

2023年05月08日(月) 記:アルセニオ・トレド

(Natural News) ウクライナがプーチン大統領を無人機で暗殺しようとしたことに対して、ロシアの指導者たちが報復を呼びかけています。


一方、ウクライナは、この事件への関与を否定した。ヴォロディミル・ゼレンスキー大統領は声明の中で、自国が国境を越えて攻撃を行うことはないと主張した。さらに、大統領顧問のMykhailo Podolyak氏は、ロシアが偽旗作戦として無人機で自爆攻撃したか、現地の反プーチン派ゲリラによって無人機攻撃が行われたかのいずれかだと示唆した。

最近の「TruNews」のエピソードで、Rick WilesとRaymond Burkhart博士は、ウクライナ領外で発生した行動を即座に否定するのがキエフの手口であると指摘しました。しかし、同時に、彼らはこれらの事件を祝うこともする。





今回の攻撃に関するロシアの公式声明では、政府は "適切と思われる場所と時間に報復措置を取る権利を留保する "と述べている。政府は、どのような報復を行うかについては説明していない。しかし、一部のロシア強硬派は、ゼレンスキー本人に対する暗殺という形で、迅速な報復を望んでいると指摘している。



"今日のテロ攻撃の後、ゼレンスキーとその陰謀団を物理的に排除する以外に残された選択肢はない "とメドベージェフは書き、ウクライナでの特別軍事作戦の終了時にゼレンスキーが生存していても、ウクライナ政府が無条件降伏に応じる必要はないことを指摘している。

"ヒトラーも、知られているように、(無条件降伏協定に)署名しなかった "と、メドベージェフは指摘した。"常に何らかの代用品が存在する "と。








パンドラの箱が開かれたことで、核兵器による消滅への急ぎ足は加速する: ロシア市民はプーチンに「西側の侵略者」を核攻撃するよう呼びかけている。そして、「75秒でDCは消滅する」とも。








Russian leaders call for RETALIATION following Ukraine’s attack against the Kremlin
Monday, May 08, 2023 by: Arsenio Toledo

(Natural News) Russian leaders are calling for retaliation for Ukraine’s attempted drone assassination of President Vladimir Putin.

The drone strikes occurred early in the morning of Wednesday, May 3. The Kremlin claimed that the two drones, which were taken down with anti-drone radar systems, were part of a Ukrainian “planned terrorist act” meant to assassinate Putin. (Related: Two drones shot down right above the Kremlin during an alleged Ukrainian attempt to assassinate Putin.)

Ukraine, meanwhile, denied any involvement in the incident. President Volodymyr Zelensky, in a statement, claimed that his country does not conduct attacks outside of its borders. His presidential adviser, Mykhailo Podolyak, further suggested that either Russia struck itself with the drones in a false flag operation or the drone strike was conducted by local anti-Putin guerrillas.

In a recent episode of “TruNews,” Rick Wiles and Dr. Raymond Burkhart noted that it is Kyiv’s modus operandi to immediately deny any actions that occurred outside of Ukrainian-held territory. But, at the same time, they will also celebrate these incidents.

“The Ukrainians denied that they hit the Crimean Bridge, and then they boasted about it. They did both,” said Wiles, strongly suggesting that Kyiv may in fact be responsible for the drone strikes against the Kremlin. “They issued an official denial, and then at the same time, they had various social media postings boasting that they hit the bridge.”

Burkhart and Wiles said the same thing has occurred in this instance. Zelensky and various other leading Ukrainian officials have denied any involvement in the act. But, at the same time, the Ukrainian Postal Service has released a commemorative stamp featuring the Kremlin on fire with a drone in the air and a Ukrainian soldier outside of the Kremlin’s walls making a rude gesture.

“Are they trolling [Russia]? Or has the Ukrainian Postal Service actually issued the stamp? Either way, they’re celebrating the attack,” said Burkhart.

Russian leaders calling for Zelensky’s assassination

In Russia’s official statement regarding the attack, the government said that it “reserves the right to take retaliatory measures where and when it sees fit.” The government has not explained what kind of retaliation it will conduct. But some Russian hardliners have noted that they want swift retribution, possibly against Zelensky himself in the form of his assassination.

One of the most prominent voices in favor of such an action is former President Dmitry Medvedev, a close ally of Putin, the leader of his party, United Russia, and current deputy chairman of the country’s Security Council.

In a message posted on his Telegram channel, Medvedev called for the “physical elimination” of Zelensky “and his cabal.”

“After today’s terrorist attack, there are no options left other than the physical elimination of Zelensky and his cabal,” wrote Medvedev, who noted that Zelensky’s survival at the end of the special military operation in Ukraine is not necessary for the Ukrainian government to submit to an unconditional surrender.

“Hitler, as is known, did not sign [an unconditional surrender agreement] either,” noted Medvedev. “There will always be some substitute.”

“How far does that cabal go? Does that include Antony Blinken? Joe Biden?” asked Wiles, referencing the vast amounts of aid the United States provides to the regime in Kyiv. “How far does he consider the reach of the cabal? We don’t know. But what we do know is that Medvedev said today, ‘They’re all going to die.'”

Learn more about the dangerously escalating conflict in Ukraine at UkraineWitness.com.

Watch this episode of “TruNews” as host Rick Wiles and co-host Dr. Raymond Burkhart discuss how leading Russian politicians want revenge for Ukraine’s failed assassination attempt against Putin.

This video is from the channel TruNews on Brighteon.com.

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