








ウェイクフィールド博士はその後、映画製作に才能を注いでいる。  昨年まで、彼は3本の映画を発表していた:隠蔽から大惨事へ』(2016年)、『Vaxxed II: The People's Truth』(2019年)、そして『1986:The Act』(2020年)。  また、『冷淡な無視:自閉症とワクチン:The Truth Behind a Tragedy(悲劇に隠された真実)』という著書もある。

マイク・アダムスとのインタビューの直後、ウェイクフィールド博士は4作目の映画『不妊症:極悪非道のアジェンダ』を発表した。この映画は、ロバート・F・ケネディ・ジュニアとChildren's Health Defenseとの共同制作である。この映画は、実験的破傷風ワクチン接種プログラムによって悲劇的に生殖能力を奪われたアフリカの女性たちの冷ややかな物語である。この映画では、人口過剰に対応するため、世界保健機関(WHO)が不妊予防ワクチンを製造しようとした意図と、そのようなワクチンが90年代半ば以降、人々の知識も同意もなく、どのように使用されてきたかが詳細に描かれている。

この映画はケニアにおけるWHOの破傷風ワクチン接種プログラムに焦点を当てているが、女性が不妊防止ワクチンの犠牲になっているのはケニアだけではない。  1994年10月、コミテ・プロ・ビダ・デ・メヒコ(以下、CPVM)は、WHOの破傷風ワクチン・キャンペーンに疑念を抱き、出産適齢期の女性だけに繰り返し接種するよう呼びかけた。CPVMは投与された破傷風予防注射のバイアル瓶をいくつか入手し、その一部からヒト絨毛性ゴナドトロピン(以下「HCG」)を検出した。プロライフ・グループのヒューマン・ライフ・インターナショナルは、フィリピンでは15歳から45歳の女性、ニカラグアでは12歳から49歳の女性を対象とした同様のキャンペーンが行われていることを突き止めた。


不妊症:A Diabolical Agenda(極悪非道な計画)は、抗不妊ワクチンがどのように機能するのか、その開発の歴史と、無防備なケニア人女性への使用がどのように発見されたのかを説明している。





女性は破傷風に対する抗体を作っただけでなく、自分の体内で作られたものを含むHCGに対する抗体も作った。 しかし、ケニアの指導者やエリート集団と言われる人たちからの支持にもかかわらず、不妊治療プログラムは困難に直面した。女性グループは、ワクチンの臨床試験に参加した女性が、彼女たちの知識や同意なしにすでに不妊手術を受けていたため、虐待の可能性を懸念した。

フィリピン・カトリック女性連盟は、HCGを混入した破傷風ワクチンを使用したユニセフの不妊治療プログラムを中止させる裁判所命令を勝ち取った。  この命令が出されるまでに、すでに300万人の女性がワクチン接種を受けていたが、1995年までには、ケニアで不妊治療に賛成する人々にとって、行動を起こす時期はとうに過ぎていた。世界保健機関(WHO)は、新生児破傷風を根絶したいと破傷風キャンペーンを実施した。

新生児破傷風を予防するために、妊産婦クリニックに通う妊婦全員に破傷風の注射はすでに打たれていた。しかし、WHOは妊娠中以外でも注射を打ちたいと言っている。  問題はその理由である。

1995年、WHOはケニアの出産適齢期の女性を対象とした破傷風ワクチンキャンペーンを計画した。  同じ年、1995年にテキサス州ヒューストンで開催された会議で、スティーブン・K・カランジャ博士は破傷風ワクチン接種プログラムを装った他国の反不妊キャンペーンを知り、自国ケニアでの破傷風キャンペーンにすぐさま疑念を抱いた。









カランジャ医師もまた、コビド注射に激しく反対するようになり、2021年4月に亡くなった。  プロパガンダ、誤報、偽情報の発信者として悪名高いBBCは、彼が「予防注射はまったく必要ないと言った数週間後に(コビド)ウイルスに感染した」と主張した。





