, all 194 member states will be bound to its decrees under international law. Up to 98% of countries in the world will then be tasked with targeting “misinformation” and “disinformation.” No one will be allowed to question WHO or hold them accountable for egregious human rights violations and crimes against humanity. The treaty calls for international cooperation and will leverage global control over social media companies, networks, and news agencies.

WHO calls for international collaboration to combat “infodemics” during future pandemics

In Article 17, the WHO arrogantly describes the section as “Strengthening pandemic and public health literacy.” In other words, the WHO gets to dictate what you hear and see, and will not allow for any dissent whatsoever. This section also calls for “international cooperation” – allowing governments to work together to eradicate informed consent on controversial medical experiments and deadly protocols.

Under the section, the WHO calls on all member state governments to manage so-called “infodemics.” They created this term to target “too much information including false or misleading information in digital and physical environments during a disease outbreak” or future pandemic.

The treaty goes a step further and urges member states to collaborate with non-state actors and the private sector as part of a “whole-of-society response in decision making, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, as well as effective feedback mechanisms.”

The WHO once claimed that the covid-19 vaccine(s) would prevent infection, and social media companies removed any information to the contrary as “misleading,” “false,” or “dangerous.” It turns out that the mRNA vaccines were a complete and total failure and caused further health problems in the population – including heart inflammation, autoimmune issues, strokes, and sudden death.

The international pandemic treaty is currently backed by Canada, Australia, and New Zealand — three of the most aggressive medical police states that violated human rights and forced deadly vaccines onto their populations over the past three years. The treaty is also supported by the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Council, which represents 27 European Union member states.

If the treaty is adopted under Article 19 of the WHO Constitution, the World Health Assembly will impose its medical tyranny on all WHO member states with a two thirds majority vote. This is anti-democratric and mocks the very sovereignty of nations. The WHO is an unelected oligarchy – a mafia of sorts – that seeks to control speech around the globe to hide the truth about vaccine failure and infectious diseases, the origin of new outbreaks, proper treatments, and the failures and risks of mandates and forced protocols.

Sources include:


Docs.reclaimthenet.org [PDF]

