







どの政府も単独でパンデミックの脅威に対処することはできない - 我々は団結しなければならない、英国政府、2021年3月30日


数ヶ月のうちに、2021年5月の第74回世界保健総会(以下、WHA)で議題となったのは、"WHOの健康緊急事態への備えと対応の強化 "でした。 WHA閉会演説で、テロリストのテドロスはこう言った:



「世界の人々の安全は、各国政府の善意にのみ頼ることはできない。 すべての政府は自国の国民に対して責任を持ち、説明責任を負うが、加盟国は世界レベルで互いに説明責任を果たしてこそ、自国の国民の安全を本当に守ることができる」

世界保健機関(WHO): 第74回世界保健総会閉幕、2021年5月31日

G7議長国の一環として、英国は2021年6月11~13日にコーンウォールのカービス・ベイでG7サミットを開催しました。 パンデミック対策に関する多くのコミットメントを得ることができました。5月の第74回世界保健総会での決議に基づき、パンデミック準備と対応におけるWHOの役割を強化するものである



翌年、ドイツのG7議長国であった2022年5月19日から20日までの2日間、ベルリンでG7保健大臣会合が開催されました。 その結果、G7保健大臣は、WHOの役割と将来のパンデミックへの備えを強化する「パンデミックと闘う協定」に合意しました。




G7保健大臣会合閉幕: 遠大な決定が採択される、ドイツ連邦保健省、2022年5月20日

翌月、Wellcome Trustは、2022年6月26日から28日までドイツで開催されたG7サミットにおいて、パンデミックの脅威に直面したドイツG7議長国の進展を賞賛する記事を発表しました。


G7 2022のコミュニケでパンデミック対策協定が承認されたことは、拡大する感染症の脅威に対する世界的な対応と回復力を構築する上で、正しい方向への重要な一歩となります。この協定は、次のパンデミックを引き起こす可能性のある新種の病原体を監視し、迅速に対応するために極めて重要である。






2023年になり、日本がG7の議長国を務めることになりました。 2023年のG7サミットは金曜日に始まり、G7は世界的なパンデミックへの対応に関する声明を発表する予定です。

今度のG7サミットの声明文にどんなことが書かれているか、何か推測はありますか? 「パンデミック条約」の文章は、ボルソーバー選出の国会議員マーク・フレッチャーが有権者に保証したように、今後1年間かけて形成、発展、交渉されるものではなく、むしろ、あらゆる意味ですでに書かれているという印象を受けますか? パンデミック条約は、彼らが考える限り、既成事実化されていると感じないか? もしそうなら、なぜフレッチャーが示したように、2024年まで承認するのを待つのでしょうか。それは、おそらく、すべての国が賛成しているわけではないからだ。

当初、米国はいわゆるパンデミック条約に法的拘束力を持たせる文言を盛り込むことに反対していた。 しかし、2021年12月、バイデン政権はWHAの特別会合に提出された決議案を支持した。 しかし、G7の計画にはさらなる混乱が生じる可能性がある。

中国とロシアは、「パンデミック条約」以外の理由とはいえ、G7が自分たちの議題に乗せるのは難しいと判断するかもしれない。 Financial Expressは、この2カ国がG7リーダーにとって最重要課題であることを示唆し、G7リーダーが次回の会合で焦点を当てるべきいくつかの問題を強調しました:

● G7にとって最大の課題のひとつは、グループ外の国々、特に「グローバル・サウス」と呼ばれる国々を取り込むことである。これらの国々は、近隣の大国や中国に愛想を尽かすかもしれない。

● ウクライナへの侵攻に対するロシアへの罰則は、その幅と深さにおいて前例のないものである。それでも、衰退しながらも、ロシア経済は持ちこたえ続けている。逆に、反攻の準備を進めているウクライナに対しては、統一的な支持を示すことになる。

● G7首脳は、世界第2位の経済大国である中国にどう取り組むか、という問題に頭を悩ませている。

● サミット会場の広島は、日本が第二次世界大戦の末期に米国から二度にわたって核兵器で爆撃されたことを強く意識させる場所である。今、核兵器の監視をめぐる構造は、ほころびを見せている。