⚫︎ ケニアでWHO破傷風ワクチンからHCGが検出され、発展途上国での懸念が高まる、科学研究、2017年10月10日
⚫︎ 不妊症:「ワクチン」に含まれる秘密の成分によって無実の人々に何が行われたのか、The Exposé、2022年1月7日
⚫︎ 不妊症:極悪非道なアジェンダ, NairaGator, 9 July 2022
⚫︎ 世界人口削減のためにワクチンを使うというWHOの "極悪非道 "な計画を暴露する新しいドキュメンタリー、Children's Health Defense、2022年7月11日

Dr. Andrew Wakefield: Fertility rates are dropping dramatically, we are on an extinction curve
ON NOVEMBER 20, 2023

Fertility rates in both men and women are dropping dramatically for many unknown reasons, Dr. Andrew Wakefield told Mike Adams, host of Health Ranger Report, last year shortly before the release of his latest film.

“Sperm counts are plummeting, infertility in women in general is so much worse particularly, apparently, in the face of the HPV vaccine, for example, and the covid vaccine.  So, we have known causes of infertility, deliberately by the hand of man, and then all these other causes.  And we now have a situation where the natality, the birth rate, in all countries is exceeded by the death rate.  In other words, we are on an extinction curve,” he told Adams.

“My betting,” Dr. Wakefield said, “is that vaccines play, along with other environmental toxins, a very large part.”

The edited video clip above is taken from THIS interview.  The clip begins at timestamp 16:52.

In the early 1990s, Dr. Wakefield began to study a possible link between the measles virus and bowel disease. At a 1998 press conference, Dr. Wakefield suggested the MMR vaccines be separated into their component parts until further safety studies were done. It set off a media firestorm. Years later, the persecution of Dr. Wakefield began in earnest. He was punished for his temerity to caution the public about vaccine risks and to urge them to use their own judgment. Dr. Wakefield was punished for upholding vaccination choice.

Read more: UKHSA nudges festival-goers to get MMR vaccines

Dr. Wakefield has since turned his talents to filmmaking.  Until last year, he had released three films: ‘Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe’ (2016); ‘Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth’ (2019); and, ‘1986: The Act’ (2020).  He has also authored a book titled ‘Callous Disregard: Autism and Vaccines: The Truth Behind a Tragedy’.

Shortly after his interview with Mike Adams, Dr. Wakefield released his fourth film: ‘Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda’.  The film was made in collaboration with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Children’s Health Defense. It tells the chilling tale of African women whose fertility was tragically stripped away through an experimental tetanus vaccination programme. The film details the World Health Organisation’s (“WHO’s”) intentions to produce an anti-fertility vaccine in response to perceived overpopulation, and how such vaccines have been used – without people’s knowledge or consent – since the mid-’90s.

Although the film focuses on WHO’s tetanus vaccination programme in Kenya, it is not the only country whose women have fallen victim to the anti-fertility vaccine.  In October of 1994, Comite Pro Vida de Mexico (“CPVM”) was suspicious of a WHO tetanus vaccine campaign that called for repeated vaccinations but only for women of child-bearing years. CPVM acquired several vials of the anti-tetanus shots administered and found human chorionic gonadotropin (“HCG”) in some of them. The pro-life group Human Life International found out that similar campaigns targeting women aged 15-45 had occurred in the Philippines, and aged 12-49 in Nicaragua.

Read more: Gates, WHO, and Abortion Vaccines, Frontier Centre for Public Policy, 19 July 2020

Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda describes how the anti-fertility vaccine works, the history of its development and how its use in unsuspecting Kenyan women was discovered.

When a woman is pregnant, her baby produces HCG through the placenta. It’s the first signal that tells the woman she’s pregnant. It tells the ovaries to produce a second hormone called progesterone that then maintains the pregnancy.

If you create antibodies against HCG, the minute the new baby forming in the woman’s womb starts producing HCG, it is destroyed like it was bacteria or viruses, so that the signal is completely lost, and therefore, the ovaries do not produce progesterone. So, if you have high enough levels of anti-HCG antibodies, then the woman would become sterile.

How a woman develops antibodies to HCG, effectively, an autoimmune disease where the body is attacking itself is a question that was asked and answered by vaccine developers seeking to create an antifertility vaccine on behalf of the World Health Organization, starting in the early 1970s. This research and development program was undertaken in response to perceived overpopulation.

