






公聴会の目的は、エネルギー、持続可能な農業、制度に関する問題について草の根の証言を聞くことだった。  この公聴会での証言は、「1992年のUNCED『地球サミット』会議で米国の政策を決定する米国国家報告書を作成する適切な国家指導者」に転送されることになっていた。









1. 差し迫った必要性


b. 旧ソ連圏を含む世界的な不安定要素を考慮すると、世界の技術、兵器、天然資源をしっかりと管理する必要性は、今や絶対不可欠である。ドレイパー基金の1970年代半ばの勧告によれば、世界人口の即時削減は、直ちに影響を及ぼさなければならない。

c. 現在、世界の収容能力をはるかに超えている膨大な人口過剰は、避妊、不妊手術、中絶による将来の出生率の減少では解決できない。そのためには、必要なあらゆる手段を用いなければならない。

d. この問題は、人口と資源に対する政治的アプローチと文化的アプローチの間で誤って議論されているが、実際には、最も人口の多い貧しい国々の指導者のほとんどが信頼できない頑強な妨害と日々の政治的都合に直面しているため、問題は強制的な協力なのである。

e. 強制的な協力は、166カ国と議論することはできない。166カ国の指導者の大半は、地域主義的な「文化」に縛られ、新世界秩序に対する適切な概念に欠けている。議論することは、遅延を意味し、我々の目標と目的を没収することになる。


f. 国連のイラクに対する行動は、われわれの側からの断固とした行動が、他の指導者たちを動かして必要な計画に従わせることができるということを、決定的に証明している。イラクの行動は、力のオーラを投影し、持続させることができること、そして歴史の波が押し寄せていることを証明している。

2. 注意すべき危険

迅速な行動によって排除しなければならない2つの反対勢力がある。南」の一部の地域、特にブラジルとマレーシアの間では、UNCED地球憲章の目的を阻止し、1992年6月にブラジルで開催される国際会議を妨害しようとする動きがある。UNCEDの指導者たちはアジェンダを "政治的すぎる "ものにしてしまった。私たちは最新の証拠のみを提示する:

* ブラジルの作家、ジルベルト・メリオ・モウラオは、8月4日付のサンパウロ・フォーリャ紙で、1938年のミュンヘンにおいて、「私たちの文化的、精神的、政治的価値の構造を脅かし、私たちの国家主権そのものを脅かす、私たちの国に対して解き放たれた、現在のタイプの生態学的流行病には逆らえない」と警告した。 イギリスとフランスの政府首脳であるチェンバレンとダラディエは、冷静に総統にブラジルのアマゾンを提供した」。ヒトラーは、アマゾンは南米にあるため、アメリカはモンロー・ドクトリンを引き合いに出し、ドイツによるブラジル領土の占領を拒否するだろうと述べたという。チェンバレンとダラディエは、この提案はワシントンの支持を得ていると答えた。

* 国連貿易開発会議(UNCTAD)は9月16日に年次報告書を発表し、BBCによると、自由主義的な自由市場は発展途上国にとって適切なモデルではないと宣言した。金融は産業界に奉仕すべきであり、その逆ではなく、政府は経済の特定の分野で重要な役割を果たすべきである。

3. 世界自然保護基金の意見

* 世界自然保護基金(WWF)の関係者は9月10日、ジュネーブUNCEDの結果について「絶対に深刻な後退だ」と述べた。1992年6月までにブラジルの森林に関する条約は成立しない。事態は行き詰まりを見せている。これはUNCEDプロセスにとって最初の犠牲者である。

* 英国のフィリップ王子のエコロジー問題担当上級顧問は9月15日、Eco-92の主催者モーリス・ストロングが環境主義の問題を "過度に政治化 "し、"とんでもなく救世主的な期待 "を抱かせたと述べた。



A. アングロサクソン大国が率いる国連の安全保障理事会は、今後、安全保障理事会がすべての国に、人口に関する苦しみが終わったことを通告し、すべての国が年単位で人口削減のための割当を持ち、安全保障理事会が、必要な場合には、信用、食糧や医薬品を含む貿易品目の選択的または全面的な禁輸、あるいは軍事力によって強制することを決定する。

B. 国連の安全保障理事会は、時代遅れの国家主権の概念は破棄され、安全保障理事会が世界のどの地域でも完全な法的、軍事的、経済的管轄権を有し、安全保障理事会の主要国によってこれが執行されることを、すべての国に通知する。

C. 国連安全保障理事会は、流域や大森林を含むすべての天然資源を所有し、安全保障理事会の主要国の利益のために使用、保存する。

D. 国連安全保障理事会は、すべての人種や民族が平等であるわけではなく、またそうあるべきでもないことを説明する。優れた業績によって優れていることが証明された民族は、安全保障理事会に協力することを条件に、劣等民族を支配し、彼らの面倒を見るべきである。銀行、貿易、通貨レート、経済開発計画を含む意思決定は、主要国によって執り行われる。

