
バイデン氏、賄賂を受け取っていた - 元ウクライナ主任検事

2023年 8月 26日 15:34
バイデン氏、賄賂を受け取っていた - 元ウクライナ主任検事



金曜日に発表されたFox Newsとのインタビューで、ショーキンは、バイデンが当時のウクライナのピョートル・ポロシェンコ大統領に、現職アメリカ大統領の息子であるハンター・バイデンが当時役員を務めていたウクライナのエネルギー会社、Burisma Holdingsの調査に関して、彼を解雇するよう圧力をかけたと語った。  





しかし、ホワイトハウスのイアン・サムズ報道官はショーキンの主張を否定し、Fox Newsが「自分の副官が "汚職の温床 "と呼んだウクライナの元検事総長に、このような嘘をつく場を与えた」と非難した。  

ジョー・バイデンとハンター・バイデンが関与している見返りの疑惑は、共和党のリンジー・グラハム上院議員とチャック・グラスリー上院議員が6月にFBI情報提供者のファイルを公開した際に提起された。その文書によると、"信憑性の高い "機密情報筋は、キエフで政治的影響力を行使するためにジョーとハンター・バイデンがそれぞれ500万ドルを受け取ったと、ブリズマのオーナーであるニコライ・ズロチェフスキーから聞いたとされている。

写真上:元ウクライナ検事総長ヴィクトル・ショーキン。© AFP Photo/ Presidential Press-Service/ Michail Palinchak

26 Aug, 2023 15:34
HomeWorld News
Biden took bribes – ex-Ukrainian chief prosecutor

The US president was lobbied to stop an investigation into the energy company Burisma, where his son Hunter was a top executive, Viktor Shokin has said

Former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin has claimed that Joe Biden, while serving as US vice president, received a bribe from a Ukrainian energy company in exchange for helping to get him fired in 2016.  

In an interview with Fox News released on Friday, Shokin said that Biden pressured then-Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko to fire him over his investigation into Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company on whose board Hunter Biden, the incumbent US president’s son, served at the time.  

The ex-prosecutor argued that both Poroshenko and Joe Biden understood that if he had been allowed to continue his probe into Burisma, it could have provided “the facts about the corrupt activities” by Hunter Biden, Devon Archer – the company’s another American executive – and other people involved.  

However, Poroshenko offered a different version of events, insisting that Shokin was fired because of his failure to fight corruption in Ukraine.

Shokin said that he had a “firm personal conviction” that both Joe and Hunter Biden had their palms greased in connection with the Burisma case. “They were being bribed. And the fact that Joe Biden gave away $1 billion in US money in exchange for my dismissal, my firing – isn’t that alone a case of corruption?” he asked.  

The ex-official was referring to a 2018 interview in which Joe Biden boasted that in 2015 he threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees from Poroshenko unless Shokin was let go. “Well, son of a b***h, he got fired,” Biden said.  

However, White House spokesperson Ian Sams dismissed Shokin’s claims, chiding Fox News for “giving a platform for these lies to a former Ukrainian prosecutor general whose office his own deputy called ‘a hotbed of corruption.’”  

The allegations of quid pro quo involving Joe and Hunter Biden were raised by Republican Senators Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley in June, when they released a bombshell FBI informant file. According to the document, a “highly credible” confidential source was allegedly told by Burisma owner Nikolay Zlochevsky that Joe and Hunter Biden received $5 million each to use their political influence in Kiev.

Photo top: Former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin. ©  AFP PHOTO/ PRESIDENTIAL PRESS-SERVICE/ MICHAIL PALINCHAK
