
バイデン氏、広島訪問で米国の日本爆撃を謝罪せず - ホワイトハウス

バイデン氏、広島訪問で米国の日本爆撃を謝罪せず - ホワイトハウス


ワシントン、5月18日、/TASS/. ジョー・バイデン米大統領は、1945年の広島と長崎への原爆投下について謝罪しないと、ホワイトハウスのジェイク・サリバン国家安全保障顧問が水曜日に述べた。


サリバン氏は、7カ国(G7)首脳会議のために日本に向かう大統領専用機の中でブリーフィングを行い、他のG7首脳とともにバイデン氏も他の多くのイベントに参加し敬意を払うが、大統領の立場からすると、これは "二国間の瞬間ではない "と指摘した。


Biden not to apologize for US bombing Japan during Hiroshima visit — White House

Jake Sullivan, the White House’s national security adviser said that the US president wouldn’t be making a statement at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

WASHINGTON, May 18, /TASS/. US President Joe Biden won’t apologize for the 1945 atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Jake Sullivan, the White House’s national security adviser said on Wednesday.

Responding to a journalist’s question as to whether Biden intends to issue an apology for the US dropping atomic bombs on the Japanese cities, Sullivan said that the US president wouldn’t be making a statement at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.

During a briefing aboard the presidential plane heading to Japan for a summit of the Group of Seven (G7), he pointed out that along with other G7 leaders, Biden would participate in a number of other events and pay respects but from the president’s point of view this was not "a bilateral moment."

Japan chairs the G7 this year. The summit of its leaders will be held from May 19 through 21.