● 米国のジョー・バイデン大統領は、自国の債務上限問題に追われながら、G7に参加した。

● フランスとイタリアの首脳は、政府間の揉め事を経て広島にやってくる。

● トルコでは5月28日に決選投票が行われるが、エルドアン大統領は第1回投票で予想以上の結果を残した。

● この会議は、アラブ連盟の指導者が集まる時期と重なり、シリアのバッシャール・アル・アサド大統領が、「アラブの春」の反乱で始まった反対派への弾圧から10年以上経って復職したことを受けて、顔を出す可能性があります。シリアにおける彼の残虐行為について、米国やその他の国から長年にわたって批判されてきたが、シリアの指導者はテーブルに復帰したも同然である。

以上のようなことが水面下で進行しているため、「パンデミック条約」が十字砲火に巻き込まれることを願うしかない。たとえパンデミック条約が棚上げされたとしても、それはWHOが世界保健の独裁者になるための弓の一本紐に過ぎない。 国際保健規則の改正案も、その目的を達成することになる。  #ExitTheWHO

G7 Summit to issue another statement on the Pandemic Treaty
ON MAY 19, 2023

According to Japan’s Yomiuri newspaper, the Group of 7 (“G7”) – Britain, Canada, the European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States – is considering whether to issue a statement on a global pandemic response at the 19-21 May G7 summit in Japan’s city of Hiroshima.

Japan took over the G7 presidency in 2023 but the idea of a ‘Pandemic Treaty’ became a news item two years earlier.

In March 2021, then UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson together with other world leaders announced that nations should work together towards a new international treaty for pandemic preparedness and response. “It would be rooted in the constitution of the World Health Organisation … Existing global health instruments, especially the International Health Regulations, would underpin such a treaty,” the announcement said.

The main goal of this treaty would be to foster an all of government and all of society approach, strengthening national, regional and global capacities and resilience to future pandemics. This includes greatly enhancing international co-operation to improve, for example, alert systems, data-sharing, research and local, regional and global production and distribution of medical and public health counter-measures such as vaccines, medicines, diagnostics and personal protective equipment.

It would also include recognition of a “One Health” approach that connects the health of humans, animals and our planet.

No government can address the threat of pandemics alone – we must come together, UK Government, 30 March 2021
Further reading: Peter Daszak, Jeffrey Sachs and Anthony Fauci Have Been Spreading the Nefarious “One Health” Ideology

Within a couple of months, it was on the agenda at the 74th World Health Assembly (“WHA”) in May 2021: “Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies.”  During his WHA closing speech, Tedros the Terrorist said:

“[The WHA] approved a historic resolution on strengthening WHO preparedness and response for emergencies … the reports of the IPPR, the IHR [International Health Regulations] review committee and the IOSC are unanimous in their view that the world needs a stronger WHO at the centre of the global health architecture.

“The theme of this assembly, as you know, is ending this pandemic and preventing the next one … the challenges we face are profound and so must be the solutions we design. Strengthening WHO certainly means strengthening the secretariat but it also means strengthening the bond between member states … The one recommendation that I believe will do most to strengthen both WHO and global health security is the recommendation of a treaty on pandemic preparedness and response.

“We need … an overarching framework for connecting the political, financial and technical mechanisms needed for strengthening global health security … The safety of the world’s people cannot rely solely on the goodwill of governments.  Every government is responsible for and accountable to its own people but member states can only truly keep their own people safe if they are accountable to each other at the global level.”

World Health Organisation: Closing of the 74th World Health Assembly, 31 May 2021
As part of its G7 Presidency, the UK hosted the G7 Summit in Carbis Bay, Cornwall on 11-13 June 2021.  It yielded many commitments to pandemic preparedness. The plan is to strengthen the role of WHO in pandemic preparedness and response in accordance with the resolution made at the 74th World Health Assembly in May.

The 2021 communiqué contained an endorsement of the G7 Carbis Bay Health Declaration, which goes into detail about the actions to “ensure all countries are better equipped to prevent, detect, respond to, and recover from health crises”. First among these actions was strengthening the “One Health” approach to prevention and preparedness.

Read more: G7 leaders commit to greater pandemic preparedness (again), The Lancet, July 2021

The following year, during Germany’s G7 Presidency, a two-day G7 Health Minister’s meeting was held in Berlin from 19–20 May 2022.  The result was that the G7 health ministers agreed on a “pact to fight pandemics” which strengthened the role of WHO and preparedness for future pandemics.

It is a great achievement that as the G7 we have succeeded in agreeing on a pandemic pact.

The WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence in Berlin will serve as a central hub so that data can be faster and better analysed and used.

… we need a strong WHO, global pandemic monitoring and mobile, well-trained intervention teams on the ground. How these structures can be put in place is one of the topics ministers will be discussing during their two-day meeting, together with representatives of WHO and the EU Commission.

Closing of G7 Health Ministers’ Meeting: Far-reaching decisions adopted, German Federal Ministry of Health, 20 May 2022
The following month, Wellcome Trust published an article praising the German G7 Presidency for progress made in facing pandemic threats at the G7 Summit held in Germany from 26 to 28 June 2022.

“Behind the headlines on the summit, the G7 leaders’ communiqué does mark some notable – at times hard-won – progress, a credit to the German presidency bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders,” Wellcome’s European Government Relations Lead wrote.

The [G7 2022] communiqué’s endorsement of the Pact for Pandemic Readiness marks a significant step in the right direction for building global response and resilience to the threat of escalating infectious diseases. This Pact will be crucial for monitoring and rapidly responding to novel pathogens which could cause the next pandemic.

With technical meetings on the agenda in autumn to develop the roadmap to implementation.

The Pact for Pandemic Readiness is not the first G7 initiative for pandemic preparedness. The 100 Days Mission, launched under last year’s UK Presidency, aims to reduce the impact of future pandemics through the ambitious target to develop vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics within 100 days from pandemic detection.

This communiqué is a marker of good progress but there is still a long way to go highlighting the importance of continuing these discussions during the handover to Japan for the next G7 presidency in 2023.

G7 progress against pandemic threats is promising – now they must act, Wellcome, 1 July 2022
Related: There’s No Doubt There Will Be More Pandemics Because They’re Intentionally Creating Them

We are now in 2023 and Japan has the presidency of the G7.  The 2023 G7 Summit begins on Friday and the G7 is set to issue a statement on a global pandemic response.

Any guesses about what the statement from the upcoming G7 Summit might say?  Do you get the impression the text of the ‘Pandemic Treaty’ is not being shaped, developed and negotiated over the next year as Mark Fletcher, Member of Parliament for Bolsover, assured his constituent but rather that it has, for all intents and purposes, already been written?  Do you get the feeling the Pandemic Treaty is, as far as they believe, a fait accompli?  If so, why are they waiting until 2024 to approve the text as Fletcher indicated? Because, perhaps, not all countries are on board.

Initially, the US had opposed the inclusion of language that would have made the so-called pandemic treaty legally binding.  However, in December 2021, the Biden Administration supported a draft resolution that was submitted to a special session of the WHA.  But there could be further disruptions to the G7’s plans.

China and Russia may prove difficult for G7 to get on board with their agenda, albeit for reasons other than the ‘Pandemic Treaty’.  The Financial Express suggested that the two countries are top problems for G7 leaders and highlighted some problems G7 leaders should focus on at their upcoming meeting:

One of the biggest challenges for the G7 is to enlist nations outside the group, especially those in what is known as the Global South. These countries may attach themselves to the bigger power in their own neighbourhood, or to China.

The penalties on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine are unprecedented in their breadth and depth. And yet, while diminished, the Russian economy continues to hold up. Conversely, there will be a unified show of support for Ukraine, which is gearing up for a counter-offensive.

G7 leaders are grappling with the question of how to tackle China, the world’s second-largest economy.

The Summit location of Hiroshima is a potent reminder that Japan was bombed twice with nuclear weapons by the US in the dying days of World War II. Now the architecture around the monitoring of nuclear arsenals is fraying.

US President Joe Biden comes to the G-7 chased by a debt ceiling crisis at home.

The leaders of France and Italy come to Hiroshima after a period of tussling between their governments.

Turkey is facing a runoff election on 28 May with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan faring better in the first round than predicted.

The meeting coincides with a gathering of the Arab League leadership, where Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad may turn up following his reinstatement more than a decade after his crackdown on opponents started during the Arab Spring uprisings. For all the years of criticism by the US and others for his brutality in Syria, the Syrian leader is very much back at the table.

With all of the above going on behind the scenes, we can but hope the ‘Pandemic Treaty’ gets caught in the crossfire. Even if the Pandemic Treaty were shelved, it is only one string to WHO’s bow to become global health dictator.  The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations would also achieve their aims.   #ExitTheWHO