WHO, through its task force on vaccines for fertility regulation has been supporting research on a synthetic vaccine against the HCG molecule. To immunise a woman against getting pregnant or abort a successful pregnancy, scientists discovered that physically combining the beta subunit of HCG with the tetanus toxoid used in the routine tetanus vaccine was the most effective approach.

Not only did the woman develop antibodies against tetanus, she also produced antibodies against HCG, including that produced by her own body. But, despite support from Kenya’s leaders and what were described as elite groups, the antifertility program faced challenges. Women’s groups were concerned about the potential for abuse because women in the vaccine trials had already been sterilized without their knowledge or consent.

The Catholic Women’s League of the Philippines had won a court order halting a UNICEF antifertility program specifically using tetanus vaccine laced with HCG.  By the time of the order, 3 million women had already been vaccinated, but by 1995, for those in favour of fertility control in Kenya, the time for action was long overdue. The World Health Organisation (“WHO”) brought in a tetanus campaign saying they wanted to eradicate neonatal tetanus.

Tetanus injections were already being given to all the pregnant women who attended antenatal clinics to prevent neonatal tetanus. But WHO said they also want to give them outside pregnancy.  The question is why?

In 1995, WHO planned a tetanus vaccine campaign in Kenyan women of childbearing age.  That same year, at a conference in Houston, Texas in 1995, Dr. Stephen K. Karanja had learned of anti-fertility campaigns in other countries under the guise of tetanus vaccination programmes and became immediately suspicious of the tetanus campaign in his own country, Kenya.

Dr. Karanja prevailed upon the leaders of the Catholic church, a very large healthcare provider, to demand that the campaign vaccines be tested for HCG. On this occasion, the government shared their concerns. Without explanation, the WHO apparently abandoned its campaign.

19 years later, however, WHO was back, this time with the Kenyan government’s blessing. A neonatal tetanus program was started in October of that year.  The Catholic Church decided to take the testing of vaccines for HCG into its own hands. The vaccines that were tested were collected from the field during the time of the March 2014 campaign.

Three independent accredited laboratories tested samples from vials of the WHO tetanus vaccine being used in March 2014 and found HCG where none should be present. In October 2014, six additional vials were obtained by Catholic doctors and were tested in six accredited laboratories. HCG was found in half the samples.  All the tests showed that the vaccine used in Kenya in March and October 2014 was laced with serum Beta HCG.

The story made headlines around the world. In an effort to limit the fallout, the government stepped in. It was then agreed that there would be a joint committee of experts to test the vaccines, so there were three people from the government and three people appointed by the Catholic bishops.

Dr. Nicholas Muraguri, the government’s director of medical services, contracted AgriQ Quest to undertake an analysis of the vaccines. Some of the vaccines were contaminated with beta HCG.  But Dr. Muraguri, on behalf of the government, wrote to AgriQ Quest demanding that they alter the results to reflect that the vaccines were safe to be administered.  AgriQ Quest refused. The government went on the attack.

WHO was extremely angry, and you do not, you do not, repeat, you do not confront WHO in Africa, Dr. Karanja said.

The altercation forced WHO and UNICEF to respond, accusing the Catholic church of peddling misinformation without any scientific evidence. The government publicly denounced the Catholic Church’s concerns as baseless pronouncements.

For Drs. Karanja and Wahome Ngare, the backlash had just begun.

Dr. Karanja, who also became a vociferous opponent of covid injections died in April 2021.  The notorious disseminator of propaganda, misinformation and disinformation, the BBC, claimed that he had “succumbed to the [covid] virus, weeks after saying the jabs were totally unnecessary.”

As stated in the film, the late Dr. Karanja had a message for the rest of the world: “When they’re through with Africa, they’re coming for you. Keep your children ready. They will come for them, and they’ll come for you.”

You can watch the movie for free and read the transcript after signing up by entering your email address HERE or you can watch the film below.

Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda, 29 June 2022 (29 mins)
Further reading:

HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World, Scientific Research, 10 October 2017
Infertility: What Was Done to Innocent People with Secret Ingredients in “Vaccines”, The Exposé, 7 January 2022
Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda, NairaGator, 9 July 2022
New Documentary Exposes WHO’s ‘Diabolical’ Plan to Use Vaccines to Reduce Global Population, Children’s Health Defense, 11 July 2022