E. この秩序では、すべての国、地域、人種が、安全保障理事会の主要国の決定に協力する。





上記の文章は、国連中西部公聴会の結果である文書からのパラフレーズと思われる。この文書はインターネット・アーカイブにアーカイブされている。  フリーダムズ・フェニックスが公表した文書と同じもので、追加ページが添付されている;1991年10月2日付のジョージ・W・ハントからリチャード・A・ゲファート下院議員への手紙。

私たちはどちらも真偽のほどは確かめようがないが、ここにある文書と手紙の全文を読むことをお勧めする。  また、この文書が移動または削除され、ハイパーリンクが利用できなくなった場合に備えて、以下にそのコピーを添付した。


ハントは手紙の冒頭で、この文書にはゲファートの電話番号が記されているが、その内容がゲファートの "政治精神 "を表しているとは思えないと指摘した。ハントは、ゲファートを "この不安定な文献の作成者 "だとほのめかしたのはモーリス・ストロングだと考えていた。

この論文はモーリス・ストロングを非難しているが、彼の陣営の人々がこの人種差別的な文献を配布したと考える理由がある。なぜ彼が "自分の足を撃つ "のか、私には理解できない。そして、なぜ彼があなたをこの不安定な文学の創作者だとほのめかしたのか、それはまた別の謎なのだが、おそらくあなたはすでにご存知だろう。


わが国は、デモインUNCED(「不言実行」)会議を招集したのと同じ種類の人物たちによって蝕まれている。モーリス・ストロングのような外国人が、我々の目と鼻の先で、我々の法律を妨害し、米国のシステムを勝手に解体し(私はこれらの発言の証拠を持っている)、それをやり過ごすことができるのであれば、目の肥えた米国人なら誰でも、"太ったおばさんが立ち上がって歌う "のを見ることができるだろう。



注目の画像:国連安全保障理事会の会合。出典:Getty Images

1991 document describes what constitutes the New World Order; all nations will be given “quotas for population reduction on a yearly basis”
ON NOVEMBER 18, 2023

On 22 September 1991, nine months before the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro, a United Nations Midwest Public Hearing on Environment and Development was held in Des Moines, Iowa.

A document from that hearing noted the pressing need to reduce the world’s population. “The immediate reduction of world population, according to the mid-1970s recommendation of the Draper Fund, must be immediately affected,” the document stated.

The document stated that one of the policies to be implemented was that “all nations [will] have quotas for population reduction on a yearly basis, which will be enforced by the [UN] Security Council by selective or total embargo of credit, items of trade including food and medicine, or by military force, when required.”

The Midwest Public Hearing was sponsored by the United Nations Associations (“UNA”) of the United States, Canada and Iowa in cooperation with the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (“UNCED”).

The purpose of the hearing was to hear grassroots testimony on issues about energy, sustainable agriculture and institutions.  Testimony given at the hearing was then to be forwarded to “appropriate national leaders who will prepare the US national report that will determine US policy at the 1992 UNCED ‘Earth Summit’ Conference.”

There have been several environmental conferences over the decades.  The 1992 Earth Summit, also called ECO-92 or Rio-92, was the second after the 1972 Stockholm Conference.  One of the documents to come out of the Earth Summit was Agenda 21.  A useful article for a concise overview of the various conferences is ‘Environmental conferences: ECO-92, Kyoto Protocol and more!’.

According to The Forbidden Knowledge website, the document below was passed out at the Earth Summit and provides sufficient information as to the design of the New World Order to reduce the world’s population. Below we have reproduced The Forbidden Knowledge’s webpage.


Secretariat for World Order


September 20, 1991




a. The time is pressing. The Club of Rome was founded in 1968, Limits to Growth was written in 1971, Global 2000 was written in 1979, but insufficient progress has been made in population reduction.

b. Given global instabilities, including those in the former Soviet bloc, the need for firm control of world technology, weaponry, and natural resources, is now absolutely mandatory. The immediate reduction of world population, according to the mid-1970s recommendation of the Draper Fund, must be immediately affected.

c. The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilisation and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary.

d. The issue is falsely debated between a political and a cultural approach to population and resources, when in fact, faced with stubborn obstruction and day-to-day political expediency which make most of the leaders of the most populous poor countries unreliable, the issue is compulsory cooperation.

e. Compulsory cooperation is not debatable with 166 nations, most of whose leaders are irresolute, conditioned by localist “cultures,” and lacking appropriate notions of the New World Order. Debate means delay and forfeiture of our goals and purpose.


f. The UN action against Iraq proves conclusively that resolute action on our part can sway other leaders to go along with the necessary programme. The Iraq action proves that the aura of power can be projected and sustained and that the wave of history is sweeping forward.


There is a two-fold opposition which must be eliminated by quick action. There are rumblings among some of the “South” regions, notably Brazil and Malaysia, to thwart the aims of the UNCED Earth Charter and to thwart the international gathering in Brazil in June 1992. There is also the unfortunate vacillation in our own ranks, an argument that the UNCED leaders have made the agenda “too political” and that the way must first be prepared on a less abrasive cultural basis. We present only the most recent evidence:

* Gilberto Melio Mourao, the Brazilian writer, warned in the August 4 Folha de Sao Paulo that in Munich in 1938, “it won’t against the current type of ecological epidemic, unleashed against our country, which threatens the structure of our cultural, spiritual and political values, and against our very national sovereignty … Messrs. Chamberlain and Daladier, heads of the governments of England and France, calmly offered the Brazilian Amazon to the Fuehrer.” Hitler reportedly observed that since the Amazon was in South America, the United States would cite the Monroe Doctrine and reject a German occupation of Brazilian territory. Chamberlain and Daladier responded that the proposal had Washington’s backing.

* The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) issued its annual report September 16th, declaring, according to BBC, that the liberal free market is not an appropriate model for developing nations. Finance should serve industry, not the other way around, and government has a key role to play in certain sectors of the economy.


* An official of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) said September 10th that the Geneva UNCED results were “absolutely a serious setback.” There will be no convention on forests by June 1992 for Brazil. The situation has reached a deadlock. This is the first casualty for the UNCED process.

* A senior advisor on ecological affairs to Britain’s Prince Philip said September 15th that Eco-92 organiser Maurice Strong had “over politicised” the issue of environmentalism and had raised “ridiculously messianic expectations.”



A. The Security Council of the UN led by the Anglo-Saxon Major Nation Powers, will decree that henceforth, the Security Council will inform all nations that its sufferance on population has ended, that all nations have quotas for population reduction on a yearly basis, which will be enforced by the Security Council by selective or total embargo of credit, items of trade including food and medicine, or by military force, when required.

B. The Security Council of the UN will inform all nations that outmoded notions of national sovereignty will be discarded and that the Security Council has complete legal, military and economic jurisdiction in any region in the world and that this will be enforced by the Major Nations of the Security Council.

C. The Security Council of the UN will take possession of all natural resources, including the watersheds and great forests, to be used and preserved for the good of the Major Nations of the Security Council.

D. The Security Council of the UN will explain that not all races and peoples are equal, nor should they be. Those races proven superior by superior achievements ought to rule the lesser races, caring for them on sufferance that they cooperate with the Security Council. Decision making, including banking, trade, currency rates and economic development plans, will be made in stewardship by the Major Nations.

E. All of the above constitute the New World Order, in which Order, all nations, regions, and races will cooperate with the decisions of the Major Nations of the Security Council.

The purpose of this document is to demonstrate that action delayed could well be fatal. All could be lost if mere opposition by minor races is tolerated and the unfortunate vacillations of our closest comrades is cause for our hesitations. Open declaration of intent followed by decisive force is the final solution. This must be done before any shock hits our financial markets, tarnishing our credibility and perhaps diminishing our force.


The above document was passed out at the ECO meeting, and we eventually received a copy after almost two years had transpired. We feel that the above document provides sufficient information as to the design of the NWO relative to world population. The telephone number [814-631-9959] was attempted and found to be associated with Senator Gephardt.

The Forbidden Knowledge on the Wayback Machine
The text above appears to be paraphrased from a document that was the outcome of the UN Midwest Public Hearing which has been archived on the Internet Archive HERE.  It is the same document published by Freedoms Phoenix which has an additional page attached; a letter dated 2 October 1991 from George W. Hunt to Congressman Richard A. Gephardt.

We have no way of authenticating either but we encourage you to read the full document and letter HERE.  We have also attached a copy below to preserve it should it be moved or removed and the hyperlink is no longer available.

Hunt began his letter by pointing out that the document bears Gephardt’s phone number but he didn’t believe the contents of the document represented Gephardt’s “political mind.”  Hunt believed it was Maurice Strong who had insinuated Gephardt as the “creator of this volatile literature.”

Though the paper speaks against Maurice Strong, we have reason to think people in his camp distributed this racist literature.  Why he would “shoot himself in the foot” is beyond me.  And why he would insinuate you as the creator of this volatile literature is still another puzzle of which, perhaps, you may already know.

Strong is stirring up controversy about the Rio meeting.  He will preside as Secretary-General of the Conference. An article not included with these papers quotes his speculations that a world financial collapse will be precipitated by the Rio meeting.  Many are watching and listening as this Rio Conference unfolds.

Our country has been undermined by the same sorts of persons who convened the Des Moines UNCED (”unsaid”) Conference.  We seem to be powerless to stop them … When foreigners like Maurice Strong can thwart our laws and dismantle American systems at will (I have proof of these statements) right under our noses and get away with them, any discerning American can see “the fat lady rising up to sing.”

It seems you and your colleagues are much too busy with other agendae than to follow the machinations of M. Strong and his European treasure hunters, but if Strong is truly responsible for placing your phone number on this literature, you may have some real problems at hand.

Midwest Public Hearing on Environment and Development, Letter to Congressman Richard A. Gephardt, 2 October 1991
Featured image: Meeting of the United Nations Security Council. Source: Getty Images
